HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

For all those times you're not in character, try new "Out of Character"

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HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

Welcome to the Mystic Meadows Out Of Character discussion thread.

This is a join-by-request neighborhood, your submitted character needs to be approved before being allowed to join. Please read everything below for important information and directions on joining.

This neighborhood has a Image discord channel! Feel free to join to chat, Hang out, discuss the RP, characters, arcs, or poke me for a quicker character approval.


Mystic Meadows is a brand new gated community that has just been built, its name coming from the nature reserve it was constructed next to. In an effort to get more families, businesses and jobs into this lovely city! A series of homes, big and small were constructed, allowing households of varying incomes to be able to afford moving to this beautiful new community. A keycard, remote-pass, or identification is required to enter this gated community, with 7ft brick fencing surrounding the area. You’re right on nature’s doorstep, but you need not worry about nature being on yours! This new community will only get better with time!

Now that the 50 homes have been built we are now working on the community center being built right beside Mystic Meadows. The security gate on the south side will be up and running once the community center it opens up to is complete and operational. The community center will bring the budding community even closer, hosting events and having a fully stocked library, a well-equipped gym, and more! While we wait for the community center’s completion there is always the good ol’ out doors to be experienced.

Just north of Mystic Meadows is the Mystic Meadows Nature Preserve, where one can reunite with nature and enjoy its beauty. There is a picnic area near the park ranger station, where one can gather with friends for a nice meal, maybe even barbeque! The fun only begins here, in the preserve proper you can find hiking trails, indicated by the preserve’s map by the ranger station. There are trails out to see the beauty of the countryside, and of course one that leads to the namesake of the preserve, the flower filled meadow surrounding Mystic Lake. A multitude of flowers can be seen here, each more beautiful than the last and filling the air with wonderful floral scents. Make sure to bring allergy medicine if you have a sensitive nose!

The beauty doesn’t stop there, as there is a river that flows down from the mountain and into the lake; a perfect place to fish or have a dip! Want something more relaxing? There is always the babbling brook flowing out of the lake, the sounds of the water gently flowing over colorful rocks is soothing music to the ears!
So what are you waiting for? Go online to our website for a virtual tour of the different houses we offer in this lovely community. Find the one that’s right for you and start the process of moving into your dream home! Mystic Meadows will be officially open on February 16th 2020, reserve your new home today before their all gone!

Mystic Meadows Cannon/lore:
  • Instead of hand shakes, feral animals greet one another by rubbing their paw on themselves then holding it out for the other to smell.
  • Feral predators are told/taught not to attack humans or their pets, though that doesn't necessarily mean pets/humans know this.
  • Animals that have been pets their whole lives act more innocent and childlike than ferals. That isn't a strict rule, just a generalization. Ferals are the opposite, generally more adult-like given that they have responsibilities and worries. Where as lifelong pets have little responsibilities generally, not having to worry about food or shelter.
  • There are no leash laws inside the gated community or nature preserve. Leashes are only required if pets are taken into the city proper.
Key Locations in the neighborhood:
  • The gated community
  • Playground in the center of the housing community
  • Construction site nearby the housing area (Future site for a community center)
  • Park Ranger Station on the edge of the forest tree line
  • A Diner is located across the street from the gated community, a place where pets are allowed to eat and work
  • Forest consisting of primarily Pine trees and bushes
  • A grass and flower filled meadow surrounding a small lake
  • One creek and one river flowing to or from the lake

Mission Statement:
  • Provide a fun and unique neighborhood experience
  • A neighborhood that is arc and plot focused (Slice of life and chill Roleplaying still encouraged but not the focus)
  • As GM, playing minor and major characters to make the world feel alive
  • Collaborate with other players(If desired) to create arcs and characters that will produce fun situations and interactions
  • and of course provide a fun and creative experience that hopefully sparks more creativity

Current Residents of Mystic Meadows:
Previous Residents of Mystic Meadows:
  • Not Available

Neighborhood Rules in RolePlaying:
  • This is a Join-by-request neighborhood, meaning every character you want to bring into the neighborhood needs to be approved before being allowed to post. Simply post your character sheet in this thread and I'll review it at my earliest convenience.
  • Make sure not to skip past people when posting. When interacting with 2+ other characters decide on a posting order and do not skip past their turn. It's a terrible feeling when you don't post fast enough or get forgotten and get your character retconned out of a scene by not being able to take your turn.
  • Please try and get one post for each of your characters once a day, and try to keep your posts 2 or more sentences long.
  • Please post in the OOC thread if you are going to be taking a leave of absence, or going to be awhile for some time. Going away for 2-3 days? Let the people you are interacting with know. A week or more? Depending on how your current RP partners feel, you may want to slip your character out of the interaction so the others are may continue.
  • If two or a small group of characters are in a situation where they are unlikely to be running into other characters, you may take your characters to PMs or to our discord channel to RP. This allows you to RP your scene out more quickly, and stops people from posting back and forth constantly if both are active players. One big post with the RP session(s) edited together looks nicer than 20+ posts filling up the pages of the RP.
  • Please try and check the OOC thread often for discussions and important information.
  • When replying to other characters try and remember to quote their posts in your replies if their post is not immediately before yours to help keep things organized and clear.

How to Join:
  • Fill out this character sheet:
    Name: Your character's name
    Color: Their Color when speaking, and what they sound like (Try to pick a color that isn't the same or too similar to another character if possible)
    Species: Self Explanatory
    Gender: Male/Female
    Age: How old they are (Human and Pet years)
    Apparent Age: How old they actually look
    Appearance: What they look like, eye/fur color, fur patterns, height, weight, special markings, identifying clothing and/or collar description.
    S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(6) P(6) E(6) C(6) I(6) A(6) L(6) There are 42 points to allocate to SPECIAL. Strength and Endurance is halved for children/pups/kittens/kits/etc
  • You might have noticed there is no section for personality or backstory. I do not want either of these to be given. I think it's more natural and fun to actually figure out a character's story and personality through the RP instead of it just being given away with such ease.
  • Also make sure you carefully plan out a characters SPECIAL, as dice rolls will be determined occasionally for certain events/interactions.
  • Make sure to wait for approval before posting in the Neighborhood RP thread.
  • Don't forget you can create a pet, stray, or feral animal for your character.
  • Regarding height:Most common domesticated pets will be around 3 feet tall, with small variations for breeds and species. Feral animals are always bigger, usually about 6 feet tall or bigger depending on species. More common feral animals like wolfs are shorter than most humans, come to about the neckline.
  • When you submit your character form please send me a PM or contact me on discord with your plans, wants, and maybe a bit of backstory for your character. To properly screen characters I need to know a bit about them to make sure they will be a good fit.
  • This neighborhood has a higher importance on special than others. I would recommend only having one, MAYBE two, level 10 stat. Also no stat can be level 1. If you went in with even level 2 luck, things would rarely ever go your characters way. This RP will have dice rolls, think DnD. While there will be general Rping and the like, it will also take on aspects of a DnD Campaign. Characters going through dungeons, failing or passing stat rolls and the like.
  • Take a moment to think about what kind of character you want to play. Build a character with strengths and flaws based off how they are as a person(pet). Take into account you aren't building a character to min/max a DnD campaign, but that your everyday pet/animal will be in DnD-like situations with dice rolls.

Dice Rolls:
Similar to DnD, dice rolls will be used pretty commonly for events and character interaction. I'll probably be the one doing it the most, but anyone is welcome to it. I would recommend people use the discord when doing dice rolls to keep things honest, or you can use this website and create a dice room with the person your doing dice rolls with.

The system we agreed on is rolling a D12, if you roll a number that is equal to or less than your stat you succeed. Ex: D12=5, your stat is 7, you pass the stat check. Roll a 9 and your stat is 7, you failed the roll.

Some Examples of dice rolls:
Strength: Moving A heavy object, trying to overpower another character
Perception: Spotting hidden characters/enemies, noticing details about a room or character
Endurance: How long a heavy object can be held up, how long you can run, outrunning another character
Charisma: Talking your way out of a situation, persuading someone to your side of the argument
Intelligence: Being able to solve a puzzle, understand a complex problem
Agility: Climbing a tree, dodging a blow
Luck: Coin Flips, Rock paper Scissors, Gambling

Want to represent this neighborhood? Copy and paste this into your signature to become 30% cooler :

Code: Select all

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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

Reserving this post for later, if this does take off I want the first two posts to be available for information and such. When I'm free later ill go ahead and add some descriptions of the area I have envisioned, other plot ideas and what not.

Possible Positions/Characters:
  • Ranger Station- An animal(Pet/Feral) working with or for the Ranger station.
  • Community Security - A pet working security detail for the gated community
  • House Pet/Wild Animal - Self explanatory
  • Construction - A pet of one of the construction workers, visiting the nearby locations when their owner is working.
Original Post:
A new community of homes built right beside Mystic Meadows nature preserve, allowing pets and wild animals alike to be possible characters to be played in this new neighborhood and pre-existing nature preserve. A new community being built gives a reason for new characters to move in and meet each other, and gives the wild animals a chance to interact with pets.
One of the main things I want to do with this neighborhood is have arcs and plot points. I don’t just want to create a setting and let slice-of-life scenarios play out, in my opinion those get old quick. I want character development, relationships building or falling, struggles and triumphs, but most of all interesting arcs and situations for the characters to interact with. As GM I want to set up situations for the characters to deal with and work through.

I would prefer to have some of the players be Creative Collaborators, though everyone would be welcome to take part, where we can work together on ideas for arcs and interesting tidbits that could happen in the neighborhood and surrounding areas. Some ideas I’m currently brooding on is a (Cliché) animal control/animal kidnapping or a mystical creature being woken from its slumber that toys or plays with the other pets and wildlife.

Not only that, but perhaps setting up characters in a way that they are for sure going to have interesting interactions with other characters or situation. A lone weasel living in the forest not having seen another weasel since their own family finds themselves face to face with another weasel, but is a pet, and also the opposite gender. They’re the same species but have lived different lives. A wild weasel seeking a mate/companion (PG of course) and dearly wanting to feel connected to another of its species, while the other has always lived as a pet, not having even thought about being another’s mate. How interesting would that be? And that’s just a lame example I thought of! (Could go on with more examples but I don’t want this to be too long)

Key Locations in the RP to give an idea of the area and such:
- Neighborhood (Duh)
- Playground in the center of the housing community
- Construction site nearby the housing area (Future site for a community center perhaps)
- Park Ranger Station on the edge of the forest tree line
- Forest – Primarily Pine trees and bushes
- A grass and flower filled meadow surrounding a small lake
- One creek and one river flowing out of the lake fed by underground springs

Bottom line is that I’m looking to see if anyone has any interest in this kind of neighborhood. A neighborhood in the HPU that is more story and character driven in the hopes of creating and playing out fun and exciting stories.

I won’t lie and say I’m an expert at this, but I have been writing and RPing for over 10 years and this is an idea I’m quite excited about. I used to RP in these forums 10 years ago and fondly remember the neighborhood I was a part of back then (Even after reading how terribly I wrote way back then).

So does this interest anyone? I would love to find 4-6+ active people to participate in this, make some friends and have a good time with others. I was thinking of a post (or more) a day for each character with each character’s response post being 2-4+ sentences(preferred not a strict rule, I understand life can get in the way of things). And of course people are welcome to have more than one character. Heck, in my last neighborhood the GM ran 10+ characters, big and small roles, with most other people having two (Myself having 4).

Anyway, I’m rambling now. If you have any questions, concerns, or critiques please let me know! If this gains interest I will turn this post into a proper OOC main thread with a map of the area, descriptions of the homes/forest, list of players and what not.

If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading all I’ve had to say!

Edit: reading this after actually getting some sleep it reads like I'm trying to put a lot of pressure on other players which I did not intend for. I was getting a bit carried away with my ideal neighborhood.

Basically I just have a real big desire to run a neighborhood and I think I have a lot of good ideas that would be fun to play out with others in said neighborhood. I understand that others probably won't want to be involved in creating arcs and such, which is fine, I'll be able to do that just fine on my own. I just explained poorly how I wouldn't mind others being apart of the process.

Once I'm home I'll see about adding more info and the like.

I've also made a discord channel for the neighborhood for faster communications and discussion. The best place to go if you want to reach me in a flash or hang out!

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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Hey, I'd like to put my hand(/paw?) forward to show some interest in this! I have a bunch of characters to choose from and they'd certainly benefit from making some connections with pets or other wild-adjacent animals. Looking forward to seeing it develop so I can cast some character ideas, good luck and godspeed in these wiki-troubled times. :D
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

DdeeStar wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:05 pm Hey, I'd like to put my hand(/paw?) forward to show some interest in this! I have a bunch of characters to choose from and they'd certainly benefit from making some connections with pets or other wild-adjacent animals. Looking forward to seeing it develop so I can cast some character ideas, good luck and godspeed in these wiki-troubled times. :D
Thanks for your interest DdeeStar! If anyone is interested don't be shy and post a reply to this thread.

I've also made a discord channel for the neighborhood for faster communications and discussion. The best place to go if you want to reach me in a flash!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

I'm definitely interested in this! I might have a character I can use already, and I plan on making one more for this roleplay specifically.

Also the Discord server is going to be useful - I'm pretty excited!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Foxfan2164 »

This seems interesting. I dont have any characters at the moment but i'll make one for this rp specifically.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

Citrisfur wrote: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:44 pm I'm definitely interested in this! I might have a character I can use already, and I plan on making one more for this roleplay specifically.

Also the Discord server is going to be useful - I'm pretty excited!
This seems interesting. I dont have any characters at the moment but i'll make one for this rp specifically.
Thanks for your interest! Feel free to come to the discord and hang out with us!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I’m not interested in playing a character here, but I would be up for sharing ideas. One question I have right away is how realistic are you going to make this? A lot of the other RPs have things like magic in them, and I’m curious if that’s going to be allowed here.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

Legotron123 wrote: Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:55 pm I’m not interested in playing a character here, but I would be up for sharing ideas. One question I have right away is how realistic are you going to make this? A lot of the other RPs have things like magic in them, and I’m curious if that’s going to be allowed here.
As a minor spoiler, yes. I would gladly accept people wanting to participate with arc/plot creation!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I’d say send me a PM so we can discuss potential story ideas with spoiling any players, but with the forums the way they are now, I’m not sure you CAN send one, not to mention whether I’d be able to see it if you did.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

I was sending PMs just the other day. If not that there is always discord if you have that.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

Bringing Takido, unused, from Richmond Acres
Name: Takido Hiromachi

Color: #00d022 Standard masculine voice. Can be barky, especially when speaking quickly or when he’s impatient with someone who avoids putting effort into answering his questions.

Species: Red Fox

Gender: Male

Age: 6 human year (21 pet years)

Apparent Age: Around 4 or 5 human years

Appearance: Average height, build, and weight. Reddish-ginger with a white underbelly and white-tipped tail, and darker legs and arms. He wears a purple collar with a dodecahedron-shaped tag.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(5) P(8) E(5) C(7) I(9) A(5) L(3)

I'll attach two more characters here when they're ready, for one post with all of my characters.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (Now Taking Character Forms)

Post by DdeeStar »

Characters! Yaaay~

Name: Matatabi
Color: #93775A A soft spoken young lad, a little higher pitched than most.
Species: Mixed Breed Shorthair Cat
Gender: Male
Age: 5, ~17.5
Apparent Age: As above
Appearance: Mostly brown coat with silver tear-shaped markings near his feet and handpaws, growing smaller as they approach the joints. Tail and ears are notably longer than most cats'. Stands a touch below average (2' 11") and is slightly underweight, though neither is obvious. Eyes are a frosty blue that glow red (rather than the feline normal of green) in low-light. Wears a bark-patterned collar with two rectangular metal tags on them and a soft blue scarf that keeps his valuables close to him.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(4) P(9) E(4) C(5) I(6) A(5) L(9)

Name: Tiffini
Color: #B20F90 Constantly cheerful and upbeat molly, mature but playful.
Species: Toyger Cat
Gender: Female
Age: 6, 21
Apparent Age: Closer to 5.5, 19 thanks to her youthful energy.
Appearance: A burnt orange coat with black stripes every inch or so. Average height and thin, her thicker coat making her average weight as well. Eyes are a mocha color, and her coat is luxuriously soft. Wears a seaweed green collar with two heart-shaped metal tags as well as a peach-colored hooded jacket, normally unzipped.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(7) P(3) E(5) C(9) I(5) A(9) L(4)
Last edited by DdeeStar on Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (Now Taking Character Forms)

Post by Neko »

@DdeeStar & Citrisfur


Here are two of my characters:
Name: Jake
Color: #0d75d4 | A Deep breathy voice
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Young Adult (5 or 6 human years)
Appearance: A 5'6" tall all white furred wolf, his arms and legs visibly bulging with muscle definition while a 6 pack proudly prominent through the white fur. A blue leather collar is secured around the wolf's neck, sporting a magnifying-glass shaped silver dog tag that reads "Jake" and nothing else. His bright blue eyes contrast nicely against his white fur, being a quick to notice feature.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(9) P(6) E(9) C(4) I(6) A(5) L(3)
Name: Kutamo
Color: #a30ab6 | Slightly higher pitched and pubescent
Species: Husky
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Human years (10-11 pet years)
Apparent Age: 3-4 human years
Appearance: Standing at 3'5", this husky stands a bit taller than most. His fur colors are gray and white, though the usual darker husky markings seem to be bigger than usual, making him more gray than white. He has slight muscle definition, but is rather lanky and lean. Wears a purple collar, the fabric frayed and worn in different spots showing its age, a golden silver tag hanging in front of it. The young husky sports Hazel eyes, mostly a dark brown with lighter shades away from the pupil.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(6) P(8) E(7) C(6) I(4) A(7) L(4)
If anyone has any problems or concerns regarding my characters feel free to speak up! Character screening goes both ways.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP will start up later today 4/30)

Post by Roarin »

Any room for another character? I like the idea of a nature park/preserve going on in the backyard of the town! Sounds like a lot of hiking and camping to be had!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP will start up later today 4/30)

Post by Neko »

Roarin wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:40 pm Any room for another character? I like the idea of a nature park/preserve going on in the backyard of the town! Sounds like a lot of hiking and camping to be had!
Of course, we have plenty of room! Feel free to submit a character form or two, and we also have a discord if you want to chat and hang out.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP will start up later today 4/30)

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Alright im getting a character out!

Zane Anderson
Talking color:
#00FFFF / Has a sort of youngish voice; definitely sounding younger that he his.
Cat (black and white)
5 human years / 17.5 pet years
Apparent age:
About 2-3 human years / 7-10.5 pet years
Mystic Meadows
Zane has white fur on most of his body. His belly fur is lighter than the rest of his body. On his back, he has black fur and his left hand paw and right foot paw are black as well. He has black fur around his right eye. The tip of his tail is black as well. He wears a white collar with a sky blue snowflake. He also wears a blue jacket with white snowflakes dotted across it. It's not usually zipped all the way. He has deep blue eyes.
Other Notes:
Zane's collar is actually a fan and he's happy to share it with friends.
Last edited by Foxfan2164 on Sun May 17, 2020 6:41 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP will start up later today 4/30)

Post by Neko »

Foxfan2164 wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:26 pm Alright im getting a character out!

Zane Anderson
Talking color:
Cat (black and white)
9 human years / 31.5 pet years
Mystic Meadows
Zane has white fur on most of his body. His belly fur is lighter than the rest of his body. His on his back he has black fur and his left handpaw and right footpaw are black as well. He has black fur around his right eye. The tip of his tail is black as well. He wears a white collar with a sky blue snowflake.
Zane is very much an extrovert annd he wants to make friends where ever possible. He may seem annoying at times and he kinda acts younger than he is. He's a little clingy.

Other Notes:
Zane's collar is actually a fan and he's happy to share it with friends.
Please refer to the first post and look to the joining process. This neighborhood has its own rules, preferences and character sheet.

This neighborhood has a higher importance on special than others. I would recommend only having one, MAYBE two, level 10 stat. Also no stat can be level 1. If you went in with even level 2 luck, things would rarely ever go your characters way. This RP will have dice rolls, think DnD. While there will be general Rping and the like, it will also take on aspects of a DnD Campaign. Characters going through dungeons, failing or passing stat rolls and the like.

Take a moment to think about what kind of character you want to play. Build a character with strengths and flaws based off how they are as a person(pet). Take into account you aren't building a character to min/max a DnD campaign, but that your everyday pet/animal will be in DnD-like situations with dice rolls.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP has started!)

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Alright, thanks. I took that into account and fixed the character accordingly. You should see some changes!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP has started!)

Post by Neko »

Foxfan2164 wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:37 pm Alright, thanks. I took that into account and fixed the character accordingly. You should see some changes!
It looks good, thanks for making those alterations. You're character is approved!
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP has started!)

Post by Foxfan2164 »

I looked over my sheet again and made some more changes.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC (RP has started!)

Post by Neko »

Foxfan2164 wrote: Sat May 02, 2020 12:03 pm I looked over my sheet again and made some more changes.
Still looks good! Feel free to enter the rp whenever you like.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Roarin »

Name: Zoey Desoto

Color: Colur = #808000

Species: Female Alaskan Malamute

Age: 5.4 Years (19 Dog years)

Apparent Age: About 4-5 human years

Appearance: Unlike the malamutes of yore whose athletic bodies were accustomed to heavy work, Zoey's is more on the lithe and agile side (well associated with runners). Despite the difference in body type her fur pattern still remains the same with the white fur around the muzzle area of the face as well as the front of the neck, the chest, legs, and outer tail, with the rest a brownish red color. She half a head shorter than the average height of her breed which may make her seem small (her gusto and enthusiasm makes up for this). Her eyes are an ice blue and she wears a dark brown leather collar with a buckle. The tag that hangs from it is silver and in the shape of a lightning bolt.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(5) P(4) E(8) C(8) I(3) A(5) L(9)
Last edited by Roarin on Fri May 29, 2020 5:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Neko »

Roarin, it is exciting to finally see your character! It looks good, but Mystic Meadows uses its own character form. If you could please adjust yours to the one we use you should be 100% ready to go!

Here is the form from the first post for your viewing convenience:
Neko wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:19 pm How to Join:
Fill out this character sheet:
Name: Your character's name
Color: Their Color when speaking, and what they sound like (Try to pick a color that isn't the same or too similar to another character if possible)
Species: Self Explanatory
Gender: Male/Female
Age: How old they are (Human and Pet years)
Apparent Age: How old they actually look
Appearance: What they look like, eye/fur color, fur patterns, height, weight, special markings, identifying clothing and/or collar description.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L - S(6) P(6) E(6) C(6) I(6) A(6) L(6) There are 42 points to allocate to SPECIAL. Strength and Endurance is halved for children/pups/kittens/kits/etc
-You might have noticed there is no section for personality or backstory. I do not want either of these to be given. I think it's more natural and fun to actually figure out a character's story and personality through the RP instead of it just being given away with such ease.
-Make sure to wait for approval before posting in the Neighborhood RP thread.
-Don't forget you can create a pet, stray, or feral animal for your character.
-Regarding height:Most common domesticated pets will be around 3 feet tall, with small variations for breeds and species. Feral animals are always bigger, usually about 6 feet tall or bigger depending on species. More common feral animals like wolfs are shorter than most humans, come to about the neckline.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

So it's been 2 months or something since this RP had a new post. Anyone still here ?
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Yeah, I think we sorta lost everyone... sorry Neko.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Neko hasn't been only for almost two months as well, hope they're ok.
I'll leave this RP open until the end of next week, see if we hear anything before closing
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Didn't even think to check their activity... sounds good, I'll see if I can get ahold of them on Discord and let them know.
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Re: HPU: Mystic Meadows OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

welp, I guess this been long enough. Was a good try, but I'll have to call this one for now. if one day ya guys wanna revive this again, feel free to let the mods know.