Tales of a Farm Tomcat

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Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by trekkie »

(This is an alternate universe where Max stayed with Rufus & the barn cats)

Part One: An Incident Near Sandwich Farm

Chapter One

Section One: About a Farm Tomcat

Maxwell Sandwich, made his way through one of the pastures of his farm home. A couple of squirrels had told them that they had seen some unknown young women lurking around the property, and Max was on his way to talk to the squirrels to get further details. Patrolling the property’s was one of his two jobs, the other being pest control assigned to him by Reuben Sandwich the new owner of the farm, and Rufus, an Australian Shepherd who was Max’s father figure, no, check that, his father. Max waved to Made Of Win, a retired racehorse, and spotted Rufus repairing a piece of fencing damaged in a recent storm. Max made his way over to Rufus, intending to talk to him about the young ladies. Max didn’t really think the ladies were up to anything nefarious, thinking that they were birdwatchers or walkers because the woods by the farm were public land.

As he made his way over to the fence, Max thought about how he ended up on the Sandwich farm, as it was now known. It had been just over a year and a half ago that Max slid on to the property, fleeing a pursuing coyote and crow. After botching mouse hunting badly, Max, in a panic, broken his ankle after had decided to flee, convinced he’d be tossed out. Rufus comforted him, and after thinking the matter over carefully, Max decided to stay. It was the best decision of his young life. Rufus was his surrogate father and the barn cats were his combination mothers/older sisters/advisors in cat matters. The black and grey Tom had become a skillful hunter under the tutelage of Rufus and the barn cats. He would have been a feared hunter, but Max could never bring himself to harm any critter he caught. He preferred a “catch and release” method, wherein he’d let the creatures go outside off the farm’s property, after warning the creatures not to return. Most of the animals Max caught listened to him, but some, Max thought particularly of an arrogant blue jay and a very stupid mouse had to learn the hard way. The barn cats tended to give the prey no quarter. Max had a boyfriend , a German Shepherd named Fritz, who was as loving and protective of him as Rufus and the barn cats. He was, he thought a very lucky cat, indeed.

Rufus finished the repairs to the fence and waved for Max to come over. He was happy for Max, he knew the cat had a traumatic early life, and was glad the cat was settling into life on the farm. Maxwell’s kindness to a number of the forest creatures had earned the farm multiple guards/protectors. Max came over to where Rufus was working and both heard a commotion nearby. They saw Mike Larson, a young man who worked on the farm talking with four ladies of his own age, who were accompanied by a giant schnauzer, each of the girls carried a canvas bag. Mike had been going through family troubles, and had been caught with a minute amount illegal drugs. Mike’s parents and his attorney got the got to give Mike community service on the Sandwich farm, as Rachel, Rueben’s wife was his home economics teacher, and agreed to be responsible for him . Mike was working with the animals, (he had a natural rapport with animals according to his parents), and slowly began to unburden himself, talking to the farm animals about his troubles. After his community sentence term expired, Reuben employed Mike, as the kid was a very good, diligent worker, and the animals cared as much got him as he did for them. Max, looked at the girls, the matched the descriptions given to him by the squirrels. Max and Rufus watched hoping that Mike hadn’t gotten himself into trouble.
Last edited by trekkie on Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Glad to see you're finally writing this.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job with what you currently have written! Is Max a kitten still in this or is he the same age but he just lives on the farm?
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by CunningFox »

Great start, trekkie. Good to see this idea explored. I had a similar idea, but was more about what would happen when Peanut and Grape visited the farm.
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cuddly poetatoe
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by cuddly poetatoe »

oh boy this is pretty good
for me i hope there's gonna be a part where grape and peanut come and visit we get to see how things play out
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Its intriguing to think about the idea of how our surroundings shape how we grow up. This version of Max seems more diligent than the cannon version of Max. I'm interested to see where you take this.
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by NHWestoN »

Always thought the Barn Cats had interesting comic possibilities. Oh, well, another road not taken.
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I felt that Rufus at least been with a few of them at different points. Rufus definitely strikes me as someone who would do that. ;)
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:17 pm I felt that Rufus at least been with a few of them at different points. Rufus definitely strikes me as someone who would do that. ;)
Given their flirtatious reception of Peanut, I'm guessing you're right ....... hehhehheheh ....... ;)
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just wanted to say it in a way that wasn't breaking the rules. Rufus is definitely someone who would go out with all of them. :oops:
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by trekkie »

Thank you to everyone for your kind words.

Part One : An Incident Near Sandwich Farm

Chapter One

Section Two: Standing up for Sandwich Farm

Mike Larson glared at his four classmates. The fury he felt had been building since he saw their vehicle next to the road upon being driven to the farm. These girls were not, Mike knew, the nature type. This, combined with some insults he had heard from the girls directed at Mrs. Sandwich, when he was got to the home ec classroom to be driven to the farm a couple times, had given him a distaste for the Mathletes as they were known . Plus, Mike couldn’t help it, there was just something about these girls he hated. A sense of the supercilious disdain they had for anyone who wasn’t in their club or in the advanced academic classes they took. While Mike’s family was well off, it was part of how he was able to get a favorable community service sentence, but he wasn’t on the level of any of these girls. Mike’s drug arrest would be expunged from his record providing he didn’t get in any more trouble, and having been through Heck with the drugs and family troubles, Mike had no desire to return to that horrible time of his life. He confronted the girls, he knew this could cause him social troubles at school but he didn’t give a carp, it wasn’t like he was that popular anyway.

“Why are you here?” He coldly asked the girls

“None of your business.” One of the girls, who wore bizarrely oversized sunglasses, answered snottily

“It is my business because I work at this farm, and I care about the animals and people on it.” Mike glared straight at Meredith Cole, one of the meanest mean girls he had ever known

Another girl, dressed in torn pants and a tie-dyed shirt that cost more than Mike’s entire wardrobe, and he thought, more than it cost to keep, Max, Rufus, and the Barn Cats in kibble for a year, approached the teen, “Now listen, we can make life at school much easier for you. Just ignore what going to happen, you won’t get hurt unless you intervene.”

“I can’t do that.” Mike said, “I don’t care who hates me at school. I couldn’t my live my if I conscience if you damaged the farm, and so help me , Emily, if you harm any of you harm any of these animals or any person here. I will not rest until you are behind bars.” Mike’s fury was growing with every word spoken by these girls. Nearby, Max and Rufus, hearing the disagreement, came to a silent agreement, Max would stay here, and k and Rufus would get help. Rufus patted Max’s shoulder and ran to the farmhouse.

“We’re going to take revenge on this farm, and if we have to go through you we will.” A third girl dressed in clothes like those that Max and the barn cats had mocked on celebrities, grabbed Mike’s arm threateningly, “If that idiot teacher and her idiot husband think they can get us suspended, they’ll soon find out we’re not to be trifled with.”

“Neither am I.” Mike held firm, “Anyway, you guys cheated to win the Mathlete championship, If had it my way, you’d all be expelled for that, no one will think anything our school wins will be legitimate anymore because of you. Look before you say anything, I know you know that I have a drug arrest. You can spread that all around school if you want to. Make a school-wide announcement, for all I care. But leave this farm alone.”

“Maybe we should.” The fourth girl , dressed in a field hockey tee shirt and sweatpants spoke at last, “ We’re in enough trouble.”

“Are you backing out on us, Polly?” Meredith with the ridiculously big sunglasses approached and glared menacingly at the fourth girl, “If so, you’ll just join this loser. Or maybe we’ll tell the principal and the faculty committee that the cheating was all your idea. They’ll believe the three of us over you. And then, you can kiss that scholarship goodbye.”

“I won’t back out Meredith. “ Polly’s voice had fear, shame, and dread in it so far as Max could tell

“Good.” Meredith, , said and smiling evilly and, reached into her canvas bag, gave a hammer to each girl, “Now, let’s get this over with.”

“You’ll have to go through me.” Mike said determinedly

“Very well. Emily, Tina, take his arm. “ Meredith, who Max now knew to be the leader, spoke and seeing Mike’s hesitation said, “If we hurt you, maybe your far and little, dumb animals will be spared. “ Max saw Mike accept his fate hoping to spare the farm and animals. Max hoped Rufus and his owners would get here soon, he couldn’t take on all four of them.

Emily with the torn pants and Tina with the ridiculous clothes grabbed Mike’s arm . Meredith raised the hammer, and Mike and Max both looked away, not wanting to see the forthcoming injury. The five hammer strikes left Mike with an open fracture in his lower left arm. Meredith lowered the hammer and kicked Mike’s head, she then raised the hammer again. Max, who had been temporarily frozen in shock, as the severity of Mike’s injury, launched himself at Meredith his fangs and claws bared.

“Get off him you monsters.” Max yelled, and soon found himself on Meredith’s arm, he sank his fangs and claws into his arm and heard Meredith scream . Meredith tried to shake Max off, but the cat held firm.

“Zenith, get this cat off me. “ Meredith spoke to the schnauzer. The dog grabbed Max, and Max felt the satisfaction of taking skin with him and hearing Meredith yelp in pain, as the dog grabbed the scruff of his neck.

“You’ll regret hurting my owner, you fleabag.” Zenith slammed Max to the ground, and Max felt electric pain surging up his arm and a nasty ache from his ribs. The schnauzer stepped on Max’s shoulder, and bit his left ear, before the cat could get it back. Max as scared as he had been when being menaced by that coyote and crow. He was a different cat now though, and he slashed out with his claws. If h e was going down he was going down fighting.

“Get off him!” Max heard Rufus’s furious voice and saw the dog , along with Reuben and Rachel Sandwich charging towards them, Rachel carrying a cell phone .The four girls and Zenith fled, Rufus skidded to a stop next to Max. Mike managed to trip Polly, and Reuben pinned her arm behind her back while Rachel sat near Mike.

“Where do you hurt Max? Looks like your might be permanently damaged. “ Rufus, seeing Max’s ear, felt a sense of rage, those girls and that dog would pay for this. Hopefully by going to jail and the pound , but, if that failed, there was the barn cats and Fritz. That might be more satisfying, if less legal. Rufus knew how protective the barn cats and German Shepard were towards Max.

“Well, my ear of course, also my left arm and my ribs on my left side. “ Max said trying to get an accurate assessment of his injuries

“Don’t worry, Max. You’ll feel better soon.” Rufus held Max as the cat began to cry.
Nearby, Mike was also crying, but he was being comforted by Rachel Sandwich, who had applied first aid, and was trying to keep the boy calm.

“Please, let me go. I’ll be in so much trouble.” Polly pleaded

“You should have thought about that before harming my cat and employee.” Reuben voice was cold, “You can save your breath. Talk to the cops, maybe they’ll give you a break, but I hope not.”

Soon the area, was flooded with bright red and blue lights. Polly was handcuffed, and loaded into a police SUV, she still crying, and getting no sympathy from the female trooper who responded to the incident. Medics from the local pet hospital tended to Max, while medics from the ambulance squad tended to Mike. Max saw the blue sky turn into a reflective ceiling, and soon with Rufus beside him, he was headed off to be healed. Max said a prayer that both he and Mike, would be okay, and that justice would be served.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Tales of a Farm Tomcat

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a really great chapter. But dear LORD you really do like having some real ******** in your stories don't you?