Counterfeit Reality

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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really glad that you were able to start righting this again! I look forward to seeing whatever happens in the story!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 58)

FR4 took down one of the metal doors, when the last segment fell down FR3 took point whilst FR4 entered
Stepping over it they saw the other one was slightly open, a small gap underneath shown a glimpse of what was awaiting them
Small claw marks across the floor suggested a struggle and that whoever the victim was, probably never stood a chance
All that was left were sheddings of their claws

--FR3-- "That's not encouraging,,,"

--FR4-- "Do you want me to put up a temporary support or just finish this?"

--FR3-- "I'll provide covering fire if it is needed, attach a weight to one end and cut away along the top"

--FR4-- "Just in the one go?"
"Roger that"


A loud crashing rang out to the floors above catching the attention of all of the pets, suddenly the chatter picked up
The reality of the current situation was setting in and Echo started coming to terms with that

"Would it be possible for you two to group up with the others that you helpt rescue?"
FR5 asked, slowly walking into the corridor

--Echo "Let me guess, something came up last notice?"

--FR5-- "Actually no it is standard protocol, stay in there until I come back?"

--Echo "What if I don't?"
"Wow that didn't come off as I expected,,, sorry"
--FR5-- "It isn't an order, it is just for your safety but that's up to you"

--Echo "I dealt with some of those doubles before, Grape can back me up on that one"

--Grape "Well you did but I'm more concerned about how you figured it out"

--Echo "Isn't really that important"

--Grape "Actually it kinda is but let's just focus on where we are at now"

--FR5--"We are asking so you don't make things more difficult, if you want to tag along then so be it but do not go wandering around"
"With those doubles it is best to know who is where, you wouldn't want a mess up to happen and neither do we"

--Echo "Are you sure about that or is it in some other protocol?"

--FR5-- "It is simply for your safety as well as everyone else involved, just making it clear as of why we are asking"


"Seriously how long are they going to be, isn't like I am in trouble for anything yet nor are they listening"

"Gonna give it another couple of minutes then I'll leave if nobody returns, and then..."
"I dunno find somewhere to stay for the night and then see what comes in the morning"

"Hopefully the locals aren't too bad, well not that the people I met so far are bad but it is best not to generalise"

Tessa saw Fido gesturing for her to follow him, as he opened the door Tess was already out of the chair

--Fido "We well Fin and his supervisor went out into the woods a couple hours ago, they set up camera traps to try and record what was going on there"

--Tessa "What were they looking for?"

--Fido "Sometime after the last disappearance, videos started emerging of lights and entities stalking through the woods"

"Entities, don't you mean local wildlife?"
Tess replied sarcastically

--Fido "Very funny, anyways apparently they caught something on the cameras when  playing them back"

--Tessa "Welp, are you going to show me it then?"

--Fido "That's the idea, maybe what you saw looks similar to what cropped up in the footage"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Lovely job once again! Please never give up writing!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I'm glad you're working on this story again. I do enjoy this mystery :)
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 59)

--Tessa "So what did they record exactly?"

--Fido "Simply put something that shouldn't have been there"

"Like what?"
Tessa asked Fido as he reached the open door, Tess entered and looked at what Fin   was doing sitting on the chair whilst James left the K-9's and cat to it

--Fin "Firstly I will just go through the recording at the normal speed and let me know if you spot anything out of the usual"

--Tessa "Seems like a counterproductive way around it, don't you think?"

"Not really"
Fin shrugged and started playing the recording back

--Tessa "No I meant I don't know what is normal around here"

--Fin "Well this is a quiet place with nothing much going on that you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else"

"I doubt that"
Tess murmured

As the seconds slowly turned into minutes, Tess couldn't see much apart from the rustling of a few bushes and the branches of the trees moving
It wasn't too long until she saw two racoons dart out of sight from one camera and right into the field of view of another
Occasionally there would be some movement on the trees but those were just birds  and small insects
Nothing much of note happened apart from a racoon trying to throw a rock at one of the cameras

Fin paused the footage a minute after the two had disappeared

"So it was wildlife!"
Tessa joked as she finally loosened up before returning to a more serious composure

--Fin "Yeah me and James had our suspicions but they're not important right now"

--Tessa "How come?"

--Fin "They had a run in with someone or something, I will just leave it at that"

--Fido "Something?"
"Fin I've had to listen to you go on like this since the start of the disappearances, don't think that I do not know what you are implying"

--Fin "Well here is someone who claims that they were on board a ufo"

--Tessa "Not exactly, although what little I disclosed was enough for you to come to that conclusion rather quickly..."

--Fin "And what is that supposed to mean?"

--Tessa "I mean you have no way to know that I am telling the truth"

--Fido "Apart from a polygraph"

--Tessa "Does that even work with pets?"

--Fin "They kinda work, aren't really a hundred percent accurate though"
"Anyways did you see it?"

"Se-see what?"
Tess hesitantly replied

--Fin "What was stalking them..."

Meanwhile in the woods Dart and Ranger were returning after getting sidetracked by the crash, they were still a good couple minutes away from their shelter
Ranger was unable to shake a feeling that someone was watching them but couldn't spot anything in the dark
Almost convincing himself that he saw talons wrapped around the base of a tree only for it to disappear upon blinking
Dart was all but oblivious to everything around 'em whilst Ranger was practically a nervous wreck

--Ranger "Sa-say what was that person after back then?"

--Dart "You mean the one in the cloak?"

--Ranger "Yeah, w-what did they ask you to find anyways?"

--Dart "Something shiny and round, I dunno I'm not a magpie"
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Very wonderful job with that chapter! Keep up the good work!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 60)

--Tessa "You have no idea what that thing is?"

--Fin "James thought at first that it was someone playing a prank when we first came across it"

"How come?"
Tess moved the mouse back and paused the video once the creature was in sight
The beast's atrophied body being almost indistinguishable from the cloth covering it, meanwhile plates of corroded metal held it together
Unfortunately for Tess it was the same creature that she had encountered, they couldn't see underneath the hood though

--Tessa "So did you see it like this before or is this all new to you?"

"Welp there goes any chance of sleep this week"
Fido remarked

--Fin "Not exactly new per say, we knew there was someone or I guess in this case something lurking in the woods after the disappearances"

--Tessa "This isn't the first time then, has there been any follow up?"

--Fin "Almost impossible to do so, sure we were aware but have you tried tracking down anyone without a scent or any identifiers?"
"Nevermind the wildlife making it more difficult"

--Tessa "Elaborate?"

--Fin "Simply put from what little we saw of it last time it didn't look too different from what you usually catch the wildlife doing from time to time"
"Usually just mistaken identity and nothing deliberate although sometimes the wildlife can have a weird sense of humour"

--Tessa "I see"

--Fido "Well what do you have to say about that thing?"

--Tessa "There is no point in looking for those racoons, there won't be much left anyways"
"No idea why it would just go hunting the local wildlife though"

--Fido "Care to explain because you described it as a beast and an abomination, doesn't sound like descriptors for something intelligent"

--Tessa "I never said that it wasn't, anyways it could have been an act"

--Fido "Sure didn't sound like an act the way you were recalling it"

--Tessa "Whatever, obviously it is going after those two racoons but the question is why?"

"Maybe it is just hungry"
Fin added

--Tessa "Apart from that, was there anything else going on either before or during the disappearances?"

--Fin "Well there was one disappearance that was out of the usual but I wasn't on that case for some reason"

--Fido "You weren't put on that case because firstly you were dealing with missing pets and not missing teenagers"
"Secondly that incident probably had nothing to do with the pets as there isn't any particular pattern or anything linking the two"

--Tessa "Is there anything that could be of interest for this thing?"

--Fido "Depends on what it is after, if anything"

--Tessa "It was searching through the woodland for something, so luckily what or who they're looking for is not in an urban area"

--Fido "Or they were last seen in the woods"

--Tessa "Precisely, so tell me is there any other reason for the K-9 to be searching through the woods and setting up cameras?"


FR3 took point as FR4 entered, as their lights illuminated the room it became apparent that they were in a lab of some description
It had been abandoned and appeared to have fallen within disarray
To the far left of the room were opened doors leading down a hallway with wards at either side
A couple stretchers thrown aside what remained of the makeshift barricade now in ruins
Situated at the centre of the room was an elevator which had collapsed down to the floor below

Scattered across the floor were mainly the remains of doubles
Off to the airlock directly across from the entrance was a black & white ferret, slumped against the door
They had a white crescent moon tag on their yellow collar which was worn & faded
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter has come out really awesome! I am enjoying this!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 61)

"So you're staying here or what?"
Echo asked FR5 once noticing that they were just waiting at the staircase, meanwhile Grape was already heading back to the other pets

--FR5-- "Considering the stunt that you pulled earlier, well better safe than sorry"

--Echo "Hey I saved your life"

--FR5-- "After putting yourself in danger, look just go back into the simulation chamber room with the others could you?"

--Echo "I'd rather stay here for now, I am not good with people you see..."
"Wrong term I'm sorry, I am not good at fitting in if that makes any sense?"

--FR5-- "It really doesn't"

--Echo "Well continue on with what you were doing, don't mind me"

--FR5-- "Right then"


--FR4-- "Looks like we've got casualties"

--FR3-- "Focus, see if they're still breathing meanwhile I'll check in case we have to abseil or climb down that hole"

--FR4-- "I doubt they'd be able to climb down that especially that apprehensive one"

--FR3-- Hence why I am checking to see if we can abseil safely down there"

FR4 proceeded to approach the little ferret cautiously, turning off their lights and holstering their weapon
Getting down so that they were level before checking on their pulse
However when Alden felt something brush against her fur she jolted up in a panick, swiping at FR4 whilst FR3 slowly raised their weapon

"Hey there is no need for that, I'm not going to hurt you alright?"
FR4 tilted their head slightly before picking themself back up

"Wait you speak English?"
Alden replied

--FR4-- "Kinda although it is a bit patchy at times"
"Also stand down FR3, that is the last thing we want here"

--FR3-- "You shouldn't have done gotten that close"

--FR4-- "And you shouldn't be so quick to go from silence to violence"

"It wasn't even pointed at them, anyway that's why we got those casualties"
FR3 scolded FR4

--FR4-- "The last thing we want is to create our own enemies here, how do you think the abductees would view that?"
"Nevermind what would happen at the debrief"

"Abductees, they got out didn't they?"
Alden's composure brightened up before noticing the state of the elevator


Just like deja vu Dart started walking away from Ranger eventually sliding down a slope and disappearing into the bushes
Meanwhile Ranger just carried on like nothing had happened, hadn't even noticed that they were separated

"You know Dart why is it you're always interested in that useless stuff, Dart?!"
Ranger continued walking down the track until he couldn't hear Dart walking alongside
Turning around they couldn't see 'em at all as birds were flying from tree to tree and snatched up twigs from the ground

--Ranger "I knew it, he can't just stay away from all the useless things"
"Well it is his loss and life"

Meanwhile Dart was heading back to the crash site to poke around it a bit further, and seeing if there wasn't something of use in there

"Let's see I turn right once I pass the fifth tree after the twentieth bush or was it the by eleventh trunk?"
"Anyways it shouldn't be that far away"

Journeying back through the woods at a decent pace, being careful to not be out in the open for too long as to not risk being seen
After all back then at least there was Ranger who Dart could've easily outran or helped fend off whatever the trouble was
But now it was just a lone racoon wandering in the woods during the pitch black night, an easy enough taking for something lying in ambush
And all too tempting one at that

"Wait what's that light over there, come on do not tell me that it is on fire or that someone else has found it"
Dart thought to himself after seeing a reddish glow emanate from the site

"Hey get away that thing I found it first fair and square"
He called out to what they thought was someone tossing the scrap out of the crater
Running towards the trespasser who was going to steal Dart's steal until a set of claws scraped away at the dirt as a mass of cloth pulled itself up

--Dart "Woah easy there just relax alright, I didn't know it was you ok..."

--??? "What is this rabies machine doing all the way out here?"

--Dart "Knock that off"

--??? "Oh really?"

--Dart "You know this is the first time we could actually speak face to face"

--??? "Let us not play this game any further, do you have it?"

--Dart "Apart from your vague description, I have no idea what you are after"
"Go find a bird or something to do that kinda work"

"I could leave you for dead and have you plucked like one, so very easily mind you"
Threatened the cloaked figure stopping at Dart as they ran a claw up to their neck and lifted their muzzle

"Well thanks for not doing that so far, I guess"
Dart gulped as the figure moved the claw away and lowered their arm
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This really has come out very nicely! Keep up writing like this please!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 62)

--Fin "Anyways were you the only pet there to escape or was there others?"

--Tessa "I thought we were going over the footage?"

--Fin "Just trying to fill in the blanks is all"

--Fido "That isn't the only thing, keep it brief and simple"

--Tessa "Well as simple as the circumstances were back then"

--Fido "No I meant Fin with his questions"

--Tessa "Oh alright my bad, and I didn't say I was the only one"
"No I was the only one to get out of there alive, well assuming what happened to the others"

--Fido "But you were the only one in that ward correct?"

--Tessa "That I was but the other wards had a couple of pets, and there were a few stretchers left in the hallway"
"Looked like your every day run of the mill hospital, there was even a flight of stairs at one end of the hallway"

--Fido "And the other end?"

--Tessa "Closed doors although seeing through the glass was difficult and I didn't want to risk it, especially when I had just gotten out of there"


Anyways as I left the ward and had a look around the hallway I caught a glimpse of the surgeons walking up the flight of stairs, obviously I wasn't going there
However I realized that the door to the ward just to the right was opened just enough for me to get inside without alerting someone

Same old story as before as there were beds along either side but they were empty apart from a few, there was a black & white ferret in one as well as another cat
What to do then, if I just suddenly showed up and errr introduced myself then they might of had an adverse reaction
Though if I didn't ask where or why they were there then I would be stuck back at square one, and before Fin says anything

No I was not going to ask one of the surgeons, not after that creature tried attacking me at least
I had to weigh up the odds, maybe you might have had to do something similar although I don't want to make assumptions

Anyways a white lie couldn't hurt anyone now could it?
Because if nothing was up then clearly it was just me and the matter would be "resolved" so to speak, not that I was looking forward to that
I guess nobody would, looking back at it but hey just wandered over to the chart on the cat's & then checked the ferret's one

Apart from their names, I couldn't make the other stuff out, thought  it was odd to have no translation considering the signs in the hallway were in English
As of what language the other things were in, I have no idea if I am being honest


--Fin "Could you try writing any of it down?"
"Provided you can remember that is"

--Tessa "No I can't, well not exactly so it would just end up being a scribble or incoherent shapes"

--Fin "I see, is there anything similar to them or not?"

"No Fin, do not go there if"
Fido rebuked Fin

--Fin "What did I do this time, it was a simple enough question?"

"They did not look like hieroglyphs, although I don't blame him for thinking that"
Tess interjected as Fin looked at her & then back to Fido, confused as to whether or not that was a victory


"I'll get the anchor set up, you just focus on the new one understood?"
FR3 ordered FR4, lighting a flare before dropping it down the hole where the elevator once was
Soon enough the red light disappeared in the dark below like embers in the snow
The smoke from it was all that was visible by the time it had landed

"Didn't want to go climbing anyways"
Alden joked, trying to get a better look only to get stopped by FR4

--Alden "Come on, I can't even see what happened to my friends now?"

--FR4-- "Friends?"

--Alden "More like friends due to the circumstance, anyways I'll try to not fall down that hole considering you are so worried about that"

--FR4-- "Couldn't you just wait here until the others arrive?"

--Alden "Depends, who or I guess what are we talking about?"

--FR4-- "It is going to be like that then, well they're similar to you in a way"

--Alden "A little bit taller than me and covered in fur?"

--FR4-- "I am not going to argue over semantics but sure I guess"

Alden looked over towards FR3 after hearing a click which came from the anchor that they set up on the wall
Followed by them guiding the white robe like material across the floor, moving aside the debris
And finally leading through the two prongs at the edge of the hole before giving it a tug

"Alright you can send them through now"
FR3 signalled FR5


Ebbs and flows, where will this take me? Anyone knows...
Keep it hidden my secret shame, always leading to blame
Blending in acting the same, get torn apart by the end
Never ending nor fleeting, ever silently retreating

Well here you are Echo, should've said something sooner but now look at you
You're aching & shaking already,
I didn't even make it to solid ground yet and this is the state I am in
Coulda done better but it is too late now

Was never good at doing tricks so what did I expect?

And now I'm overthinking again just great, I should really stop doing that
Anyways a fresh start can't do much harm, can it?
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good job on this chapter! It definitely was worth the wait!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 63)

"Back with the old group huh?"
Echo announced as he walked through into the chamber room, it looked a bit less chaotic although Oscar & Sasha was poking around at the creature
Meanwhile Leo and Grape were trying to get Remy up to speed, however to say they were on edge would be downplaying it

Though apart from that nothing much was happening, Echo just stayed close to the door waiting for the time to pass
After all there wasn't much that anyone could do
Nevermind there still being shards on the floor, so if they weren't too careful they risked getting a cut
Not exactly ideal for any of them, especially not for the border collie in the slightest for their balance

Grape was in the unfavourable position which was trying to explain to Remy why she had Lucy's tag and where they were
Whilst Leo was just pacing in & out of the simulated shelter room, trying to pass the time

Echo was still unsure as of what was going to happen or what his future was going to be like
His train of thought was interrupted by two knocks from the other side of the wall, ears ringing from the sudden noise
On top of the other things going on in the room, it had quickly became overwhelming


"So you go first"
FR4 gestured towards FR3 who was busy adjusting the equipment, meanwhile Alden watched from the sidelines

--Alden "So errrr what are you or I guess we going to do?"

--FR4-- "Let's see, helping you lot get out of this place"
"Also not dying is a plus"

--FR3-- "Real funny..."

--Alden "Right, you are not going to check the other wards there?"

--FR3-- "When this is all over and done with, maybe but that isn't important"

The smoke from the flare slowly dissipated away until all that was visible was the slight flicker of light from it
Ebbing in and out of the dark which surrounded it
Apart from the ever slightest mechanical ticking sound emanating from the doubles and the buzzing of the lights
It was virtually silent opposed to the screams and chaos which Alden had experienced prior

Though that wasn't of much relief considering those screams were the last time she had heard of her friends
Not knowing their fate but also dreading it as reminders of the chaos which occurred prior were all in the room around her

--Alden "So is it just you two or is there a third one?"

--FR3-- "That isn't import--"

"There were five of us, technically six if you're counting who got us here but now it is only three of us left on the inside"
FR4 added, interrupting FR3 in the process

--Alden "And the lone one will come back with them?"

--FR4-- "If you are referring to the abductees, then yes they should"


"I think I'll get going now, anything else you want me to say or?"
Tess asked, waiting at the exit to the room

--Fido "Nothing of importance, you know the way back to the shelter?"

--Tessa "I collapsed from exhaustion and woke up in there, no I don't

--Fin  "I can give the direction alright"
"So when you leave by the main entrance turn right and keep going until you reach a coffee shop called Moose Nebula"

--Tessa "Alright and then what?"

--Fin "The shelter is around the corner from it on the opposite side of the street"

--Tessa "So it is close to there then?"

--Fin "Somewhat close to it, I guess"

--Tessa "What do you mean by that?"

--Fin "It is a little bit of a walk from there but not too far"
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job! I honestly can't wait to see more from you with this story!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Thanks so much for continuing to work on this excellent story, I look forward to reading the next chapter.
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 64)

"So much for it being just around the corner, well at least if I die I'll have seen the sun for once"
Tess joked to herself, walking down the sidewalk as the sun was just coming up from over the horizon

The streets were a bit busier than what it was like the first day in Babylon, as for the sidewalks?
Sure there was more footfall & people around but only a couple of pets
Although it was just dusk and whilst officially there was no curfew, that didn't stop some pet owners from keeping them indoors at night
For their own safety, of course this might have been seen as a breakdown in trust between them

However this was not the case for all, as for them nothing had changed much apart from some new rules
Though that didn't stop theories circulating about the trackers,

Wandering down the sidewalk Tessa took a break, looking over her shoulder just in case she had gotten the directions wrong


Alright the coffee shop is back there, so I should be getting closer to the animal shelter
Is going back there even a good idea though because afterwards, I don't  know what I am going to do
I told them everything that was of importance, well when they were listening

Okay Tess take it slow and look at yourself for just a moment
Getting lost someplace here is a lot better than what would have happened up in that place

Just get to the shelter and wait, stop stressing out over it for once
You've done what you could and now it is time to rest, nothing is going to happen to you
Well nothing should happen that is


--Fin "You just let her go like that?"

--Fido "Do you realise that you can only hold someone in custody for so long without charges Fin?"
"Anyways it probably wouldn't have changed much, it would have just been the same story on repeat"

--Fin "Yeah but that is the closest thing to an eye witness...."

"That is assuming that they were telling the truth anyways, let's say that she was telling the truth for a moment"
Fido asked Fin who got up from the chair

--Fin "I'm listening"

--Fido "There is simply nothing that we can or could do, unless of course you want to go out monster hunting?"

"Would I?!"
The German shepard exclaimed

--Fido "That was a joke but you are probably already planning to do that during your break or free time, knowing you"

--Fin "Better than just sitting around here doing nothing of importance for the case..."

--Fido "You've got that footage over there & the photos, as of any leads or suspects so far?"

--Fin "None apart from that cloaked thing and the racoons, although you didn't have a suspect for that missing teenager?"

--Fido "I'm going to sound like a broken record at this rate, but you were not on the case and for good reason"

--Fin "Was there a suspect and has said suspect been caught yet?"

--Fido "Technically speaking yes there is and no they were not caught however as mentioned before, it isn't related to the pets...."

--Fin "You can't rule that out just yet, was there anything that this suspect or the teenager had which the creature might be after?"

--Fido "Possibly and depending on the motivation for this thing, that's either good news or really bad news...."

--Fin "Define really bad news?"

--Fido "You are really playing into this?"
"Look if that creature is looking for the suspect then, well it will have a hard time finding 'em"


"Of course I finally have time to wind down and then we are just right back at it now, you could've walked in and said it but you just had to do that"
Echo vented, not quite realizing that some of the pets were looking at him before returning to their business

--Remy "What's up with them?"

"Dunno, best not to ask and keep to yourself..."
Grape replied

--Remy "Why is that?"

--Grape "They aren't from Babylon, unlike you they won't have a home to return to but instead they'll be losing it"

"You do realize I am here and am from a shelter right?"
Leo interrupted

"Still you are returning to the shelter and or possibly a home, anyways has anyone told those two to not poke around that thing?"
Grape nodded towards Oscar & Sasha
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

A very good addition to the story! Please keep it up!
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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 65)

Babylon animal shelter and rescue, I guess this is the place
Also note to self, around the corner now means almost an hour of walking
Welp walk in now and let the rest of this play out, there is nothing else that you could possibly do

Anyways it isn't like you are in any trouble around here, just do not go around asking any weird questions and you'll be fine
Blend in, disappear never to be seen from again and self preservation should do the rest

You are not obligated to do anything else

Stepping into the shelter Tessa could not see Emma or Charlie, it was somewhat busier than what it was like during the night
Somebody Accidentally bumped into her when leaving, they didn't even stop to check before disappearing back into the crowd outside

It certainly had a different feeling to the place than the night prior, maybe that was all down to the situation and circumstances back then
Regardless the new air was a welcome change from all that stress, anxiety and panic

Although most would rather have that as a once in a lifetime experience & for good reason
Anyways all that should be behind her and hopefully not come back to haunt her too harshly later on

"Do you know anyone here or just looking for a place?"
Tess heard a semi sarcastic voice come from behind, as she was distracted by what was happening outside


"Is there like an harness or something to get me, well us down there?"
Alden asked FR4

--FR4-- "At the time we will decide what to use but that is assuming our equipment not only works for you but the other species types"
"Also holding on might not be a great idea considering how far down that goes"

"Can't we, well..."
Alden cleared her throat

--Alden "Couldn't you improvise something, perhaps from what is lying around?"

--FR4-- "The decision will be made at the time, also it might not exactly be safe to do so"

--Alden "Staying around here isn't exactly safe either but here we are"

--FR3-- "From the looks of it, there isn't much of a threat here"

--Alden "Sure and you are probably thinking that I destroyed those things all by my little self?"

--FR3-- "Well there is the possibility..."

--Alden "You can't be serious?"

--FR3-- "Given that those things have shown that they can mimic people, yes very much so"

--Alden "I get why you don't want to try putting something together out of those things..." "Because nobody would want to admit that they needed help from who they were rescuing"

--FR3-- "We don't need help, you do however"

--Alden "And who is going to do that exactly, in case you hadn't noticed there is not much that I can do with what is lying around"
"Apart from that barricade thing, you lot on the other hand or paw?..."

--FR3-- "Could we come up with something, yes but there is no guarantee in terms of the safety?"

--Alden "Why is that, hang on let me guess..."
"Is it due to the weight by any chance?"

--FR4-- "The overall strength of it is the concern, although that should be in regards to some of the abductees and not so much yourself"

--Alden "Define some"

"Three at most"
FR4 replied meanwhile FR3 left the room to check up on FR5 & the other group


FR5 paused hearing Echo's little speech which was partially picked up by their comms to the amusement of FR4 before they were cut off by FR3
Slowly walking towards the doorway and stopping when they saw Echo, gesturing for them to leave the room

"Looks like I'm in trouble again...."
Echo stated walking through grazing by the doorway and trying to avoid FR5
With their ears lowered flat

--FR5-- "Didn't even knock that loudly"

--Echo "Well you did and didn't in a sense, I guess hearing things inside that helmet is difficult..."
"Assuming of course that it isn't selective."

--FR5-- "Sounds like a paradox in that first half, so which was it?"

--Echo "Wasn't loud for the others..."

--FR5-- "And you are a similar species to at least two of the abductees no?"

--Echo "Could you perhaps stop sounding so robotic at times?"
"And before you ask no I'm not referring to that translator thing"

"It is more of a mimic than anything but yeah sure let's go with that"
FR5 added

--Echo "Didn't ask for a technical breakdown, just the way you lot word things"

--FR5-- "If I am honest well it wasn't the best job in terms of patching it in, not saying that you are any better tonally and all that'll..."

"Hey I can't help that pitch thing I al-already...."
Echo faltered before releasing they had meant Grape, Leo and the rest of the group Ears now slightly lowered

--FR5-- "Is there something you are not telling us?"

"N-no nothing in particular just a mix up in messaging or signals, thought you meant something else"
"I'll err just be waiting for the others at the stairs"
Echo hastily responded before walking away to the staircase

Another two knocks were heard getting the attention from Grape and Leo.
Who got the others to head through the door then eventually down the staircase once it was time
Although that was admittedly easier said than done especially considering down the corridor Remy had seen that Grape had Lucy's collar
Obviously the little incident had cut the explanation off short before Grape could explain it


--Alden "So if those I don't know doubles or whatever have a shell on the outside then wouldn't it be possible to connect them together?"

--FR4-- "Possibly if separated but as previously mentioned...."

--Alden "Ignore that for a moment, alright so clearly they must cover up where the fragile machinery or goes otherwise why have a shell?
"And if that's the case then there has to be an attachment or connection point of some kind"

--FR4-- "That's the way they appear to be designed, yes..."

--Alden "Why not make a ladder or something utilising the connection points"

--Fr4-- "Simple we can't attach it all the way down there, besides if it did work then there is no guarantee that it would hold"

--Alden "So halfway down it could drop beneath us and..."

--FR4-- "All they could be used for is making it so that holding on during the decent won't be as difficult"

--Alden "Guessing that's whether it is magnetic or not then?"

--FR4-- "Well it wouldn't make much of a difference considering the situation..."

--Alden "Fair enough, I guess..."

--FR4-- "Also is there anything back there that could possibly help?"

--Alden "Back there in the wards?"

--FR4-- "Yeah like first aid or supplies, if something were to happen"
"Not standard procedure but it is better than nothing..."

--Alden "It was all mostly for show back there apart from the surgical equipment, I think"
"You probably wouldn't like to go there, I know for sure I wouldn't..."

--FR4-- "Forgot to ask but nothing is broken?"

--Alden "Outside of spirits that is"

--FR4-- "And how do we help that?"

"Just a phrase not literally, after everything which happened well never thought I'd get back"
Alden explained

--FR4-- "Alright, anyways FR3 could you send the others down here?"

(A/N, author's note)

Alright so this post was after a long pause.
My apologies for that however it was said before that this will "return to normal" or try to, no surprises but that didn't exactly happen.

In fact some might say last or closing hours, the quality may of dropped due to that rush.
Not only due to contradictions with the world building/personal reference for FR, but also the crossover kinda getting muddled.

I wish I had done more with the opening characters/group but that seems to be too late now.
To say it became a spider's web of characters, side stories, as well as continuity made it harder to keep track of even with notes...
That would be an understatement, not like short term memory was ever the best... (Surprisingly long term is a little better)
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