The Griffin's Champion

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The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Prologue: Cliche Start of the Story
Sabrina groans, a sharp pain shooting up her leg. If it’s not broken, it would be a huge surprise to her. The street she’s lying in is littered with debris. A trashed police car. The Good Ol’ Dogs Club sign sitting on it’s side, partially destroyed. A K9 vest, shredded, with what she hoped to be strawberry jam on it. She sniffs it wearily.
“’s actually jam…” she says aloud.
The black cat crawls past all of this slowly and painfully, every inch a struggle. How could things go so wrong so fast? A couple feet away, she hears movement, and stops. Her ears flatten, and her fur puffs up defensively. She manages to get herself into a sitting position, her bad leg not making it any easier.
“Come on then, why don’t you finish me?” She grunts towards the noise, leaning against a piece of building that lays on the road.
From behind some rubble, a pair of ears pop up, one with a bite mark out of it. Sabrina blinks a few times in surprise, and then manages to sputter out a response.
Max slowly comes out from behind the rubble, looking around wearily. A thin layer of dust covers his fur, and he is scratched up. It almost makes his ear look good.
“Keep it down, you’re gonna get us killed!” He hisses, slinking over to his girlfriend.
“Well considering what’s happening, it’s just delaying the inevitable to hide.” Sabrina mutters sourly.
“I’m glad to see you too.” Max says as he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, glad she still has her sarcastic personality.
Max crouches by Sabrina, glancing at her leg before quickly averting his vision. Sabrina, noticing this, tries to shift it away from him, but just sends another wave of pain through her. She winces and grabs it instinctively. Max’s ears go down a bit, and he forces himself to look at it again.
“Think you can get up?” He asks, looking around cautiously, tail flicking in anticipation of something bad coming.
“Yeah, I think so. Give me a paw.”
Max pulls Sabrina to her feet, and she groans, wobbling on one leg. Max puts her arm over his shoulders, and starts walking….I guess it’s more of a hobbling pace but still. They hobble by another police cruiser, this one intact. The radio dangles out the window, static on the other end. Before they fully go by it, a panicked voice crackles from the other end.
The voice cuts off suddenly, and the radio goes back to static. Max gives Sabrina a concerned look, and gestures to the radio.
“Do you think they-”
Both cats stop in their tracks and turn around at the sound of gunshots. A K9, with bright turquoise eyes, a scarf around his neck, a walkie talkie in one hand, and a pistol in the other slides over the hood of a Buick LaCrosse, and starts sprinting their direction. He fires another shot to something out of sight from the two cats, and then continues to run.
A figure leaps over a car, and lands behind him. A shockwave from the landing sends the K9 flying into the air, and he smashes into the police cruiser Max and Sabrina are standing by. He falls to the floor, and the radio rolls out of his hand to Max’s feet. Sabrina and Max look from the K9 to the assailant. Sabrina locks eyes with the figure, and lets out a low growl. Max instinctively steps between Sabrina and the figure.
“Why do you even bother Sabrina. Never giving up. Always fighting for what you believe is right. Super predictable and cliche.” the figure calls from down the street. Max mutters something under his breath and starts to drag Sabrina away, but stops when he feels a paw on his shoulder. He turns, finding the paw is Sabrina’s. She shakes her head slowly, her yellow eyes staring into Max’s.
“Oh for dog’s sake, please don’t pull the hero card.” Max says, trying to disguise his worry.
Sabrina smirks and grabs his paws with hers, squeezing them tightly. “Well I can’t let you take the glory. It would all go to your head.”
“I’m not gonna just leave you. We’ll find another way!” Max insists, looking for a weapon, or something to fight back with.
Sabrina looks back at and forth from Max to the person who intended on ending her, as well as anyone else who was close by. With a sigh, she focuses her energy on Max. Swirling energy waves surround Max, and he realizes too late what Sabrina was doing.
“Sabrina, wait-!” He cries, paw outstretched towards her.
Suddenly, Max vanishes in a flash, and Sabrina turns slowly back to the figure.
“As much as I can appreciate a noble sacrifice, that was very...”
The figure starts walking towards Sabrina.
They begin to raise their hands up, balls of magic(k)al energy form in their palms. They wind up to throw them at the cat, and their yellow eyes glow as they grin.
Max appears with a flash of light, a block or so away from where he was previously. He whirls around, and begins to run back to the street Sabrina was on.
“Hold on Sabrina, I’m com-!”
A loud blast sounds, and Max watches a large cloud of dust rise up from where he had last seen Sabrina. Max stops slowly and falls to his knees, his mouth agape. The cloud of dust rolls over him, and everything goes black.

(So this is my first attempt at writing a text based fanfic. I know that it's pretty depressing to start, and I can't promise this is going to be all sunshine and rainbows. HOWEVER, I don't intend on making it sad all the time. I don't know how to format either. I considered making each character's dialogue a different color, but that may get confusing if there's too many characters? Let me know if there's things I can do better. I'm not a great writer, but this is something that has been in my mind for half a year. If you're wondering, this takes place in a universe where one veeeeery specific event never happens. Guesses are welcome!)
Last edited by Hagus on Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: I changed some dialogue
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Obbl »

Great start! Excited to see where this goes ^^
I've never been a fan of using colors for dialog, you're doing the formatting correctly here, so I'd say stick with that. Just be careful of your tenses. You snuck a couple pasts in among all your presents ;)
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Obbl wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:41 pm Great start! Excited to see where this goes ^^
I've never been a fan of using colors for dialog, you're doing the formatting correctly here, so I'd say stick with that. Just be careful of your tenses. You snuck a couple pasts in among all your presents ;)
That is my #1 weakness when I write. I don't know why I do it, it annoys me but often times I don't catch it :oops:
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Dogglar »

I think it's great so far. The setting and opening is very dire, and I get the vibe of the nuke scene from MW1.

Trust me when I say I know how you feel just starting. Just work at your own pace and release it when you feel it's ready to be released, we'll still be here.

I also know exactly what you mean about the colored dialogue, Obbl xd
Last edited by Dogglar on Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So is this gonna be a story about how Max and Sabrina broke up and Sabrina got with Fido?
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:31 pm So is this gonna be a story about how Max and Sabrina broke up and Sabrina got with Fido?
Not quite :lol:
Remember this story is about the events that would go down if a specific thing didn’t happen. Fido and Sabrina getting together did happen in the comic. I will say that they didn’t get together in this universe but only because of something else not happening.

Note: I had to edit this like 3 times, I had a brain cramp and worded it wrong :lol:
Last edited by Hagus on Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: I am having a major lack of brain functions apparently
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Dogglar »

uh oh
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Either way I can't wait to see how everything will change and what was the one event that changed that resulted in the two of them not getting together!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Chapter 1: Pound Problems
Grape was getting sick of this place.
It wasn’t just the fact that she was literally feeling sick either. Ok maybe that was a part of it, the food refuses to sit well with her. But mainly she was getting sick of the pound as a whole. She continues to spend her days watching humans and sometimes other pets walk by, looking at her like she is a product on a shelf up for sale.
“Ooh, this one is purple, let’s get him!”
“Hon, we came for a dog, not a cat.”
“This kitten looks cute!”
“Kittens are a lot of work, I want one a bit more mature.”
She hears every excuse in the book. No matter what she does, whether she acts cute, snuggly, sleepy, or energetic, nobody seems to want a purple kitten. Every day though, some lucky dog or cat got a new home, with a new family, who would love them unconditionally, forever. She would have a forever home too. This pound, with only Delusional Steve as her companion.
“ I hear panting?” Grape thought to herself, slowly opening an eye and looking behind her.
A puppy is looking at her through the cage, smiling widely.
“Hi! I’m Peanut! What’s your name?” He asks energetically.
“Get back in your cage you stupid dog!” Grape yells back, wondering how a dopey dog like this escaped his cage. She had tried many times before, but they were impenetrable.
“I don’t have a cage! My mom and dad took me here to pick out a sibling to unload my manic energy on!”
“Ugh, you call your owners ‘mom’ and ‘dad’? That’s so cheesy!
“Oh, what do you call your owners?”
Grape takes a second to process the puppy’s question. Was she going to have to explain how pounds work? She thought it was common knowledge for Pete’s sake.
“I don’t have owners moron! Everyone here was stray, seized, or surrendered!”
From the next cage over, Delusional Steve delivers the same line he delivers pretty much daily.
“Not me! My owners dropped me off a few years ago, but they’ll be back any day now!”
Grape groans and sits on her bed. Peanut continues to stay at the cage.
“You yell funny. I like you a lot!”
“And YOU’RE driving me crazy! Go away!” Grape yells again.
Grape hears footsteps, and then a new voice from outside the cage.
“There you are Peanut! We need to leave!”
Grape’s anger melts in an instant, and her ears droop.
“Oh. You are going.”
The woman picks Peanut up, and begins walking away with him.
“See you later…” Grape murmurs, and lies back down. She closes her eyes, and starts to doze off, mind still on Peanut.
“Say Earl, what if we looked at the cats, too?”
At that single sentence, hope starts to burn brighter than ever before in Grape. The purple kitten shoots up out of bed immediately, and to the edge of her cage. She cranes her neck to see the two humans talking, the woman still holding Peanut who is looking excitedly at them, and then Grape.
“I thought you hated cats. Plus we have other places to look. Peanut can find a sibling somewhere else.” The man says.
Peanut frowns and looks up at them, then back at Grape. Grape grabs the cage and shakes it a bit, trying to get the humans’ attention. They ignore it though, and they start to walk out of the pound. Peanut continues to stare back at Grape, and waves a little paw goodbye sadly to her as the door shuts, and Grape’s best hope at a home disappears.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Dogglar »

Good work on this entry, gonna make me tear up though :( .
In all seriousness though, good job, I really like Alternate History stuff and Augmented Reality. Hope to see more so I can bawl my eyes out xd
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I hope Grape does end up finding another home and isn't put to sleep. Awesome job with this chapter by the way!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by NHWestoN »

Ah ha, discovered this - why it's always helpful to check the "New Post" and "Unread Post" links! Something else to add to my daily enjoys and antidotes to the daily news. ;)
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I need to cheer me up a lot considering everything that is going on.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by FalinkesInculta »

So this is the change....
Next up is a song about a beautiful woman i met,

Just kidding,

Its about getting drunk
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Chapter 2: Yes This Is the Change
2 years later(?) (idk how old Peanut and Grape are or how long they lived together tbh)
“Good riddance!” The human cries, tossing Grape back into her old cage. Grape lands face first on the floor, quickly rolling onto her back and hissing at the human, who slams the cage shut.
“Get the purple one she said. It’ll warm up to us she said!”
“I’m sorry Grape didn’t work out for you sir. Maybe one of our other cats-”
“Shut up. I’m done with pets, I’m going home!” the human yells.
Grape slowly stands up and hisses again at the human, who storms off. The pound door exit slams shut, and the worker sighs and steps in front of Grape’s cage.
“What? They were not my type of people.” Grape mutters angrily.
“Grape, you keep complaining about being ignored. But when you actually get a chance, you throw it away and end up back here! Do you want to stay here the rest of your life?”
“Maybe I do,” She says, flopping on the bed. “Every family has rejected me for being me. They don’t respect my space, they bother me constantly, and one family tried to declaw me Ethan. DECLAW me!”
“That family is still paying medical bills by the way,” Ethan says, sitting on the floor by the cage.
Grape chuckles and flashes her claws out, showing Ethan. Ethan rubs his face, exhausted.
“Grape, you’ve gone through 4 families in 6 months. Your chances are running out. If you stay here much longer I’m afraid you’ll become like Steve.
“Did someone summon the Steve?” Steve calls, his one good eye peering through his cage.
Grape rolls her eyes. “I promise you I won’t be like that. I just need a family that doesn’t try to force me to be something I’m not. Or one that tries to literally take a part of my body away.”
Ethan stands up and dusts the fur from the floor off his pants. He looks at the clock, and then sighs. “You’ll figure it out eventually. Goodnight Grape.”
He leaves, the lights flicking off, throwing Grape and the other inmates into darkness. The pound goes silent, except for the occasional snore of another pet, or Steve murmuring in his sleep. Grape covers herself with her blanket, and closes her eyes, dozing off to sleep.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Loving this every time i read it. You are an awesome writer!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:59 pm Loving this every time i read it. You are an awesome writer!
Aw thanks :D
Personally I think I'm bad but I'm usually hard on myself for all my works sooo
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

At least you are able to write solo. I need a co-writer or else anything I try to do SUCKS.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by NHWestoN »

"De-clawing" is a remarkably cruel practice, far too common. I've never asked a vet but I'm somewhat surprised it isn't outlawed or at least restricted.

You got Grape's character down strong, Hagus ... good atmospherics in the pound, too. I volunteered in a "shelter" for many years; it's not Disneyland.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I even hear stories about how bad things are at no-kill shelters even though they don't perform euthanasia.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:21 pm I even hear stories about how bad things are at no-kill shelters even though they don't perform euthanasia.
Running a no-kill is EXTREMELY demanding! Many deeply kind, good-hearted people think all you need is some land, some cages, a donation base, and an abiding love for God's creatures. The tendency for many is they become eventually overwhelmed by the complexities of regulations, inspections, sanitation, sewage, medical supplies and administration, food costs and storage, hostile neighbors, and the heart-breaks that go with animal care. Before they know it, they're over their heads, facing supeanas, and accusations of being "hoarders" (who'd some of them are). Not for the naive is shelter management. :|
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I know that as I worked at one briefly when I was younger as a secretary. They seemed to do just fine though.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:26 pm I know that as I worked at one briefly when I was younger as a secretary. They seemed to do just fine though.
The key seems to be having a couple of good, versatile managers who understand all the dimensions of the job, the possibilities of problems, and don't get caught up in the ... um ... "kitty litter" I'm delighted you had a good experience. I miss the work terribly but, at my age and my stage, I'm the one who needs the "sheltering." ;)
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Maybe you shouldn't think about going into one now since we are dealing with this horrid pandemic. :?
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Obbl »

Let's not derail this thread please. We're here for Hagus's fic not just chatting about the perils of running a shelter

Poor Grape! Can't believe someone tried to declaw her :evil:
Hope she gets something good in her life soon :(
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by FalinkesInculta »

NHWestoN wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:20 pm "De-clawing" is a remarkably cruel practice, far too common. I've never asked a vet but I'm somewhat surprised it isn't outlawed or at least restricted.
It was outlawed a few years ago where I live(Pennsylvania) and probably states around us too
Next up is a song about a beautiful woman i met,

Just kidding,

Its about getting drunk
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We will have to see what happens when the next installment is posted.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Chapter 3: Checkmate
Ethan walks along the cages, all the pets inside waiting anxiously. One by one, he unlocks each cage, freeing them from the place they’ve been in for weeks, months, or even years. When he gets to Grape’s cage, he finds the purple cat sitting on her bed, legs swinging off the side of it.
“Ready for game night Grape?” Ethan asks happily.
Grape rolls her eyes, stepping towards the cage door. “Oh boy, another night of breaking game rules, and chucking monopoly pieces at each other.”
Ethan puts his hands on his hips, amused. “So you’d rather stay in the cage?”
She shakes the door. “I never said that, I was just stating the facts. Now open up before I claw my way out.”
Ethan swings the door open, and Grape exits. Scattered across the floor, board games are being played or at least half-played by other pets. Monopoly, Sorry!, checkers, Chutes and Ladders, y’know, the classic games. This is a semi-annual event, run by Ethan in secret. He brings games and lets the pets play for a night. So far they haven’t gotten caught, so they just make it a tradition. A tradition Grape has chosen to politely ignore. She looks toward the end of the line of cages, and spots an empty bench. She makes her way over, ducking underneath a checkers piece being tossed at her. She sits down as another piece boinks off her back.
“You know you guys could, I don’t know, play the games instead of chucking them like a bunch of-”
A monopoly car piece hits her nose, and she throws her arms up in exasperation. “Forget it! Enjoy the free for all.”
She crosses her arms and just watches. An hour in, most games had devolved into chaos, with the few organized games putting up a wall of blankets and pillows to stop the others from ruining their attempt at playing. Grape watches the barbarians launch pieces over the wall for a bit, before sensing a presence to her right. She slowly looks over, and jumps, startled. A kitten is sitting at the very end of the bench. It has a chess board pressed against its chest, and his large fluffy tail curled around them. Most of its face is hidden by the board, and its ears are folded down to the back of its head.
“.....can I help you?” Grape asks, slightly confused.
“Hi...can I sit here?” he asks.
“As long as you don’t throw pieces at me”
The two sit there for a minute, and Grape looks back at him.
“What’s with the chess board?”
“Oh, I used to play chess with my siblings. When we got seized they let me take it. I was hoping people here would play but…”
Grape smirks and shrugs. “What did you expect from a bunch of hooligans?”
The kitten nods and puts the board down, and starts setting up the pieces. Grape watches him, and looks around, confused.
“What are you doing?”
“Playin’ chess”
“With who?”
“Well you said hooligans won’t play, you don’t look like a hooligan though :3”
sigh “You win, let's do this.”
Grape sets up her pieces and the kitten makes the first move.
“I’ll have you know, I read and watched a bunch of chess videos and books one time.” Grape says, taking her turn.
The kitten moves immediately afterwards, and Grape raises an eyebrow. “ know you can study the board right? It’s not a race.”
“I know” he says, staring intently at the board.
Grape moves again, and the kitten moves his piece before she even puts her hand at her side
“Checkmate!” he cheers, his ears point up to reveal they’re quite big for a kitten, one of them has a small nick in it.
“Good game miss!” The kitten exclaims, holding out his paw. Grape shakes it slowly.
“What should we do now?” he asks, smiling.
“ ‘bout a rematch?”
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Dogglar »


Grape hath been converted to this mysterious stranger's even foggier motives!

Just kidding

Good heccin job nice chapter
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This continues to be churned out very lovely! You definitely have a lot of skill as a writer!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Aww thanks guys :oops:

Writing this with one hand has been frustrating but I’m happy I’m able to entertain :D
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am still impressed with the Hunger Game series also even though its just you using a simulator and posting the results which include the gruesome deaths too even though after three seasons it should be monotonous! Though I like it because I get to post how each character dies and try not to be too graphic about it.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by trekkie »

Love everything you’re doing so far. Max and Sabrina are sweet together and though for me it’s tough to not see Grape get adopted by the Sandwiches, the story you’re telling is quite interesting. Keep up the good work!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by FalinkesInculta »

It'll be interesting to see how Grapes personality changes by not being adopted and growing up in the shelter
Next up is a song about a beautiful woman i met,

Just kidding,

Its about getting drunk
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by NHWestoN »

Hagus wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:14 am
Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:31 pm So is this gonna be a story about how Max and Sabrina broke up and Sabrina got with Fido?
Not quite :lol:
Remember this story is about the events that would go down if a specific thing didn’t happen. Fido and Sabrina getting together did happen in the comic. I will say that they didn’t get together in this universe but only because of something else not happening.

Note: I had to edit this like 3 times, I had a brain cramp and worded it wrong :lol:
Well, twas worth it - you certainly launched us with a gripping opener!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Chapter 4: The Grove, But With Less Peanut
While Grape had experienced strange dreams before, this one felt eerily different. She found herself in a strange woods that seemed completely silent.
“Ok dream, I’ll play along. Ahem… HELLO? ANYONE THERE?” She calls sarcastically, walking in a random direction.
Hearing no response, she continues in the same direction, until she reaches a clearing.
“Ok so this is the part where something ridiculous comes up to me and will start talking in a normal, non threatening voice.”
“On the ball today aren’t we?” a voice rings out from behind her.
Grape whirls around, and looks up at the owner of the voice. A blue griffin with glowing yellow eyes stares down at her, smirking. After a few seconds, he extends one of his large talons like he’s offering a handshake.
“Who are you, my conscious coming to tell me to not give up? To change the error of my ways in order to become the best person I can be?” Grape says with heavy sarcasm, giving the griffin a fake enthusiastic face and pose.
He chuckles and keeps his talon extended. “Quite the opposite actually. I’m a big fan of you Grape. But to answer your first question, my name is [Insert complicated name that honestly I wouldn’t try to pronounce even if I knew it].”
Grape blinks, and extends her own paw, shaking it wearily. “Mind if I call you something else? Parker? Peter? Pete?”
“Whatever you want.”
“Ok then ‘Pete’, what are you doing here?”
“Is that really the question you want to ask? I have infinite knowledge, Grape, what is a question that you truly want to ask me more than anything?”
Grape takes a step back, her mind spinning. “Ok Grape, you have the chance to unlock the secrets of the universe. Science’s most asked questions, questions about the past, the afterlife, the meaning of life itself, all could be answered here! Make it count!”
She looks back up at Pete who is waiting patiently. After a deep breath, she asks her question.
“Can I ride you?”
Grape had never had so much fun before. The wind in her fur, soaring through the skies on the back of a mysterious griffin named Pete. It was strange, but she didn’t care. She snuggles her face into Pete’s feathers, which were surprisingly soft. Pete dips down through some clouds, and Grape lets out a cry of joy.
“This is amazing Pete! I wish this would never end!” She yells, paws in the air.
Pete looks back at her, smiling. “I do too. Unfortunately, Grape, we all have to wake up sometime.”
Grape sits up in bed and gasps, caught off guard by the sudden end to the dream.
“Gah! It was a dream!”
She looks around her cage, expecting something different to signify the dream or make her ask “or was it?”. She was disappointed to find nothing. She sighs and lies down, but feels something strange under her. She slowly pulls out a large blue feather, and she stares at it for several seconds.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I now think I have figured out what the title of the story means and where this is going! It only took me 4 chapters also!
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by trekkie »

Very interesting, turn. Be careful when dealing with Pete, purple one.
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by NHWestoN »

trekkie wrote: Sat Oct 10, 2020 3:28 pm Very interesting, turn. Be careful when dealing with Pete, purple one.
You "gotta wake up sometime." `Course, you can always go back to sleep. ;)
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Re: The Griffin's Champion

Post by Hagus »

Chapter 5: Snacks
Bino checks his imaginary watch, frowning and glancing at Fox.
“He’s late again. At this point I think we should elect someone else to provide the food.”
Fox raises an eyebrow. “You realize nobody else here can provide food right? Peanut is the only reason we still have members showing up.”
“My leadership is why we still have members. The food is just something on the side that people don’t need.”
Before Fox could point out the 2 times Peanut was absent, they had record low attendance, a familiar dog with a bone tag on his collar comes running down the street with a cart of food. He waves to Bino and Fox as he arrives, out of breath.
“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late, I was trying to finish the latest Bino: Superdog and His Action Blockbuster Sidekick Fox comic.”
Fox facepalms. “Can we please change the name? It’s insulting to me.”
“Sorry man, can’t change the name once it starts!” Peanut says, patting Fox on the head.
Bino checks out the food, and then gestures to the doors. “C’mon, the people are waiting. They’re probably starving right now.”
Bino pushes the cart into the doors, and a cheer erupts. Peanut and Fox watch the doors shut. Peanut sighs, and Fox pats his back.
“Don’t feel too bad. You do more for us than he wants to admit.” Fox says.
Peanut smiles. “Thanks Fox. I just wanna make sure Bino is happy. This club is kind of everything to him, and he seems to take it hard when people don’t show up.”
Fox nods, and then nudges Peanut playfully. “Remember that time when he rescheduled the meeting, and he ended up coming to the original time anyway?”
Peanut snickers. “Yeah, and he ended up accidentally locking himself in the storage closet for 3 hours until we showed up! How did he even manage to do that? The door has no locks!”
Both dogs laugh loudly, and Fox wipes a tear from his eye from laughing so hard. “Ah man, I’d pay to see that again.”
“Me too!” Peanut responds, walking to the entrance to the GODC.
Fox follows him, and the two join the other dogs inside. They get swarmed almost immediately by dogs, thanking Peanut for the food, and Fox for making sure Bino’s speech was less than an hour. By the snack table, a couple dogs are chowing down. Most of the food is gone except a bowl of dog biscuits, which is completely full.
“Hey Peanut, I’m gonna go see where Fido is. Cya later ok?” Fox says, pointing across the floor.
“Alright, byeeee!” Peanut calls, waving. As a Fox leaves, Peanut looks over the crowds of dogs happily. Another successful day, to quite a fun year.

(I don't intend on making chapter lengths consistent just an fyi :lol: )
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