Counterfeit Reality

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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 49)

"If I follow the skid marks they should bring me to a road & hopefully shelter, or they'll just lead me to a place where I shouldn't be"

"I shouldn't think like that otherwise I might end up getting nowhere, keep going & find a road..."

"Keep going and find a road"
Tessa repeatedly told herself whilst following the marks after the break she had a couple minutes prior, thinking that should be enough
Getting up from the ground, Tessa had a quick look over her arms,
Looking around the area to see if there were any other tracks but there were none, only skid marks which may or may not lead somewhere
If only she wasn't far from home then this wouldn't be too bad, a long walk covered in mud amid a downpour couldn't make that any worse

Making her way through a makeshift parking lot, she noticed a road which looked like it led out of there

"There's some cars here, maybe I could wait until someone returns?"
"Instead of walking down a road which lasts for who knows how many miles, but then again who is to say how long I'd have to wait"
Querying herself before she decided that the sooner she walks down the road the better, also if someone saw her then they'd stop
In case someone couldn't stop in time Tessa started walking down one side of the road, as well as trying to get some mud out of her fur

Soon the parking lot behind her faded into darkness, as the harsh wind was blowing against her fur with each & every step
Using the occasional headlight in the distance like a beacon...
An exhausted Tessa got off of the rough road and stepped onto some grass, she could now see a neighbourhood not too far from where she was

"Please tell me that's it & there's no more walking"
She thought to herself
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Nice job! I hope that Tessa is able to find shelter and/or help.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by NHWestoN »

I remember that kinda walking back when I had a job up in Maine.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Still enjoying everything about this! Keep it up!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 50)

Ranger & Dart were at the crash site waiting to see if the cat who had just recently exited the object would return
They were arguing wether or not it was a smart move

--Ranger "I dunno, are you sure this is a good idea?"

--Dart "Why shouldn't we?"

--Ranger "They might come back,"

"Well, the cat is long gone and I don't think they are coming back"
Dart got out of the bush & scurried towards the strange object, Ranger was acting as lookout for him

--Ranger "It isn't the cat I'm worried about, it is whoever owns that thing"

"They are long gone, nowhere in sight..."
Dart looked into the crater from the edge he was standing on, before descending into the crater

--Ranger "You aren't listening, are you?"

--Dart "I know who you're on about, don't worry they were scared off"

--Ranger "Scared off?"
"I think what you mean is that they didn't want to leave any witnesses"

--Dart "Exactly my point, they're not going to be around anymore"

--Ranger "That is how we almost got into trouble earlier, get out of that crater over there and call it a day"

"Give me a moment, I'll have a quick look"
After walking around the object, Dart inspected where it had opened up only to find there was nothing much on the inside
Red flashing lights where inside the small cavity alongside electronic beeps which would occasionally go off

--Dart "Is there anyone around?"

--Ranger "I can't see anyone, just get up here and let's go"

--Dart "I'm coming back up ok?"

--Ranger "Finally..."


In the wake of trekking almost all night, Tessa was now on pavement instead of the makeshift road which she was on prior
She could see plenty of lights on in the houses and buildings but Tessa couldn't see anyone out, maybe it was due to the time

"Nobody is out here at all?..."
"No worries just gotta find somewhere & wait until the morning"
Walking on the pavement was becoming more difficult due to exhaustion, Tessa finally collapsed
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Poor Tessa, I hope someone finds her soon. I bet she's got quite a story to tell. Great chapter.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Once again a great job on this! Can't believe that there are already 50 amazing chapters!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Hope someone finds Tessa soon. Very nice chapter!
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 51)

--FR5-- "Any second now, get to your positions"

--Leo "Got it..."

Echo looked over his shoulder to watch the chamber to their right open up from the corners, the light from the room could only light up so much
Inside both sides were dark and it was hard enough to tell where anyone was in there, if there was anyone that is

--Echo "Anyone there?"
Quickly looking in both sides Echo could only see a rough shape of a pet, a black & white cat which became visible as they emerged from the dark
Still in a panic the collie checked the other side only to find nobody there, second guessing themselves as of wether or not someone was there

"Uh, hello is anyone there?"
As the cat was waiting for a response from Echo but they got no answer,
Watching the dog rush over to the other chamber, almost tripping themselves up in the process

"Come on, you need to get out of there..."
Cried out Echo as he knew there was little to no time left because of those he wasted during the first chamber
Worrying that there wasn't enough time, Echo turned around only to see that two dogs came from the chamber Leo was tasked to deal with

A cream and brown one and what looked like a welsh springer
Hearing the chambers slam shut caused Echo to jump before starting to bang the closed door

--Leo "Is there a problem over there?"

--Echo "I don't know, I think someone is still left inside..."

--Leo "Stop whatever your doing and listen for a moment, do you hear anyone on the other side?"

--Echo "There's nothing but how do"

--Leo "Grape was the last one who was"

"My apologies for this but what's going on here and where are we?"
Interrupting the conversation, the black and white cat stepped in

--Echo "Who are you?"
"Also that is a long story"


"Hey, who was it that was taken?"
FR4 asked Grape

"Well I don't know all of them but I do remember Sasha was first followed by two from a shelter and another two a couple weeks later"
Grape listed off the missing pets that she was aware of

--Grape "Then there was Echo but I don't know when or where he was taken"

--FR4-- "We are missing one then"

"Don't tell me"
Grape thought as she looked down at the collar which she was holding

--Grape "No, we are not missing one..."
"They just didn't make it"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Ooh, a new character. Looks like Leo is settling into being with Echo and Grape. Good job.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see what will happen with this new character that we just met! That is a sign of how engaging this story is! ^.^
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I can't wait to see what will happen with this new character that we just met! That is a sign of how engaging this story is! ^.^

Chapter 52)

Tessa finally woke up on top of what she guessed was a medical bed, not too different than the one at the vets
Still feeling a bit hazy from the crash and the trek, Tessa didn't notice there was someone watching her from the other side of the room
Upon seeing that the cat was awake the person quickly left the room, through the door Tessa could see a reception desk?

--Tessa "Hey wait a second, where am I?"

No answer was given as the door closed behind them, leaving Tessa in the room alone for the time being

"Well at least I am somewhere, not exactly sure of where but it is a start"

Before she could get her bearings the person returned with someone else by their side,

--Tessa "Finally, could either of you two please tell me where I am?"

--??? "Skipping introductions, very well then but I'm Emma and that person over there is Charlie"
"You're in one of Babylon's animal shelters, I could go get a map if that's ok?"

--Tessa "Babylon?..."

--Emma "Babylon Gardens, not from around here are you?"

--Tessa "Sorry, just"

"It's alright, no need to rush things"
Emma interrupted the cat

"A couple weeks ago we had two shelter animals go missing, I don't know about this"
Charlie whispered to Emma

--Tessa "Not trying to be rude but I heard that"
"Also, missing animals here?..."

"Told you this was a bad idea"
Charlie mumbled

--Emma "Go back to the reception Charlie, I'll do what I can here"

"Will do, at least my job isn't on the line this time..."
Charlie remarked, leaving the room

--Tessa "Anyway what was he on about, missing animals?"

--Emma "Two missing animals, a cat and a dog"
"Are you alright, any injuries that we should be aware of?"

--Tessa "I'm fine, wait..."
"How did I end up here?"

--Emma "You were left on our doorstep so to speak"
"I don't think leaving you on the pavement during this cold night is on anyone's mind, where did you come from?"

--Tessa "It doesn't matter, can I rest here?"

--Emma "There's been a handful of missing pets around here"
"All things considered, I think the police would like to ask you some questions"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really like what you have been accomplishing here! Please continue this story as much as you can!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Good to see someone found her, hopefully she can help make things right. Nice chapter :)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Very nice chapter! Hopefully, Tessa can help the cops find out how the pets were taken.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 53)

--FR3-- "I'd advise that you go down there and wait for FR5's instructions, meanwhile me and FR4 will enter the main body of this platform"

--Grape "What about the collar though..."

--FR3-- "Don't draw any attention to that, there's a chance that nobody here even knows who it belongs to"

--Grape "Isn't like they can't smell it or possibly recognise it, nothing could possibly go wrong then"

--FR4-- "If it wasn't for you two then FR1 & FR2 would still be with us"

--FR3-- "Drop it, the both of you"

--FR4-- "Hey it isn't our planet that's at risk..."
"We already lost the war, you do realize that don't you?"

--FR3-- "What are you getting at?"

--FR4-- "Look at what was salvaged from the wreckage, not exactly the most cohesive military or gear by any stretch of the imagination"
"Our boarding craft recently engaged something just cause it flew past them, couldn't make any ID before it was destroyed..."

--Grape "Wait, you did what?!"

--FR3-- "It came from the platform, who is to say that it was friendly"

--FR4-- "We shouldn't just fire upon anything that we can't identify unless if it attacks first"

--Grape "Perhaps nobody would even be aware of that?"


--??? "Remy here and I don't think anyone cares if it is a long story, it isn't like there's anywhere else where we could be"

"Alright time for a head count first, cats to the left and dogs to the right..."
Echo watched the pets separate into two groups

--Leo "Is this really necessary?"

--Echo "Well Grape never told me who went missing, only the rough number"

--Leo "With that being said, everyone just stay where you are whilst we are waiting for someone to come back"
"In the meantime, I'll just leave Echo over here to get you all up to speed on our current predicament"

--Echo "As you have probably noticed by now this isn't your home or whatever, do we have a way to get back to where we belong?"
"No, we don't have a way back currently but we are working on that"


"Before I go and give the other animals here their food, are you hungry or perhaps you need something to drink?"
Charlie asked Tessa after opening the door slightly

--Tessa "No thanks, I think I'm good for now..."

--Charlie "Okay then just checking"
"You know, you don't have to stay in that room?"

--Tessa "Still I'm going to be leaving this room when they arrive, really no point of tiring myself out until then..."

--Charlie "Well I'd say get comfortable but considering the circumstances"

--Tessa "I'm aware of the circumstances, not exactly sure if anyone else is though"

--Charlie "This wouldn't have anything to do with what was on the news, would it?"

--Tessa "I don't know, what was on the news?..."

--Charlie "Something about a squirrel & the ECP, anyway I think it is best to leave you be and continue on with my job"

"See you around or whenever then..."
Tessa watched Charlie leave, closing the door behind him
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Nice chapter. Looks like Grape, Leo, ad Echo
Are getting more organized.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really love what you did with this chapter! Its so amazing!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 53, part 2)

A car's engine was just be barely audible as Tessa was still waiting in the room, she had a little walk around but still pondered what she would have to eventually say

"Guess that's them or maybe it is just someone wanting to give a pet another home at such a late time"
"Wait a second, when I get there they aren't going to believe a single word that I say"

Taking a few deep breaths trying to steady her nerves despite the current situation and what happened only a couple hours prior
Anything & everything was running through her head once she could hear Charlie and Emma speaking to someone on the other side of the door

Before she could prepare herself, Emma opened the door which Tessa was leaning up against causing the cat to fall onto the floor


Emma offered to help me up, after all she did cause this but Charlie was explaining the current situation to a K9
I didn't pay too much attention to what they looked like, all I cared about was getting someone who would listen to me
Hopefully I would get some answers too but I wasn't counting on that

--???  "I'm guessing this is the cat that you two were talking about..."

--Charlie "Yeah she is"

--??? "Do they have a shelter name or anything similar?"

--Tessa "I don't have a shelter name but I'm Tessa"

--??? "Ok then Tessa, we are going to give you a little ride to the station where we will ask you some questions?"

--Tessa "Alright I'll go..."

(One drive to the police station later)

"Just calm down there's nothing to be worried about, say that you ended up lost after an accident"
"Try to not go into too much detail otherwise that might compliment things"

Here I was in what I could only guess would be an interrogation room, watching the camera which was probably recording me
In front of the chair was a table held together by tape from either side


Tessa waited in the room for some time until a K9 entered through the door

--Fido "Tessa before we start, could you hold up five fingers?"

"Isn't that a--"
She paused for a moment, watching the dog's reaction to their response

--Tessa "Wait, why would you ask me to do that?..."
"Of course I can hold up five fingers, I'm not dumb"

--Fido "Nobody is calling you dumb, we are currently dealing with two very different situations that are occurring"
"You just appeared out of nowhere, the question is where did you come from & how?"

--Tessa "I was in a crash"

--Fido "What kind of crash, a car crash or a plane?"

--Tessa "Neither of those two but you wouldn't believe me if I told you..."

--Fido "Considering what has happened in the last couple of nights, I'm open to new ideas"

--Tessa "I don't know what you're on about?"

"Wouldn't believe me if I told ya"
Fido jokingly replied to Tessa
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Nice job! I like how you are integrating the Marion storyline into the story. Hopefully, our K-9s will get some good and helpful information.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 53, part 3)

--Tessa "First things first, how I got here and from where?"
"I wish I could tell you where we were all taken from and where exactly we were brought to but I don't think it is going to be easy getting there"

"How come, let's just go back to the last thing that you remember?"
Fido suggested to Tessa before closing the door behind him

--Tessa "The last thing that I remember before I was taken or after?..."

--Fido "If you could tell us where you were before you were taken that would be useful, help us narrow it down"

"Somewhere in Utah but that might just be me remembering where someone said they were from..."
Tessa rested her right paw on the table and started tapping one of her fingers against it

--Fido "Look, is there anything else that you would like to tell us perhaps how you got here?"
"I'm going to leave you here for a couple moments, I'll be right back..."


"See what did I tell you, those two were up to something!"
James told Fin, unaware of Fido entering the room as they were going through the footage picked up by the trail cameras

--Fin "Just because they're on camera means nothing, we could go out there again and they'll be long gone"

"Are you two busy doing something?"
Fido asked Fin's supervisor who was sitting on a chair whilst Fin was beside him watching the footage

--James "Currently just going over some footage, Fin can help you with something if you need it..."

--Fin "Let me guess, finally got something in connection to the missing pets?"

--Fido "Not exactly..."
"I'll just let you be the judge of it considering what you've been rambling on about for the last couple of days..."
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Once again great job. Hopefully Tessa can help Fin and James in their BBC see arch for the missing pets. I wond set what those raccoons were up to? Keep up the good work.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Things are falling into place. I really want to know what the K9s have found and what their next move will be. Nicely done :)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am really continuing to enjoy this and hope that you will continue to write!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 54)

Grape left the control room before FR4 & FR3, who were checking their gear for when they enter the main platform
Coming to a stop at one of the cell doors

"Echo and I heard something probably you lot entering this place so, is it possible to open up one of those cells?"
Grape suggested as she went through the hole in the blast door

--FR4-- "Possible yes, but those don't lead anywhere apart from an early end if there is something on the other side"

--Grape "Ok then, I'll just go regroup with the others then"

--FR4-- "Remember, if you come across something just scream"

--Grape "For someone to can come to the rescue, I think can handle myself..."

--FR4-- "No I meant so that we know that we missed something"

--Grape "Alright then, I guess..."

Walking down the stairs followed behind shortly after by FR4 & FR3, waiting for the two to pass on the walkway before continuing on her way
Running through into the hallway and down the corridor she could see Echo who was over at the door where the "food" was kept

--Grape "Echo, you don't need to take anything from there..."
"We are finally going home"

--Echo "Speak for yourself"

--Grape "Is something up?"

--Echo "I don't know, tell me what's the point of all this..."

--Grape "To save the pets who were taken and return them to where they belong, how much was there when the chambers opened up"

--Echo "Wasn't paying attention, I think three..."

--Grape "I told you the exact number, how did you forget?"

--Echo "Yeah, sorry I'm not good at that cause ya know"

--Grape "Know what?"

--Echo "My memory, anyway do we have a plan for this way out or is it still being worked on?"

--Grape "We have a plan and the location for where we are leaving"

--Echo "Time to return home or in my case find a new one"
"I appreciate everything that you've done but I'm feeling like a fish out of water here..."

--Grape "Who isn't in this situation, it isn't exactly something that anyone is prepared for"

--Echo "Yeah I guess but still, going to take some getting used to that is for sure..."
Last edited by Temno the wolf on Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

You continue to do good work on this, I look forward to reading the next chapter.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I still am very impressed with this story! Keep on writing!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Nice chapter, Grape and Echo are close to being home :)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by NHWestoN »

Closer and closer - nice tension in the story.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 55)

"Errrr, who is he?"
Tessa asked when she saw Fido let in a german shepherd,

--Fin "Well I'm Fin and Fido thought I would be of use here, even though I currently have something that I am dealing with..."

--Fido "From what I gathered, you've got it recorded so I thought you could do something more proactive instead of just being reactive"

--Fin "So instead of going through the evidence that we've got, you picked up a stray from some shelter?"

--Fido "Not exac"

"Ummm, I'm right here you know?"
Tessa spoke up right before the two dogs started arguing

--Fin "Sorry, anyways Fido gave me a summary of what you told him on the way albeit a very brief one to say the least..."

--Tessa Okay well I guess we should start where myself & Fido left off at, you didn't miss much or anything of importance"

--Fido "About that, one of the pets from your group was from Utah where as you can't even answer where you came from originally..."

--Fin "Wait Utah, I've heard some interesting stories about paranormal happens from there and even a few unearthly encounters..."
Fido did not look too pleased as of what Fin was implying, leaving a puzzled look on Tessa's face

--Tessa "I might be wrong but don't those two words mean the same thing if not something similar?"

--Fido "Oh I think he is well aware of that"

--Tessa "Can I start telling you two what happened or is this going to be a reoccurring thing that I have to deal with?..."

--Fin "My bad, continue with what you were telling Fido earlier"

--Tessa "As I was saying to Fido over there..."
"I wasn't the only one in that place and I certainly wasn't the first, yes there's others in there but I don't know how many"

--Fin "Slow down for a moment, you said there were pets in this place when you were in there but what is it and more importantly where is it?"
"If you could tell us where the pets are being held then that would be appreciated"

--Tessa "I could kinda see where it was on the way here, you just have to look up into the night sky and you should be looking in its general direction"

--Fido "Look up to the stars and see the beauty of the universe"

--Fin "More like undiscovered horrors but that's fair"

--Fido "Is it really thou"

--Tessa "Actually I agree with Fin on that, as would the others if they were still with us..."

--Fin "This place then, could you point at it on a map?"

--Tessa "It isn't on any map"
"If you don't want to listen then that's fine but pets are dying up there..."

--Fin "This place is somewhere in space then?"
"Ok, how did you end up here if you were in space somewhere?"

"Already told him that"
Grumbled Tessa, sliding back the chair she was on as her ears went flat against the back of her head

--Tessa "Wanna know what I know fine so be it, I woke up strapped to a medical table in a room waning until I passed out"
"When I regained consciousness I was greeted by them, their face if you want to call it that was only inches away from mine"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that you got back to writing this story! Good job as always!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Apologies for the long wait, had something crop up recently (Everything is fine now)

Chapter 56)

--Fin "You remember a face?"
"Yes finally something that we can actually put to use"

--Tessa "I guess that's what I would call it, I remember the figures as well as what they were wearing.."
"If that is of any use to you two because I don't know if it will be considering the circumstances?"

--Fido "Well you are the closest thing that we have to a witness, credibility thrown aside due to the aforementioned circumstances"

--Tessa "Worried about my credibility meanwhile you joked to me earlier about something that I wouldn't believe, so what was it?"

--Fido "I won't go into details because of confidentiality and the understandable panic as of what occurred later"

--Fin "How come I've never heard something that would cause that?"

--Fido "Simple if people don't know about it then there won't be any unrest so to speak, their worries didn't come to fruition luckily for us"
"Back on track though, can you describe the room or the figures in it or you just bring us up to speed?"


The room looked sterile not too different from the vets albeit something was off about it, there were beds from one end of the room to the other
Could not tell if there was anyone in them because my vision was still blurry at the time, guess I was sedated or something

Once I realized that there was at least three figures in some kind of protective gear and one who was in torn rags, wearing them almost like a cloak
They started approaching me with jagged movements, twitching and shuddering as they got closer with each step
I tried to raise my left arm only to be stopped by the restraints

Tried Looking up slightly just so I see more of them although that probably wasn't the best idea, cause then I saw their face or what was left of it


--Fin "What was left of it?"

--Tessa "Don't wanna talk about it"

--Fido "Ok and were they human or a animal?"

--Tessa "Def-definitely the size of a human but there was..."

--Fido "Were they human, yes or no?..."

"Hard to tell exactly what they were but they did have a vaguely humanoid shape, but considering where w-we..."
Tessa cleared her throat

--Tessa "No they were not human and they were definitely not some mangy wolf"
"Wasting away is the best way I can describe it without going into too much detail"


There I was with this thing only a couple inches away from my face, I thought that playing dead would only get me into more bother
That's when I realized the surgeons as I'll be calling them from here on out, acted as if there wasn't a half dead creature in the same room as them
Not that they were saying anything nor would I be able to understand anything, cause it was all muffled....

What was going on is what I could only call an examination of some kind...
They were checking breathing, my heartbeat and a scan for some reason?
Luckily the examination didn't last for too long and I watched the surgeons as they left one by one, apart from that abomination staring into my soul
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Creepy. Great chapter, Tessa's story is turning out to be very interesting.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Very awesome job on writing this chapter! It had be on the edge of my seat!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Very spooky and suspenseful. Good job!
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 56, part 2)

--Tessa "I know you are probably wondering, how did I get out of there?" "
"Well the restraints might of worked if they didn't forget about the claws, and if they made 'em out of something stronger"

--Fido "Wouldn't that have taken a long stretch of time just to free the one arm?"

--Tessa "No not really and the rest was easy, kinda..."
"I got out of there without thinking twice"

--Fin "Instead of staying put?"

--Tessa "I will put it like this, you wake up after being sedated and you find yourself in a room with surgeons in protective gear examining you"
"Would you like to stay in there with who knows what else whilst having no clue as of what is going on?!?..."

--Fin "If there was people in protective hazmat suits or anything similar then yes I would, so did the surgeons do anything else that you were aware of?

--Tessa "Nothing else that I know of, only a quick examination before they left me there"
"As of that thing, pretty sure it was supposed to be there otherwise why would they be working around it?"

--Fin "Unless if that thing you described was in charge, me and James saw well errr caught something on camera that was how do I say this?..."
"In similar appearance apart from the face because we couldn't make one out, however there is a fox that wears a red cloak so..."

--Tessa "So your point is that they're here?..."

--Fido "No, Fin's point is that it could simply be mistaken identity due to the lighting and the camera"

"Have never seen a fox like that before"
Fin murmured, walking back slightly



I waited there staring up at the dim lights on the ceiling, as I could hear the beast having difficulty with each subsequent breath instilling fear
It is ok this is just a bad dream I'll wake up soon, is what I kept telling myself until I heard a loud crunch as it turned around
For a brief moment I could see the corroded metal which held together its twisted body, then it started wailing and made a beeline for me

Tried getting out of the restraints, frantically clawing at them hoping that I'd be able to cut through them before it was too late
Only a couple threads were left to go as I kept attempting to raise my right arm
My heart was pounding as I saw the beast lunge at me
Defensively I forced my right arm up, breaking the restraint and striking it right in the side of its face?
Causing it to fall over to the side but as I got the other restraints off, I couldn't find a trace of it
No body, no blood and no nothing, just me in an empty ward
Last edited by Temno the wolf on Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

This continues to be spooky and well-written. Keep up the good work!
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how each new chapter that you post keeps on giving me chills! Awesome job!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 57)

--Tessa "Where are the other pets?"
"The one on those flyers was probably there, don't know if they still are though...."

--Fin "You're sure it was her?"

--Fido "C'mon Fin, how many purple cats have you seen in general?"

--Fin "True but there is always the unlikely possibility...."

--Tessa "Like there is the unlikely possibility that you'll ever see any of them back"

--Fin "Yet here you are...."

--Tessa "Yea I am back but the others won't ever be, anyway back onto what happened"

Once I freed myself first things first I had a stretch before having a little walk around the ward, just to confirm my suspension that I was the only one in there
My first assumption was that I had been caught up in something but nothing was broken or hurting for that matter,

Most of the beds on the other side were from what I could tell empty, nobody in 'em well apart from the few that were....


--Fin "Those few what, was there anyone else there or even other victims?"
"What happened to the other pets?...."

"Fin I think you and I need to have a talk with your supervisor"
Fido suggested to Fin as he held open the door until Fin had left reluctantly, followed by the door closing shut behind Fido
Leaving Tessa alone in the room, frustrated because no one was seemingly listening


"Oh Tess say what you want but no one is listening and why should they?"
"Gotta show them how you got here, or at the very least have them search the area before something else happens...."

"It has to be staring them in the face until they'll believe it, even then I doubt that's the best idea knowing my luck the thing already caught fire"


--Echo "Grape do you think this entire, situation is a bit too easy?"

--Grape "Wait are you implying that avoiding robotic doubles and killer alien beasts is easy?...."

--Echo "You know what I meant by that, don't lie...."

--Grape "Probably but go ahead and just say it"
"I can tell that something has been gnawing at you since we ran into that FR lot, perhaps even before then...."

--Echo "A lot has been gnawing at me than just one thing, alright do you think this situation might be a trojan horse?"

--Grape "Is this about our way back bringing upon the end of the world?"

--Echo "You could say that...."

--Grape "Look there might be something else at play here but what is the point of living in fear, when you were home with Braxton tell me"
"Were you this irritable when there was a situation out of your paws or is this a new development?"

--Echo "Oh I am sorry that I don't divulge every aspect of my life just so someone who I just bumped into can criticize it and chide me for it..."
"Of course that is what you're going to do, not that they care or anyone else for that matter because why would they?"

--Grape "We all make mistakes and this situation isn't exactly stress free Echo...."
"If anything this is probably one of the most stressful situations anyone could be in, I won't expect anyone to be doing any better in such an environment"

--Echo "It is different when that,,, when my hesitation costs lives"

--Grape "What happened then?"

"Got 'em out of the first one but wasted too much time there, that last one slammed shut just as I got there"
Echo got up, still visibly shaking

--Grape "Once we are back on solid ground this entire ordeal will be behind us, nobody would even say a word about it"
"Well I would be surprised if they did, anyways there is nothing to be worried about"

"Except for losing everything you've known"
Echo let out with a slight growl before getting distracted by the chatter from the other room

--FR3-- "Once we are in and it is sealed, open up the other side that way we minimize the risk of further complications"

"Think what you mean there is civilian casualties, although you didn't care about that back then"
FR4 replied as they stood back from the door after failing to pry it open

--FR3-- "Why didn't you open it from the control panel up there?"

--FR4-- "It is easier to mess with the power than it is dealing with the locks"

--FR3-- "Surely if the power went out then shouldn't the locks disengage or have a manual override?"

--FR4-- "That is assuming this platform is being used for its original intention, which I think we can all agree that is highly unlikely..."

--FR3-- "That explains all the automation, after all why station personnel in a platform with minimal security in such a remote location?"

"Precisely, well that's my thoughts on it but I would be more worried about what is rigged"
FR4 expressed concern to the squad leader, awaiting further instruction

--FR3-- "Care to elaborate what you mean by that?"

--FR4-- "Outside of the obvious which would probably take us both out with a good portion of this room?"
"This door could be rigged to make a breach, I'm sure you know how long the backup supply will last?"

--FR3-- "We will have more than enough time to get to the rendezvous and from there we can extr..."

"Assuming it all goes to plan that is, anyways I was referring to the others"
FR4 interjected

--FR3-- "Let us assume that any attempt to get in will set it off, is there a less obvious route?"

--FR4-- "We are not pulling people out of the rubble nor is this a regular patrol"

--FR3-- "If we cut into the door and then thread a camera through it, wouldn't that work?"

"Or we could always do something similar to what we did for the chambers"
FR4 suggested

--FR3-- "Failsafes were in place when we entered this place so just create another breach, the sooner this is behind us the better"

--FR4-- "Hand me over the cutter then"


"Anyways where was I?"
Echo shook his head, sending the loose dust to scatter all across the floor and some landed on Grape

--Echo "Sorry about that"

--Grape "No need, it was probably gonna get worse before we got out of here anyways"

(A/N, author's note)

This has been the longest wait since when the site/forum went down, I do apologise for this and I haven't forgotten about the story
Truth be told, I don't do well when there is an abrupt change to routine or if something out of the blue happens
I hope that you all understand but I will try to get this back on track

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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Totally understand about abrupt changes. Keep up the good work. Glad to see you’re not giving up on the story.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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