CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

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CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Been working on this for a while and it's finally up. I don't feel any more preamble is needed so here we go

There’s a time, when the moon
Reveals its face through the clouds
I let out a sigh, and want to cry out loud

But deep in my heart
I feel love so alive!
In the depths of my soul
I know we will survive!

And the ones they would break
In their greed and their pride!

But deep in my heart
I feel love so alive!
In the depths of my soul
I know we will survive!

Chapter 1: Mysterious Shadow

The City of Meridiana, Argentina. Built around a massive angel statue that was placed there by the colonists possibly as a Christian symbol it now stood more as a navigation point for those lost in the city streets. The city was remote and very “old world” not only in architecture but in technology: only around 100 people even owned a cell phone and if any of them were smart phones they were never seen out in the open; the local cell tower gave such terrible reception that pay phones were still common.

Being so isolated from the rest of the world is what made Meridiana ideal for clandestine acts, as several packages were being loaded into a truck under the supervision of a rotund man dressed in winter clothing but not at all bothered by the heat.

“Duh... hurry up,” the man, named Frostbite, ushered the workers, “Load everything, fixed ideas.”

The fixed ideas were almost two and a half meter tall muscular top-heavy humanoids with green skin, short-cut blonde hair, solid red eyes surrounded by a black mask of their skin and dressed in jeans and t-shirts. All four of them were loading heavy objects into a large armored truck.

On the roof next door, a meter tall figure stood on the roof in an open dark brown trench coat. He pushed the glasses up the bridge of his snout and smirked, speaking in a rough but level voice. “Found them. Good, time to get to work.” He jumped down.

The sound of the figure hitting the nearby alley drew the attention of the fixed ideas and Frostbite, who pointed towards one of the fixed ideas, “Go check that noise, now.”

The fixed idea grunted then dropped its box and stomped over to the alley. It stared dumbly at the upset pile of boxes and scratched its head.

“Surprise!” The low voice behind the fixed idea made it turn around as a large icicle shot from the figure’s left hand through its torso. The fixed idea stumbled from the pain as the ice melted away and the figure jabbed all five of its fingers into the thing’s skin around the wound, “Your sustenance is mine!” he drew back and with his hand came a stream of bright green liquid that flowed through the air and into the figure’s mouth, which he gulped down until the fixed idea shriveled away to nothing with a puff of bright green gas. He felt his body brim with energy and sighed contentedly.

The truck was almost completely loaded while Frostbite tapped his foot, “Duh, where is he. You,” he pointed at a fixed idea, “See what happened to the other one.”

The fixed idea dropped the last box in the truck and marched around to the alley, finding the clothes of the last one lying in a pile. “Huh?” it picked up the clothes and stared for a moment.

“Over here.”

The fixed idea looked up in time to see the figure charged at it and strike it hard in the gut. It stumbled for a moment then punched back which sent the figure flying.

“You killed brother!” The fixed idea charged as the figure managed to jump up and the fixed idea’s fist slammed down where he had been a moment again. The figure swung its arm as the fixed idea charged again, a sheet of ice forming under its feet which made it slip and crash into the wall.

The figure took its chance and jabbed its right hand with five fingers into the fixed ideas back and sucked its sustenance out like before, “Wish I didn’t have to waste energy on you, oh well.” He pulled the liquid back and consumed it as the fixed idea dissolved.

Frostbite saw the glow from the stream of sustenance this time and ran to the truck’s cab, “Hurry! Hurry!” He jumped in the passenger’s seat as one of the two remaining fixed ideas hit the accelerator in the already started truck and they burst out of the warehouse.

The figure emerged from the alley, putting his glasses back on and glaring at the retreating truck, “Not this time, Cold Heart.” He slapped the ground and sent out a large sheet of ice across the ground which flew out underneath the truck. Without even all-weather tires the truck started to spin out, as the driver tried to steer but didn’t manage to stop before it rolled over and slid to a stop with a grating grind of steel on asphalt.

The two remaining fixed ideas climbed out, the second stopping to pull Frostbite free while the first looked around and spotted the figure disappearing down an alley and gave chase before Frostbite was free and able to stop it.

The fixed idea ran to the alley then stared dumbly and scratched its head when it saw nothing. The figure dropped down from above and struck the fixed idea on the head, managing to crack its skull. He was extracting the sustenance from the now dead fixed idea when the last one and Frostbite came around the corner.

Frostbite pointed at the figure as he stood up, with the green liquid still on his mouth, and shouted, “There! Duh, stop him! Get more!” The fixed idea charged at the figure but it jumped away as the big green fist smashed a garbage can.

“Chase him! Duh, I gotta tell the professor,” Frostbite turned and scrambled away.

The figure jumped high enough to reach the roof tops and darted away out of the fixed idea’s line of sight before he landed in an alley several blocks away. “Time to blend in,” He took a deep breath and removed his glasses, which he stored in a pocket as his body began to shift.

His shoulders narrowed, his hips widened, his eyes changed from ice blue to green, his fur from brown to violet and two small lumps grew on his chest.

“Good,” the figure now spoke in a feminine voice as she buttoned up the trench coat and stepped out into the rapidly darkening street as the clouds moved in. She waved at a teenage couple who were jogging home, a red fox and a two-toned blue raccoon.

One other thing that made Meridiana unique was that there was a large number of small anthropomorphic animals living there as the city was the port where the Care Bear Family had set sail in the Cloud Clipper before they arrived in the Kingdom of Caring. Sadly, Dark Heart had attacked before they had time to properly prepare so only three adults and a couple dozen cubs had been able to board before they had to set sail. After the attack there were only about 150 animals left of all ages and with nothing else to do, and no idea that the ship had survived, they settled into the city as citizens with little complaint. The Care Bear Family never came back as their caring meter setup always detected that there were more than enough Care Bears down there so it had become a massive blind spot for their system.

As such it was the only place someone like him/her could blend in.

The rain started suddenly, not a huge downpour but enough that anyone outside without an umbrella was soon sopping wet. The figure didn’t mind, helped cover up her trail.

Before she could get home, she heard someone collapse nearby and soft crying even over the downpour.

“Help… please help…” a boy’s voice rasped from the nearby alley. She couldn’t ignore it and she stepped to find a teenaged yellow bear who had collapsed, his ragged clothes soaked through. “So thirsty,” he tried and failed to catch some of the water in his mouth.

He suddenly felt himself propped up by a gentle hand and a hand pressed to his face, “Drink this,” a kind woman’s voice said as water pooled in her hand. He gratefully gulped down water for a full minute before he gasped for breath. “Feel better?”

“Thank you,” he was crying as he looked up at the purple bear woman that stood over him. She lifted him as though he weighed no more than a feather and he clung to her. “Who are you?”

She smiled, “You can call me Soul Heart Bear. Do you have a name?”

“I was called Flash,” he passed out in her arms.

“Can’t leave you laying out here,” Soul Heart smiled, “let’s go.”


Frostbite shook from nerves as he stood in a lavishly furnished office in front of a huge portrait on the wall which showed a man with blue skin, short white hair, a thin face, long pointed nose and a yellow-tinted monocle in his left eye with his eyes in shadow. The portrait flashed for a moment and was replaced by a video screen with the same man in the same pose who glared down at him.

“There’s better be a good reason for this, Frostibite,” the man’s voice was icy and harsh.

Frostbite gulped. “Uh-uh Professor Cold Heart, duh I mean Doctor Von Reichter we were attacked and we lost the machines!”

“What?!” Von Reichter narrowed his gaze.

Frostbite flinched, “Three fixed ideas were killed and I saw a Care Bear drinking one’s sustenance.”

Von Reichter’s eyes went wide then narrowed, “Did you get the printing equipment?”

“No uhh,” Frostbite concentrated to remember, “No! The truck slipped and crashed and everything broke!”

“Slipped? On ice?” Von Reichter leaned towards the screen.

“Yes!” Frostbite nodded vigorously.

Von Reichter sat back, hands together in thought for a moment.

Frostbite waited for a couple minutes in silence before he spoke, “Duh, Professor?”

“Things have changed, I’m sending Jose to oversee the operation now. He will be there within the day.”

“Jose?” Frostbite scratched his head through his toque.

“Yes, if I’m right things are going to get more dangerous soon.” Von Reichter closed the video feed and hunched over in a massive laboratory, “It can’t be one of the Fuzzy Wuzzies, but maybe…” he swiveled in his chair, “Jose.”

In the shadows stood a young boy, less than a meter tall with light reflecting off his large round glasses, “Yes father?”


Flash Heart Bear slowly woke up, feeling warm and cozy bedding instead of cold hard concrete. He sat up, throwing the blanket back and looking around at the small room. He remembered being scooped up by another bear then carefully flopped back, sighing happily as he pulled the covers back up to his neck as he let the warmth seep in.

He opened his eyes when the bedroom door opened and saw the same bear that had picked him up last night, albeit now dressed in a simple faded turquoise and white dress, “Good, you’re awake.” She breathed a sigh of relief, “I was worried you might not wake up.”

“So you did save me,” Flash Heart sat up on the bed, “is this your house?”

“My apartment, not much but it’s home. Are you hungry?” Soul Heart stayed by the door.

Flash Heart felt his stomach rumble and nodded, “Yes.”

“Then let’s get you breakfast, hurry up now,” she motioned for Flash to exit which got him to slide out of bed and into the main room.

Soul Heart Bear’s apartment was small, other than the bedroom there was just a bathroom and the main room which was a kitchen and living room combined. Other than the fridge, cupboards, counters and stove the only other pieces of furniture were an old couch and an old tube TV that looked to be on its last legs, if it worked at all.

Breakfast wasn’t much, just a glass of water and some canned baked beans but Flash Heart practically inhaled it, grateful to have something warm and filling in him for once. He saw Soul Heart drinking a glass of water and set it down by the sink.

“Where’s your breakfast?” Flash Heart noticed other than a couple more cans of beans in an open cupboard there didn’t appear to be any food in the kitchen.

“Oh, well I don’t need to eat, I mean…” Soul Heart’s reflexive answer made her gulp slightly. “Anyway, we need to get going.”

Flash Heart tensed up in his chair, “Where are you taking me?”

Soul Heart saw his nerves but answered honestly, “To my job, I don’t want to leave you home alone all day.”

“I’m 16, I can handle it,” Flash folded his arms.

“Well there’s not much to do here, unless you like to read,” she walked over to the TV and pulled the power knob, and nothing happened, “And the TV is broken too… also I don’t have an extra key so you’d have to stay inside all day. I guess I could get more books at work.”

“Where do you work?” Flash relaxed slightly.

“The library,” Soul Heart said, heading for the door, “I promise I’ll get more for the apartment later but I’d rather keep you nearby for now.”

Flash Heart sighed and slid out of the chair, still wearing the worn our clothes he’d had on the previous night. “Fine…” he grumbled as he followed Soul Heart out, letting her lock the door before they headed out.

Soul Heart looked at Flash Heart, who was only a head shorter than her, as they walked down the sidewalk, eventually he noticed and turned to her, “What?”

“Why were you living on the street?” Soul Heart showed genuine concern, which startled Flash.

“Well… I had a foster family but I hated it there. Ran away three years ago and did my best to just survive but…” he stopped, “I had a bad month I guess and after that strange accident a couple weeks ago a lot of the water tasted nasty, like poison.”

“I remember,” Soul Heart averted her eyes from Flash as they started walking again, “At least the tap water is fine.”

“Yeah,” Flash Heart smiled slightly, “thanks, for helping me last night but what are we going to do now?”

“Well I have to work and you can hang around the library as long as you don’t bother anyone until we can go home,” Soul Heart said.

“We? Home?” Flash Heart stopped from the shock.

“I mean, if you want to live with me, I’ll need help getting groceries and I should get you some clothes that aren’t in pieces.” Soul Heart didn’t notice he had stopped and Flash had to jog to catch up.

“I’d like that,” Flash Heart smiled.


Frostbite paced anxiously in front of the in front of the portrait communication screen when the door to the office burst open. He gulped as a fixed idea entered, this one wearing a white and red striped shirt.

“Jose?” Frostbite looked up at the fixed idea as it approached.

A short boy goose-stepped out from behind the fixed idea with his hands behind his back. He had tanned skin and wore huge round orange tinted glasses, a blue polo shirt, red necktie, dark green shorts, brown shoes and black hair that was long on his left and shaved around his ear on his right.

He glared up at Frostbite and shouted while jabbing a thumb at himself, “I’m Jose!”

“Huh?” Frostibite leaned over as if he couldn’t believe what he heard.

Jose grabbed Frostbite’s collar and pulled him into his face with surprising strength, “From now on you will sit in my presence!” he shoved Frostbite back onto his rear then goose-stepped over to the desk, hopped up and pulled himself to stand on top of the desk then folded his arms. “I’m running things now.”

Frostbite nodded dumbly, “Duh, ok. So now what?”

Jose grinned, “Simple, instead of stealing the machines, we kidnap the people who made them.”


Spending the day inside surrounded by people not trying to shoo him off or order him around gave Flash Heart Bear the best day of his life. While Soul Heart worked at the front desk, sorting through book returns and check-outs, Flash Heart spent the whole day reading whatever he could find, mostly whatever comic strip collection books he could find.

It was close to lunch when a tall blonde muscular man in a large coat entered the library. He stared at Soul Heart for a moment before he spoke, “Hi, miss umm…”

“Soul Heart Bear,” Soul Heart smiled, “I’m the librarian on duty right now, can I help you?”

“Right sorry, I,” the man turned to look around the main library room seeing Flash Heart, an adult brown lynx and a dark blue bear the same age as Flash Heart, “I’m still not used to seeing people like you around.”

“Anthros and I get it. Can I help you?” Soul Heart did her best to steer the subject back to her job.

“Yes, I’m Lucas Amato. I just moved here and I need some book for the science class I’m going to teach at school,” Lucas pulled out a hand-written list from his coat pocket.

Soul Heart read the list and nodded, “New school year same budget problems. I know these ones, here I’ll show you.” She stepped from behind the desk to show him to a section the library had set aside for school reference books.

Once Lucas was picking through the books for his job, Soul Heart tapped Flash on the shoulder. “Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, actually,” Flash closed the book he was reading, “What do you have?”

“Well… nothing but I can get you some fast food, I think there’s a burger place nearby,” Soul Heart gave a short nervous laugh but Flash didn’t seem to notice.

“Alright!” Flash set the book aside and headed for the door while Soul Heart took a moment to put his book back where it belonged before following after him.

The place in question didn’t even have an entrance door or front wall, just a long open restaurant and Flash Heart sat down to devour his lunch at an outdoor table. He was halfway through his meal before he noticed that Soul Heart was just drinking from a cup of water.

“Not hungry?” he swallowed after asking.

“On, no just thirsty,” Soul Heart wasn’t fond of the smell of fast food but it was all she could give him right now. “We’ll get something better for supper after work.”

Flash Heart just shrugged and finished his supper before they returned to the library.

After work Soul Heart had to all but drag Flash Heart to the only mall in town, still active compared to such places in richer nations. After finding a few sets of clothes for Flash, just discount t-shirts a couple pairs of shorts and jeans, she headed for the grocery store and stocked up on what she could convincingly carry: a jug of milk, box of cereal, bread, a jar of peanut butter and some grape jelly, a few cans of beans and some sausages.

“These will have to do for now,” Soul Heart said as she opened her apartment door, “I’m not used to buying this much food.”

Flash Heart was wearing a blue t-shirt and black shorts as he entered, a bag of groceries in his hands, “Thanks, for everything. But what should I do?” He yawned.

“I can make you some supper, or you can go to bed. We’ll have to get you a library card tomorrow,” Soul Heart started putting the groceries away.

“So, I can stay?” Flash Heart almost dropped his bag.

“If you want to,” Soul Heart smiled, “I’m not going to just toss you out.”

Flash Heart let out a huge sigh of relief, then stretched and yawned, “I think, eeuuurg, I want to sleep. Just so tired…”

“Alright, good night,” Soul Heart waited until the bedroom door shut before she put everything else away.

As the sun set, Soul Heart stood in the living room and stared out the open window.

“Why did I take him in?” Soul Heart started to pace, “I’ve seen others who need help, am I growing a conscience? Is this why he killed the rest of us.” Soul Heart began to undress.

Flash Heart had more trouble falling asleep than he thought so he got up and headed out for a glass of water, opening the door slowly just in time to see Soul Heart shed her dress to the floor.

Flash Heart had to cover his mouth to stop from gasping, then stared as he saw that Soul Heart’s body was featureless, much like a child’s doll. As she walked over to a coat closet her body shifted, lumps on her chest meant to be breasts smoothed down, her hips narrowed as her shoulder broadened and her fur changed from purple to brown. Now appearing completely male save for the lack of features, Soul Heart opened the closet and began to dress, speaking in a now masculine voice.

“But I can’t let it interfere with my mission, I’ll just have to try even harder,” he finished dressing and pulled out his trench coat, “No matter what, I can’t let them get away with things.” He smoothed the open front of the coat and picked up a pair of glasses with clear plastic lenses. He closed his eyes then put the glasses on as his eye color shifted to icy blue. “I’ll make it work.”

Flash Heart had been leaning closer to get a better look but slipped and fell forwards right as Soul Heart stepped to the window. He turned in time to see Flash Heart getting up.

“Flash Heart?!” he stared.

“Soul Heart?” Flash stared back, “What are you? Who are you? Am I dreaming?”

Soul Heart bit his lip then walked over and helped Flash to his feet, “It’s a long and complicated story, I promise I’ll tell you more when I’m done. Go back to bed and I’ll see you in the morning.” He carefully pushed Flash back towards the bedroom.


“No buts,” Soul Heart stopped once Flash was inside the bedroom, “Just stay here until I get back.” He turned and headed for the window then jumped out without a second look. Flash Heart ran over to the window and peered out in time to see Soul Heart hit the ground then jump away without even flinching.

Like most teenagers Flash Heart wasn’t prone to listening to his elders and he bolted for the front door, slamming it behind him and running for the entrance so he could follow after her… him… whatever Soul Heart was.


In another warehouse near the river, Jose stood in front of a fixed idea that held up two adult men by their clothes.

“Are you sure these plates will work?” Jose inspected the plate, a print for the local currency.

One of the men tried to gulp then nodded, “Yes, they’re the exact same ones I made for the mint!”

“Good,” Jose tossed it to Frostbite who juggled it for a moment before managing to catch it, “Get everything ready, we’ll be making out own money now. Now take them outside and dispose of them!” Jose pointed to the open door.

“What? No! We did what you asked!” the other man struggled in vain to be free.

“And you won’t tell anyone else about this. Get the truck loaded up!” Jose pointed at the other fixed ideas then goose stepped towards the truck’s cabin.

Soul Heart landed next to the warehouse just in time to hear Jose’s order to dispose of the two men.

“Just in time,” he muttered as he saw the fixed idea step outside with the two men held aloft and heading for the water’s edge.

The fixed idea didn’t see or hear anything until it was too late and a sickening crack broke its skull open and it collapsed, dropping the two.

“What?” one of the men stood up only to see the brown bear standing over the thing’s body.

“Hurry! Run!” the bear whispered as loud as he could.

Grateful for the rescue, both men took of at a run without questioning it, not stopping to look back as their saviour drew the sustenance out of the fixed idea’s body and drank it down. Both almost tripped over Flash Heart as he arrived, panting from having just barely kept up with the brown bear and just in time to see him drink the sustenance from the fixed idea.

Flash Heart had to cover his mouth but couldn’t look away as the bear stood up from the now dead creature and headed for the inside of the warehouse. Flash Heart followed and watched through the window.

Frostbite was helping load the truck when he saw the brown bear jump up to the ceiling. “What?” He stared where he had been a moment ago then walked over to search.

“What are you wasting your time on?!” Jose scowled at Frostbite from the driver’s seat of the truck as he looked around.

Frostbite waved his arms frantically, “It’s here!”

“What’s here?!” Jose hopped down and goose stepped over to Frostbite before he grabbed him by the coat, “What are you babbling about?”

“Duh… there!” Frostbite pointed up in time for the bear to jump down on top of one of the fixed ideas, flattening it before turning and punching another next to it.

“Why you…! Get him!” Jose pointed angrily at the bear, “Get that bear!”

“Fat chance, kid,” the bear smirked and jumped up as two fixed ideas charged and smacked right into each other. He landed on one's back and fired a long spike of ice right through both of them, killing them instantly.

Flash Heart gasped from the window and Jose stomped his feet in rage. “I’m not a kid! I’m Jose, son of Von Reichter! Who and what are you?!” he pointed a quivering hand at the bear as the last three fixed ideas surrounded him.

The bear smirked and pushed up his glasses with his left hand, “You should know, your father created me,” He pulled back his left sleeve as he pulled the arm sideways, revealing a tattoo that said CB6 on his right forearm, as no fur could grow over it

“A CB?” Jose stared, “No, father destroyed all of you!”

“Guess he missed one,” CB6 suddenly darted into one of the remaining fixed ideas and punched it straight in the gut.

“Hurry! Get the stuff out of here!” Jose shouted, no one noticing as Flash Heart ran past, getting to the truck cab before anyone else.

Flash Heart jumped in and pulled the key from the ignition then turned and grinned, “Can’t get away without these!” he dangled them up to draw everyone’s attention.

“What?!” CB6 turned to see Flash Heart grinning as he dangled the keys.

“Give those back!” Jose jabbed his finger at Flash Heart.

“Come and get them, kid!” Flash Heart took off at a run.

Jose stamped a foot, “I’m not a kid! Frostbite, get him!”

“Got it!” Frostbite ran after Flash Heart and tried to grab him, only to miss as the yellow bear dodged aside, far nimbler than his rotund pursuer, and ran outside.

“Grrr, the rest of you get him!” Jose turned only to see the last of the fixed ideas fall to CB6’s blows. “why you…!”

“Not tonight, Jose,” CB6 smirked then ran outside with Jose running after him.

Flash Heart was too tired to keep up too much and Frostbite managed to dive and grab him around the ankles. As he fell, Flash Heart hurled the keys out into the ocean.

“NO!” Jose tried to jump and grab the keys, but missed and fell flat on his face as the key fell into the water with a quiet splash.

“Ha!” Flash Heart laughed from where he was face down as CB6 pulled Frostbite off him and tossed him away.

“I’ll be back! I’ll be back!” Jose shouted as he ran off, Frostbite stumbling to his feet and following after his boss.

Soul Heart breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Flash Heart as he stood up, “What were you thinking, Flash?” his voice softened but CB6’s glare showed his frustration.

Flash looked up at CB6, even in this form he was barely a head taller than Flash, “I had to follow you, and I just… I mean, are you some kind of super hero, Soul Heart?”

CB6 sighed and pressed his forehead with his index and middle finger, “You can call me CB6 when I’m like this, and not exactly. Excuse me for a moment.” He turned and marched back into the warehouse. Flash could resist and followed to watch the brown bear draw the green sustenance out of the fallen fixed ideas, their bodies dissolving as he drank it in and sighed as he felt the energy coursing through is body.

“Good return on things today,” CB6 turned to Flash Heart, who had been staring the whole time, “You have a lot of questions, I know.”

Flash Heart nodded, then yawned.

CB6 couldn’t help but smile, “I’ll tell you later, let’s go home.” He motioned for Flash to follow him and casually shapeshifted back into Soul Heart, removing the glasses in the process.

“How do you do that?” Flash Heart had to jog slightly to fall in step with her.

“It’s a long story, but I don’t want to risk anyone listening in. I’ll tell you at home,” Soul Heart kept walking forwards but stopped every time Flash Heart seemed to be falling behind.


“Are you certain, Jose?” Von Reichter looked down at his son from the massive portrait on the wall.

“Yes, father,” Jose held up his left arm and pointed to his forearm, “He had the tattoo right there.”

Von Reichter stayed silent for a moment, “Keep the operation going, I will be in contact with you.” Then hung up.

Von Reichter sat for a moment then stood up and walked through his laboratory, “So CB6 is still alive and here.” He paused as a flash of electricity arced between two machines, “My greatest failure.”
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Me reading that title:
I haven’t even read the fic, I’m just vibing.
I haven’t even read the fic, I’m just vibing.
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Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Well that was the cardcaptors english dub's catchphrase
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by Harry Johnathan »

My disbelief is mostly because I read the original Cybersix comic-book, and all I can really tell you without my post being removed or getting banned that it definitely wasn’t anything like Care Bears, lol.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Harry Johnathan wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:56 pm My disbelief is mostly because I read the original Cybersix comic-book, and all I can really tell you without my post being removed or getting banned that it definitely wasn’t anything like Care Bears, lol.
I'm aware of the comic book, though tracking it down is very hard, especially in english, and not worth the headaches and I watched the cartoon many times. I'm trying to write something because it's an idea I've had in my head for a while and I wanted to write this for a long time.

but fine, I guess I screwed up and should stop writing this, leave my story in its current state and move on.

Because that's the impression I'm getting, that I was wrong to even try to write this.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CryosR wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:02 pm I'm trying to write something because it's an idea I've had in my head for a while and I wanted to write this for a long time. I guess I screwed up and should stop writing this, leave my story in its current state and move on. Because that's the impression I'm getting, that I was wrong to even try to write this.
No, that’s not the impression I wanted you to get at all! It might seem weird to me but it makes you happy and that’s really what counts, isn’t it? Your writing is understandable and coherent even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of your story, and you know how to write believable character interactions.

This fandom and this forum are a safe space for people who are interested in things the larger internet thinks is “cringe”. Besides, I have plenty of odd interests too, it’s perfectly normal even if society pretends that it’s not. You’re gonna be alright.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Harry Johnathan wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:13 pm
CryosR wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:02 pm I'm trying to write something because it's an idea I've had in my head for a while and I wanted to write this for a long time. I guess I screwed up and should stop writing this, leave my story in its current state and move on. Because that's the impression I'm getting, that I was wrong to even try to write this.
No, that’s not the impression I wanted you to get at all! It might seem weird to me but it makes you happy and that’s really what counts, isn’t it? Your writing is understandable and coherent even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of your story, and you know how to write believable character interactions.

This fandom and this forum are a safe space for people who are interested in things the larger internet thinks is “cringe”. Besides, I have plenty of odd interests too, it’s perfectly normal even if society pretends that it’s not. You’re gonna be alright.
Thanks, I often wonder if my characters come off as believable and I worry that I struggle with interactions and keeping characters consistent
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CryosR wrote: Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:20 am
Harry Johnathan wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:13 pm
CryosR wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:02 pm I'm trying to write something because it's an idea I've had in my head for a while and I wanted to write this for a long time. I guess I screwed up and should stop writing this, leave my story in its current state and move on. Because that's the impression I'm getting, that I was wrong to even try to write this.
No, that’s not the impression I wanted you to get at all! It might seem weird to me but it makes you happy and that’s really what counts, isn’t it? Your writing is understandable and coherent even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of your story, and you know how to write believable character interactions.

This fandom and this forum are a safe space for people who are interested in things the larger internet thinks is “cringe”. Besides, I have plenty of odd interests too, it’s perfectly normal even if society pretends that it’s not. You’re gonna be alright.
Thanks, I often wonder if my characters come off as believable and I worry that I struggle with interactions and keeping characters consistent
It’s no problem, you deserve a compliment.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

I forgot I posted this here, and finished another chapter last week

Chapter 2: Friends or Foes

Flash was barely conscious by the time he and Soul Heart got back to her apartment and he stumbled to the bedroom, shedding his clothes on the way. Soul Heart rolled her eyes and picked up the teenaged bear’s clothes until he practically collapsed into the bed.

“Want me to tell you everything?” Soul Heart was putting the clothes away, only to see Flash had already fallen asleep. She smiled and pulled the covers up to his neck, “Sleep tight then, I’ll tell you at breakfast.”

Flash Heart woke up the next day feeling grimy and gross despite sleeping in a comfortable bed. He stumbled towards the bathroom and did something he’d been wanting to do for ages, took a shower. That was enough to wake him up and jog his memory as he stepped out to find Soul Heart having set out a bowl of cereal for him.

“Good morning, sleep well?” Soul Heart smiled.

“Yeah, I mean considering…” Flash Heart was hungry enough to start eating without saying anything until he was finished the first bowl, “So what’s going on? I mean, CB6, big Frankensteins, that little brat, you drinking that green stuff and Von Reichter?”

Soul Heart sighed, having hoped Flash Heart would dismiss it as a dream if only because of how much she’d have to explain. “It’s very long story.” She took a drink of water, “First I should tell you that I don’t need to eat or sleep, just drink some water to keep hydrated, I get all the nourishment I need from that green liquid, called sustenance. As for everything, I guess I’ll start back as far as I can remember.”

Flash Heart poured himself another bowl of cereal as he listened.

“My creator is a man who goes by the name Doctor Von Reichter. He used to call himself Professor Cold Heart and before that… I think his name was Joseph. I don’t know his whole history but I heard him rant about having to use ‘rat lines’ to escape punishment and fake his death and ‘being reduced to a stupid grudge’ against ‘fuzzy wuzzies’.”

Flash Heart nearly choked, laughing at the term used and Soul Heart waited until he stopped coughing to continue.

“I think that was what he called the Care Bears, creatures like us he had a grudge against, maybe still does. I am the last of the CBs, I don’t know what it means but we were supposed to be spies and infiltrators, to sneak into the Care Bear Family and given minor shapeshifting powers so we could pick our own appearance and even some abilities we could use to fight them, like my hydro and cryokinesis. But he got something wrong, or rather he got something too right because we were too much like the Care Bears, too kind, too caring and too unwilling to take his orders and I heard him ranting one day about how stupid he’d been to let an obsession and a faulty body cloud his judgement. We were planning to escape but before we could he exterminated us. My nine siblings were all killed and I only escaped because I had been the first out into the river we planned to swim out of. I heard them scream but I had to keep going…” She reached up to wiped some tears that had formed in her eyes, then stared at the drops on her fur.

“That’s… I’m sorry…” Flash had finished his second bowl and now just sat there. “Then what?”

“I don’t know, I managed to come here without being seen since this is the only place someone like me can blend in,” she smiled, “it was fine for a while, then the spasms started. You know that green sustenance I drank? Without it I can’t survive. It’s how Von Reichter ensured our loyalty so we would be dependent on him. I just got lucky that this is where he’s decided to start his operations again because I need to steal the sustenance from his other creations to survive, and I have to be careful about it because not only do I need to keep getting more but the more I use my special abilities the more I drain. I have to go out every night not just to stop what Von Reichter is doing but to keep myself alive.” Soul Heart sat down across from Flash who had finished his second bowl.

Flash just sat there, taking in everything he had heard, “So, now what?”

“Now I have to get ready for work and unless you want to stay here with nothing to do all day you’re still coming with me.” Soul Heart stood up again, “This weekend I need to buy more things for the apartment, like a working TV, and get you enrolled in school.”

“Ugg,” Flash groaned, “Really?”

“Yes, really,” Soul Heart said as they were heading out, “It’s not for a couple weeks but you need to go once you get settled in, alright?”

“Fine…” Flash Heart grumbled but after all she had done for him already, he wasn’t really going to complain. “Are you a boy or a girl?”

“What?” Soul Heart stopped.

“I mean you look like a girl now but when you’re CB6 you look like a guy so what are you?”

Soul Heart had to think for a moment, “I’m both, I think the term is genderfluid. I feel very… nurturing as Soul Heart so I feel like a woman and when I’m out fighting Von Reichter’s monsters I feel like I need to present an air of strength so I feel like being a man, I don’t know if that makes sense.”

“Me either,” Flash Heart chuckled half-heartedly as they left the building.


Four weeks later: Jose was in his office, standing on Frostbite’s shoulders to look at a map of the city, when the giant portrait flashed as Von Reichter called. Jose was startled enough to fall off Frostbite with a yelp.

“Father!” he scrambled to stand up and face the giant screen, “What did you need?”

“Just a simple check-in and an update. What are your plans, Jose?” Von Reichter tapped his fingers together.

“Oh, I know you’ll love this,” Jose grinned then goose stepped over to the map. He pointed up at where he had marked several locations with a red X, “These are the hubs of underworld activity in Meridiana, I’m going to take them over.”

“And create a network of information, and ideal places to install Tecnos,” Von Reichter offered a sinister smile.

“Exactly, and stockpiling weapons and money,” Jose rubbed his hands together.

“Yes yes,” Von Reichter settled back to his usual scowl, “And what is the word on CB6?”

“He’s been… going after the fixed ideas but so far he hasn’t caught on to this plan.” Jose became visibly nervous.

“So I see,” Von Reichter frowned, “do you have anything to report about where it might be?”

“Ooh! Ooh ooh ooh ooh!” Frostbite waved his hand, “I remember! There’s this yellow bear! A kid! He stole the keys when we kidnapped the printers!”

“A yellow bear? Is this true?” Von Reichter turned his attention from Frostbite back to Jose.

Jose stomped a foot, “Yes! That little brat threw the truck keys into the ocean!”

“Then I have just the thing. I will send it over to befriend him and he will lead us to CB6, or perhaps just kill him, either way a success. Continue with the operations, Jose,” the screen shut off.


CB6 crouched on a rooftop, watching a fixed idea peek out from a door the squeeze out and walk down an alley.

“What are you up to, Jose?” he whispered, his eyes still locked on the monster.

The sound of scraping on a nearby rooftop and a growl from nearby drew CB6’s attention and he jumped aside barely in time to avoid a pounce from a wolf-like monster. It snarled at him and he kicked out at it only for it to dodge away. CB6 was about to conjure a spear of ice when the wolf monster suddenly took off, its black fur making it nearly impossible to see in the dark.

CB6 checked over the building ledge only to see an empty alleyway, “muffins and cookies, too late. No sustenance tonight or finding out what Jose is up to,” the sun was just starting to rise as he made a beeline for home.

CB6 arrived home through his window as the sun was rising and heard the shower running. By the time Flash Heart was out and dressed CB6 had changed back to Soul Heart Bear and was rather flustered.

“Late night?” Flash Heart asked.

“Yes, sorry no time to make breakfast!” Soul Heart was hurriedly dressing for work.

Flash Heart rolled his eyes, “I’m good,” he pulled out the new toaster she’d bought before school started, “Thanks though.” He munched on peanut butter on toast and washed it down with a glass of water, “See ya after school, mom!” he shouted as he ran out, grabbing his backpack as he ran.

Soul Heart froze as the door slammed behind him, “Mom? He called me mom?” She put a hand over her chest as a tear came to her eye, the wiped the tear away, “Why am I crying? I don’t have a heart but… I feel,” she smiled as she cried, only barely managing to get herself under control before she left for work, still smiling the whole way.

Flash Heart hadn’t even registered what he had said as he walked to school. The street had felt oddly empty ever since Soul Heart took him in and he still couldn’t quite place why.

“Want me to tell your fortune?” the voice startled Flash and he stopped to look down at the source: a black bear like himself but maybe about ten years old and wearing the same kind of raggedy clothes Flash wore while he lived on the street; despite his circumstance he was smiling and shuffling a deck of tarot cards that were frayed but still complete and next to him a small hat partly full of change.

“Umm not right now, I’m gonna be late for school. Will you be here later um…?” Flash was fidgeting, fighting the urge to stay and talk and the need to get to school on time.

“Tarot Heart,” the young bear replied, “and I’ll be here if I don’t get chased off.”

“OK, Tarot, gotta go!” Flash Heart started jogging away as he heard Tarot Heart asking more passers-by if they wanted their fortunes told. It wasn’t until he reached the front of the school that Flash Heart realized what was missing from the street: the homeless. When had lived on the streets he had known a number of other homeless people who had to scrape by like he had but for a week or so before he met Soul Heart they had all but vanished, the same time a lot of the water went bad-.


Flash Heart ran right into another student and knocked them to the ground.

“Oopsy, sorry,” the high-pitched voice came from a neon green bear with long messy hair and wearing a baggy sweater and pants, “I should look where I’m going.”

“Sorry!” Flash immediately reached down to help them up, “I should have too.”

The green bear smiled, “Thanks, umm what’s your name?”

“Flash Heart Bear,” he checked to make sure he hadn’t dropped anything, “and you?”

The green bear scratched the back of their head, “Well everyone calls me Oopsy because I was always so clumsy but-” the sound of the 5-minute warning bell interrupted the conversation and Oopsy’s blue eyes went wide and they took off, saying they couldn’t be late for class. Flash too had to make a mad dash for his first class of the day.

Flash was still trying to get the hang of being in school, mostly trying to socialize with the other students. He wasn’t sure how to approach anyone, human or animal, and recognized a few of them from when they had gone to the library; he had been surprised that his English teacher was a brown lynx. He even saw Oopsy in a couple of his classes but wasn’t sure how to approach anyone.

It didn’t help that he had a lot of catch-up work to do if he wanted to stay in grade 11 and he spent lunch doing homework so he wouldn’t have to do any at home. Oopsy seemed to want to approach him but backed away to go eat in a corner of the lunch room instead. Flash didn’t even notice.


Soul Heart was practically at work the whole day, seeming to be in a happy trance until lunch time.

“Hey, Soul Heart.”

She turned to see Lucas Amato at the returns and renews desk and rolled her eyes while still smiling, “Here to renew your class books again?”

“Yeah, and I was hoping we could eat lunch,” Lucas laughed nervously.

Soul Heart checked the clock, “Didn’t realize it was that late already, sure.” She called for someone to replace her and left with Lucas.

“I’m surprised, I didn’t think you’d take it,” Lucas said as they stepped outside.

“Well I just feel good today,” Soul Heart was still smiling, “Have you been wanting to ask me out?”

“Well maybe, I mean you’ve been a big help with the books so I just felt like treating you,” Lucas led her to a small café that was relatively well upkept.

“I’ve never been here before, usually I just go to a fast-food place,” Soul Heart sat down.

“It’s good food. I eat here all the time. So what will you have?” Lucas sat down across from her.

Soul Heart looked at the menu, feeling bad that she had to waste food, “Just a ham sandwich, I don’t eat much.”

“I get it, smaller body means you need to eat less,” Lucas ordered their lunches then sat back down as they waited.

“Why do you say that?” Soul Heart gulped slightly.

“Basic rule of biology and the square-cube law. Reducing or increasing the height of a living creature has a more drastic effect on its weight and the amount of food it needs to consume.” Lucas rattled off the facts like he was back in front of his class.

“You’re a biologist?” Soul Heart was eager to change the subject.

“That’s what I’d like to do, but it doesn’t pay the bills so I need to teach too. Not that I mind but it’s just not my passion.” Lucas got up to get their food once he saw it was ready.

Soul Heart watched as he retrieved their food, “So… how is my son doing in school?”

“Flash Heart? He’s doing well. Got some catching up to do but he’ll be up to speed by the end of the month,” Lucas sat down with their food, “your son huh?”

Soul Heart looked up with a faraway smile in her eyes, “He called me mom for the first time today, I wasn’t sure before but now I am.” She looked at the simple sandwich in front of her, then picked it up to take a bite.

Lucas took several mouthfuls of soup and bit into his own sandwich before he asked, “So why did you end up at the library?”

Soul Heart swallowed her mouthful, “I like to read,” was the only answer she could give before she went back to her lunch.

Lucas and Soul Heart parted ways before she returned to the library and she excused herself to the bathroom before she went back to her shift. She had to lock the door behind her in the one-stall woman’s room before she went to the toilet, took several deep breaths then deliberately vomited up the chewed up but undigested remains of the sandwich and flushed them down the toilet. She had to take a breather after that and catch her breath before rinsing out her mouth.

She truly didn’t need to eat and while this didn’t drain any sustenance it still grossed her out. She could fake eating and swallow stuff but other than water she just had to hold the chewed-up food in a hollow inside her body where it would sit until she could puke it back up like she just did before it started to go bad since it wouldn’t digest. She washed her face and sighed, staring at her face in the mirror, “I need to keep pretending, for Flash’s sake if not my own.” She sighed, cleaned up and went back to work, stopping for a drink of water first.


Flash Heart was only too relieved when school was out for the day and he hurried out the door, almost crashing into Oopsy again but not noticing even as his name was called. Oopsy sighed and slunk away.

Flash only slowed down when he reached the street where he had met Tarot Heart on his way to school and smiled when he saw the young black bear there, still telling fortunes but now with a much fuller cap.

Tarot Heart smiled as he saw Flash approach and waved, “Hi, want to hear your fortune now?”

“No thanks,” Flash stopped in front of him. “but I was wondering if you’d like to come home with me, go someplace you could have a good meal and maybe stay over.” He didn’t know why he was offering so suddenly for someone he barely met but probably because he felt sorry for him, living on the streets and probably alone.

Tarot Heart brightened up, “Really! I’d like too…” his face suddenly fell as he gathered up his tarot cards, “but I can’t, I’m sorry.” He picked up the hat full of change.

“Why not?” Flash was concerned.

“I just can’t!” Tarot Heart took off, heading down an alley. Flash reached out for him but didn’t follow. He wanted to chase him, try to find out what was wrong, but instead turned and headed for home.

First thing Flash did was his homework, if only so he wouldn’t have Soul Heart demanding that he do it once she got home. He turned on the TV to watch some after-school shows in the background.

He sighed and sat back on the couch as he finished his math, wondering about his encounters with Tarot Heart and Oopsy Bear, then his mind wandered back to his homework as he opened his science textbook to answer the questions Mr. Amato had given them that night.

He was just finishing up when Soul Heart came home, more groceries in her hands since she couldn’t risk showing off her strength by buying too much in one day.

“How was school, Flash?” she asked as she put a jar of pickles in the fridge.

“It was fine, mom, just more work,” he sighed as he closed his last textbook, “Homework’s done.”

Soul Heart smiled but didn’t say anything, to the point that Flash Heart looked over at her, “What?”

“You called me mom, just like this morning,” Soul Heart said as she finished putting the food away.

Flash Heart felt embarrassed, “Yeah umm… because you’re nice to me and…” he wanted to try and get out of this but after seeing Soul Heart smile he sighed, “Yeah you’re my mom.”

Soul Heart sat down next to him and gave him a hug, “And I’m happy to be your mom.”

Flash Heart blushed from embarrassment until something that he had been thinking about finally came back to the front of his mind. “Mom, do you know what happened to all the homeless people?”

Soul Heart let him go, “What?”

“There were more homeless people around when I lived on the street but… they seem to be all be gone now…”

Soul Heart sighed and stood up, “I do and I wish I had been able to stop it. A couple months ago, while I was still settling in, Von Reichter’s agents poisoned a lot of the water sources around the city. Nothing in people’s homes or public buildings but places outside where people without homes would have to drink.”

“Yeah, the water got bad, that’s why I almost died,” Flash Heart fidgeted nervously, “What happened?”

“It wasn’t so bad that you’d drop dead in a moment but it would build up if you drank it a lot and most people could just drink safely at home. I wasn’t ready to fight the Fixed Ideas yet but I saw that after drinking enough of it the people would just collapse, not sure if they were dead or just unconscious. Then the Fixed Ideas came around and took them away. I don’t know what happened to them after that.” Soul Heart had been pacing as she spoke and now turned to her adopted son, “Why did you want to know?”

“I met this homeless bear kid named Tarot Heart today, he was reading fortunes for money and… I wanted to know if he could come home here with me, like as a little brother,” Flash Heart realized how foolish he sounded even as he said it.

Soul Heart sighed, “Maybe. It’s nice that you want to help but I’m not sure how I can handle taking care of two children, especially one who wouldn’t be old enough to be home alone even if you look after him. I’ll have to think about it but for now I just need to get supper ready and you need to get some sleep. I need to find out what Jose is up to lately.”

Flash Heart sighed, “Fine,” he wasn’t surprised so he just turned to the TV to relax while he waited for supper.


CB6 was out that night staying hot on the trail of a fixed idea to another of Jose’s ventures. He crouched at a rooftop edge as he watched the fixed idea check around before entering a door. “Got ya,” he was about to jump down when he heard a growl nearby. CB6 barely dodged aside as the wolf monster dropped, claws extended in such a way that would have severely maimed him had he not moved.

CB6 rounded on the creature, getting a good look at it in the moonlight for the first time: it was a huge black wolf, almost twice CB6’s height, was obviously female with its lithe figure and fur-covered breasts, had fierce yellow eyes and shaggy neon-green hair. Most importantly were its long teeth as he snarled at CB6 then pounced again. CB6 barely dodged aside and created a thin sheet ice on the roof but that did little to slow down the werewolf as its claws easily gripped the ice then pounced at CB6 again which forced him over the side of the building and to the street.

The mob boss heard the noise outside and stood up, pointing to one of his subordinates, “Joe, go check that out now!”

The order was about to be carried out when the door to the office burst open and two fixed ideas forced their way in, followed by Frostbite and Jose, who goose-stepped in with a smug look on his face

“What the hell’s going one?!” the boss demanded.

Jose just gave an evil grin, “Your organization belongs to me now!”

“Yeah right!” The man who had been ordered tried to charge Jose, only to be grabbed by a fixed idea and slammed into the wall nearby. Everyone watched his body slide to the ground.

“Any other objections?” Jose goose-stepped up to the desk and hopped up, the boss sat back down in shock and weakly shook his head as Jose leaned over him.

“Good,” Jose turned around and spread his arms, “I’m going to rule the underworld!” he pointed to the fallen but still alive man who had tried to charge him, “Take care of him for me, Frostbite.”

“Duh, ok!” Frostbite easily picked up the severely injured man and carried him out the door.

Outside, Frostbite ignored the sounds of a fight as CB6 hit the street hard and had to roll out of the way as the werewolf struck down where he had been a moment ago. It rounded on CB6 as he tried to stand and pounced, only to get punched in the gut as CB6 threw an uppercut then jumped back as it staggered. He didn’t notice Frostbite escaping, too focused on fighting for his life and had to duck under another snap from the werewolf’s jaw then strike out at its chest, just barely missing.

The two of them began to trade blows, each seeking a killing strike but neither able to land one as they jumped back up to the rooftops until, without warning, the wolf stopped mid strike, its arm pulled back for a punch.

CB6 stood there and watched; if he had normal lungs he’d be panting at this point. The wolf shuddered then turned and leapt from roof to roof, escaping into the night.

“Another one of Von Reichter’s experiments,” CB6 relaxed then snapped his head right as he heard a door opening nearby then darted over to see what it was.

By a stroke of luck he caught the last two fixed ideas as they were leaving the meeting place. CB6 cracked his knuckles, “I need a refill,” then jumped down on them before they could look up. Once he had finished them off and drank their sustenance, CB6 hurried back home. Not much closer to being on to Jose’s plan, hopefully he’d have a better lead tomorrow night.


Flash Heart was running late the next day and he barely had time to drink his cereal straight from the bowl and say goodbye to Soul Heart before he was out the door. Despite his haste, Flash still slowed down where Tarot Heart had been yesterday if only to talk for a minute but he wasn’t there so Flash had to start running again.

He was panting by the time he got to class and absolutely crashed into his first period chair; he barely had time to look around for Oopsy before class started.

Fortunately, Oopsy found him at lunch.

“Can I sit here, please?”

Flash Heart turned and gaped. Oopsy had clearly had more time to dress herself this morning, she wore a lavender skirt and white blouse that was much less baggy than her shirt the previous day had been which showed her bust through the fabric and her formerly shaggy hair of hair had been brushed back and tied in a short braid.

“Sure,” Flash scooted sideways to give her more room, “you’re a girl?” Was all he could say, dumbly.

Oopsy giggled, “Did you think I was a guy?”

“I didn’t know, only ran into you for a minute,” Flash realized he was staring and turned back to his lunch.

“It’s fine,” Oopsy opened her lunch and dug in.

Flash finished all too fast and was somewhat stumped for conversation, “So… you say everyone calls you Oopsy, but is that your real name?”

Oopsy shook her head and swallowed, “No, my real name is Dizzy Bear, but you can call me Oopsy, I don’t mind.”

“That’s a cute name, like you,” Flash blushed but didn’t retract.

“Thanks,” Oopsy giggled.

“So uhh… want to hang out after school? We could go to the library,” Flash fought the urge to avert his gaze from her.

“I’d love to,” she leaned over and nuzzled Flash’s cheek.

“What?” Flash blinked.

“Sorry, too much?” Oopsy turned and leaned forwards slightly. Was she flirting with him?

“Not really,” Flash cleared his throat, “Thank you. See you after school, want to get my homework done,” he hastily gathered up his lunch and books then bolted while Oopsy, or Dizzy, watched him go with a serious grin on her face before she returned to her lunch.

Flash was panting as he made it to the small school library to work in peace, despite being distracted by Oopsy’s flirtation, or should he call her Dizzy? He’d decide later. If he wanted to just hang out after school he’d have to finish his math.

Flash and Oopsy met up after school and headed for the library but at an intersection Flash turned and saw Tarot Heart sitting up against a building. “Wait!” Flash Heart stopped Oopsy from going too far.

“What?” Oopsy didn’t have any time to object before Flash took off towards where Tarot was just finishing up a reading for a passer-by.

The black bear cub was startled when Flash slowed to a stop in front of him, “Flash! I…” his voice trembled, “I thought you wouldn’t find me,” he sounded unsure if he wanted that to happen or not.

“I missed you, wanted to know if you thought about what I asked before,” Flash panted slightly as Oopsy caught up to him, and she wasn’t even winded.

“I… I…” Tarot looked away from Flash to see Oopsy, not sure how to explain himself. His found himself staring into the hard eyes of the green girl bear. “You,” he said quietly.

“What? Me?” Oopsy’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

Tarot Heart stood up, his eyes still on Oopsy Bear, “You don’t have to-”

“Hey, whaddya doing!” the shout made Tarot freeze as his fur stood on end as he slowly turned to see a fat adult human man lumbering down the street towards him. His voice was high and reedy and he sounded like he was perpetually congested, “I told ya to stop the stupid card tricks and go back to getting wallets!” He grabbed Tarot by the shirt and lifted him off the ground.

“I-I can’t!” Tarot Heart was shaking I the man’s grip, too scared to even struggle, “I felt… I mean I-”

“No more excuses!” He threw Tarot Heart on the ground, “If you don’t get one today then-”

“You won’t do anything!” Flash Heart had been too stunned to react at first but now he stood between the man and Tarot Heart, fists clenched.

“Get outta my way! I own that boy and he owes me for keeping him off the street!” He tried to push Flash Heart aside.

Despite his short stature, Flash Heart was still a bear and he managed to grab the man’s arm to stop from being brushed aside, “Bicycle Repair Man you!” He growled, “It doesn’t matter if you ‘saved’ him from the street if you treat him like that! Get the Bicycle Repair Man out of here!”

“No kid treats me like that!” He raised his fist to strike Flash Heart, but Flash threw the first punch, hitting him right in his oversized gut.

“No, stop!” Tarot pleaded, but the brawl had already started as the black bear got back to his feet. Flash took a hit to the face but stayed standing despite the pain, learning from when he had to brawl on the streets to survive but despite how slow the boss was all that fat meant Flash couldn’t inflict any damage.

On reflex, Tarot ran to Oopsy Bear and latched onto her tearing up and hoping she could protect him. She glared at Tarot Heart and almost reflexively shoved him away, then a spark shot through her body and her eyes widened as she felt him shaking and scared. She put her hands on his shoulders and watched Flash Heart’s fight for a minute before gently pushing Tarot back.

When Tarot’s ‘boss’ overextended on a punch Oopsy darted in and kicked at his legs with surprising strength which sent him sprawling. Flash smiled at Oopsy then turned to the man as he struggled to stand.

“Leave Tarot Heart alone,” was all Flash said.

The man finally stood up and glared at Tarot Heart, “You’ll be back when you get hungry enough, and if you don’t have something for me you won’t get to eat!” he stumbled away.

Flash let out a sigh of relief, “Thanks for the help, Dizzy.”

“You’re welcome,” Oopsy sighed too, only now realizing she was trembling.

Flash’s attention was drawn to Tarot Heart as he had started crying, having sunk down to his knees and shaking all over. Flash was as his side, crouched down and giving the younger bear a hug, “Hey, it’s ok now. He’s gone.”

“B-but, I don’t h-have anywhere to go,” Tarot Heart hugged Flash back, “What am I g-gonna do?!” he sobbed.

“You can stay with me and mom.” Tarot Heart looked up through his now bloodshot eyes at the yellow bear, who just smiled back, “Yeah, you can stay with us and be my little brother. We just have to tell her.”

“R-really?” Tarot Heart sniffed again.

“Yeah,” Flash turned to Oopsy, “still want to come to the library with us?”

Oopsy had been standing there, watching the display and feeling her heart melt. It shouldn’t have been that way yet now she couldn’t help but get emotional at the sight. She shook her head to clear the fog, “I’m sorry, Flash, but I have somewhere to be,” she clutched at the middle of her chest.

“What, where?” Flash stood up and helped Tarot to his feet.

“I’m sorry!” Oopsy shouted then suddenly turned and darted away and around a corner. The small crowd of onlookers that had stopped to watch once Tarot’s boss showed up started to disperse now that the drama seemed to be over.

Flash Heart sighed sadly and took Tarot’s hand, “Let’s go, I want mom to meet you before we go home.”

Tarot Heart wiped his eyes and tried to smile, “thank you, Flash Heart.”

Oopsy Bear hid down an alley still clutching her chest. It hurt badly at first but now it was a good hurt? Was that even right? She was just supposed to get close to Flash but once Tarot touched her something broke inside her, something oppressive and painful and now emotions she thought she didn’t want to feel flowed freely inside her, and yet she wanted to keep feeling them even as things kept going. She shook her head, smoothed out her clothes then walked away with Tarot’s Heart’s words ringing in her head.

“You don’t have to.”


“Hello, Flash- oh my god! What happened?” Soul Heart forgot herself for a moment and vaulted over the return’s desk as Flash Heart and Tarot Heart entered the library, Flash’s eye starting to swell shut.

Flash did his best to smile but winced at the pain, “Just a little disagreement with Tarot Heart’s boss.”

“What?” Soul Heart stared at him, then quickly called for someone to cover her break and pulled them to the library’s break room.

Lacking a real ice pack Soul Heart wrapped up some ice cubes from the freezer in paper towels and gave it to Flash to hold to his eye as he explained what happened.

Soul Heart turned to Tarot Heart who was sitting still and silent in a nearby chair. “Why were you with that man?”

“He… he took me off the street, me and other kids, made us steal stuff for him, but the others disappeared so he made me do more stuff, but I could feel things,” he held his head in one hand, “If I stole a wallet I could feel how it made people mad or scared so I couldn’t do it any more. I tried to just tell fortunes to earn money but it was never enough,” Tarot Heart was crying now, “Now I-I can’t go back, I…I…”

Flash Heart looked at Soul Heart and, with his one free eye, pleaded with her. Soul Heart sighed but smiled, “You can live with us, Tarot Heart.”

“R-really?” Tarot Heart’s eye shone with hope.

“Yes, just stay here and rest and I’ll take you home when I’m done for the day,” Soul Heart left to return to her shift.

Tarot Heart wiped his eyes clean of tears and turned to Flash, “Does she mean it?”

“Yep, ow!” Flash winced as he felt his eye throb under the ice, “I promise you’ll like it there.”

“So… what do I have to do?” Tarot suddenly became nervous.

“Nothing, well maybe go to school but we’re not going to make you work,” Flash Heart said. He finally pulled the ice away from his eye as it was half melted by now, “I just gotta wait for this black eye to go away.”

Tarot Heart nodded, “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, I think its worth it,” Flash Heart sighed, “Just wait till we get home.”


Much like Flash Heart, Tarot Heart was amazed at the apartment despite how simply furnished it was. The younger bear practically flung himself on the couch and giggled as he felt how much softer it felt than anywhere else he could sit or lie down before. Flash Heart had a black eye, still visible through his fur, and he sat down next to Flash.

“Feels nice, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Tarot Heart rolled over so he could look at Flash, “but what if my boss comes back.”

“Don’t worry,” Flash nodded to Soul Heart, who was in the kitchen area, “Mom will keep us safe, she’s a superhero.”

“Really?” Tarot Heart sat up.

“I wouldn’t call myself that, but I promise he won’t come back for you,” Soul Heart nodded, “And yes I can do extraordinary things, but I’ll explain after supper. Does beef stew sound good?” she pulled a couple cans of the stew down.

“Sounds great!” Tarot Heart lit up.

When they sat down Tarot Heart noticed that all Soul Heart had was water, “Don’t you have to eat?”

“Oh, no because…” Soul Heart wasn’t sure about telling someone so young about her whole history.

“Is it because of the green stuff you need to drink?” Tarot Heart’s question made them both jump.

Tarot Heart shrank back in on himself as he realized he’d said too much, “sorry.”

“How’d you know that?” Soul Heart asked.

“I can see things, in my head,” Tarot Heart tapped the side of his head, “Sometimes I see what’s going to happen with my tarot cards,” he pulled out the deck of cards he used for fortune telling, “and sometimes I see stuff from inside their head, and I can’t help talking about it.”

“You’re psychic?” Flash Heart was surprised. Tarot just nodded.

“Von Reichter experimented for that sort of thing but never made any progress,” Soul Heart sighed in relief, “did you boss know?”

“Maybe… it’s how I could steal stuff so well, and why I stopped, I didn’t like hearing how they felt when they found their wallets missing,” Tarot Heart confessed.

“That might be a lead, I’ll look into your boss tonight. Can you tell me where I can find him? You don’t have to if it hurts too much,” Soul Heart hastily added at the end.

“I can,” Tarot Heart pushed his half-empty bowl aside and started shuffling the tarot cards, “Just give me a minute…”

It took a while for Soul Heart to interpret what Tarot showed her and by then supper was done and the sun was setting.

Tarot Heart watched in awe as Soul Heart shifted into CB6 finishing off by putting the fake glasses on.

“I need to investigate this,” CB6 opened the window and stepped onto the ledge, “Flash, look after Tarot Heart, I don’t want Von Reichter or Jose finding out what he can do.” Without another word he jumped out the window.

Tarot ran to the ledge to watch CB6 take off into the fading light. He was about to step back when a powerful headache overtook his mind and he grabbed the sides of his head. “No!”

Flash was at his side in an instant, catching his new little brother as he lost his footing, “What’s wrong, Tarot Heart?”

The black bear steadied himself as his eyes went wide, seeing the sights flash in front of his eyes, “We have to go, she’s in trouble!”

“Who, mom? I mean CB6?” Flash looked out where he had disappeared into the night.

“No! Oopsy!” Tarot was about to jump out the window but Flash held him back. Tarot looked back at Flash, feeling betrayed, “Don’t you want to help her?”

“Yes, but let’s take the stairs instead of splattering ourselves on the street,” Flash pointed to the apartment door.

Tarot felt a bit embarrassed but nodded and closed the window before they both headed out.


It was an old abandoned theater, not condemned but no longer in regular use. CB6 stood on the closest nearby building where she saw people gathering in the dead of night.

“Alright, Jose, time to see what you little plan is all about,” as soon as the last group disappeared inside CB6 jumped over and in through one of the windows.

Flash and Tarot weren’t far behind with Tarot leading the way. From the alley where they were hiding the building looked unoccupied.

“Alright let’s g- what?” Flash was about to run for the door when he saw Oopsy Bear approaching. She walked hurriedly towards the door and opened it, vanishing inside without a word.

“Dizzy?” Flash whispered. “Why are you here?”

“She has to be but doesn’t want to,” Tarot Heart broke cover and bolted for the door. Flash Heart had to bite his tongue before he shouted out for him then took off after Tarot Heart. The younger bear opened the door quietly and thankfully there were no guards there, instead he was greeted by a wonderful smell.

“Tarot!” Flash hissed, “Why… why…” Flash sniffed to. Chicken, Ham, potatoes, it smelled like a thanksgiving buffet and it was nearby! Both felt their mouths water, they weren’t ungrateful for the food their new mom provided but one could hardly blame then for salivating at the smell of foods they never had the chance to taste before.

Flash Heart shook his head, “We gotta find Dizzy,” he did his best to ignore the smells.

“But it smells so good,” Tarot whimpered.

“I know, but I need to know why she’s here,” Flash had to drag Tarot Heart a couple steps before he willingly followed.


Jose watched the weapons and munitions piling up on the main theatre stage with a sinister grin: rifles, SMGs, RPGs, rocket launchers and ammo aplenty all gathered from the underworld organizations solidified under his control and being piled up by the fixed ideas.

Joe, the man who had been smashed by one of his guards, had returned to his boss’s side, he and the other former heads of the underworld were now cowed under Jose’s command. The boss was relieved that at least his henchman had been returned and apparently so were all of the others as Jose had done the same thing with their subordinates, nearly killed them then got them medical attention to demonstrate his power and resources. What really sealed the deal was the sumptuous banquet that had been laid out before them, on a table covered with a tablecloth probably worth more than the remains of the theatre that surrounded them was mouth watering food gathered from both their own connections and several of Jose’s own.

Jose turned to the food and grabbed a huge chicken drumstick, “Gentlemen, time to celebrate the new ruler of Meridiana: me! Stay with me and all this will be yours!” He took a big bite out of the drumstick which signaled to the other guests to start eating.

From an upper balcony CB6 watched the whole gathering with a glare and from one level below Flash and Tarot crouched behind an awning. All three had to suppress a gasp when Oopsy walked up to Jose.

Oopsy’s fur stood on end in Jose’s presence but now she couldn’t mistake the smell that had entered the building some time ago.

Jose swallowed and turned to her with a glare, “Well, what do you want mutant girl?!”

“There’s an intruder here,” Oopsy’s voice sounded hollow as she spoke.

“Well go get them! Don’t bother my celebration feast!” He pointed out to the balconies with his half-finished drumstick. Oopsy said nothing, only turned and walked away while followed by the eyes of several of the other guests until she disappeared through a door.

Flash heard Oopsy coming up the stairs and bolted for the nearby door, almost crashing into her as she emerged from the nearby stairwell.

“Flash Heart!?” Oopsy almost shrieked when she ran into him, “What are you doing? You can’t be here!”

“Me? Why are you here?” Flash Heart demanded.

“You don’t have to be here,” Tarot Heart was panting as he stopped next to them.

Oopsy looked down at Tarot, then turned to Flash and grabbed him by the arms, “No! You don’t understand, I can’t leave them!”

“Why not? Dizzy what’s wrong?” Flash winced at the girl bear’s strong grip.

“Flash, Tarot!” CB6 had appeared in the doorway from the balcony, “What are you doing here? Who is she!?”

Oopsy’s hands shot to her head and she doubled over in pain. Flash was about to speak when Oopsy shouted, “Run! Flash!” And let out a sudden fierce growl.

Flash and Tarot stepped back in shock as Oopsy stumbled back and her body started bulking up all over. She opened her mouth as her snout extended and her teeth grew into long fangs, her ears growing to triangular points and her fur changing from green to a greasy black save for a small amount of green hair on the top of her head. Her clothes finally gave way, tearing apart as her arms and legs grew longer, forcing Oopsy into a hunched position, supported on her front paws.

“Run!” CB6 shouted as she charged at Oopsy, who just jumped right back at her, but mis-timed as CB6 sailed overhead.

Tarot listened and ran down the stairs but Flash could only watch as Oopsy the werewolf fought CB6. Seeing that he wouldn’t run, CB6 turned and ran into the balcony with the wolf on his trail.

The sound of smashing wood drew the feasters’ attention as CB6 jumped from the balcony to the floor and Oopsy the werewolf smashed through the railings while chasing him. CB6 had to practically bounce off the floor and onto the stage to avoid Oopsy smashing into him, but the wolf just chased her quarry on to the stage and jumping over the pile of weapons and ammo.

Jose jumped up to stand on his chair, “HA! Dinner and a show! Fixed ideas, shoot CB6 down!”

“No! You can’t!” Tarot Heart had run down to the floor and grabbed Jose’s arm, “It’s not fair!”

Jose just grinned evilly at the small black bear, “I know, but it’s fun! Shoot him down!” he shouted. Tarot Heart stared, then jumped on Jose and knocked him off the chair.

“Get him off me!” Jose shouted as Tarot tried to bite him. A fixed idea grabbed Tarot and pulled him off Jose, dangling Tarot by his shirt.

Jose pulled himself up and glared at Tarot Heart, “I’ll deal with you later. Shoot him!” He spun around and pointed to where CB6 and Oopsy hand landed on the upper balcony. Several mobsters and fixed ideas opened fire from rifles and handguns but too late to hit either of them.

CB6 darted down to the middle balcony, even his body starting to feel the exertion of keeping ahead of the larger and stronger werewolf. He turned to face Oopsy as she landed on all fours across the balcony. She snarled and began to circle around, ready to pounce as the men below lost sight of them.

Oopsy was about to pounce when a shout stopped her.

“Dizzy! Stop!” Flash Heart charged into the balcony and flung himself between Oopsy and CB6, arms spread and facing the werewolf.

“Flash! Get out of here!” CB6 swung his arm towards the nearby door, a small ice dagger forming in the opposite hand as he readied himself to fight.

Flash ignored him and stared down the snarling wolf as she got closer. “Dizzy please don’t do this. I know we just met but you can’t want to do this can you?”

The wolf paused with her teeth still bared but now in silence as Flash continued to speak. “I know it might not mean much but I liked the little time we spent together, even if you were sent to get me I don’t think you want this, please stop,” Flash was crying now but he kept his face rigid.

Oopsy stared back at Flash Heart and her eyes became more alive. The door to the stairs blasting open made them all turn as a pair of fixed ideas appeared, one with a rocket launcher.

“Get down!” CB6 charged at the fixed ideas, managing to stab the one with the launcher in the shoulder which made it drop the weapon as he drew the sustenance out to drink and kicked the other away. Oopsy jumped at Flash, who just shut his eyes expecting to be torn apart but instead she grabbed his shirt in her teeth and jumped off the balcony down to the floor.

“Yeah! Get him!” Jose shouted, remembering how Flash had foiled his theft all too well.

“NO!” Tarot Heart managed to swing around and bite the arm of the fixed idea that held him. Despite his youth he was still a bear and the bite made the monster drop Tarot Heart right as Oopsy hit the ground and jumped on to the stage in front of the weapon’s pile. Tarot Heart bolted for the stage and froze as he saw Oopsy the werewolf set Flash down and lean in close, sniffing him.

“Fl-Flash?” Oopsy’s voice was a guttural growl as she stared at him.

“What are you waiting for?! Kill him!” Jose shouted.

“Not today!” CB6 hurled an ice spear through the fixed idea that had held Tarot hostage then crashed down on its back, managing to draw out its sustenance as he jumped towards the stage and landed next to Tarot Heart. He drew the green fluid into his mouth and drank it down, ready to attack when the werewolf might attack his kids.

Time seemed to hang still for everyone as Oopsy sniffed again, then smiled and licked Flash’s face, “Flash Heart,” she croaked out.

“Dizzy!” Flash smiled. CB6 and Tarot Heart both gave a huge sigh of relief.

Jose was hopping up and down in place, practically pulling his hair out, “Stupid traitor! Get them, you worthless mutants! Kill them!”

A clang from overhead drew everyone’s attention. The second fixed idea that had gone up to the balcony had retrieved the dropped rocket launcher which was now aimed at the stage, and all the munitions.

“NO! DON’T SHOOT THAT!” Jose’s order came too late as the fixed idea pulled the trigger.

CB6 grabbed Tarot and Oopsy snatched Flash up and both jumped up to the second balcony by the time the rocket had launched and everyone on the ground floor bolted for the exits.

CB6 and Oopsy were barely out the window when the explosion ripped through the old theater but neither stopped while carrying their passengers until they were far from the structure as a huge hole was blown in the side and the rest of the building slowly collapsed.

Somehow, Jose and most of the men that had been inside managed to escape. One was coughing from the debris of the explosion and got up, “Bicycle Repair Man this! If this is how Jose runs things than I’m out, let’s go Joe,” he motioned for his lackey who just nodded as they left.

Jose was covered in splinters and debris and he stomped his foot as he watched his now former underbosses leaving, “Get back here! You work for me now!” his ranting was ignored as the couple remaining fixed ideas climbed out of the wreckage. Jose turned to them with a very sour look on his face, “They’ll be sorry, all of them will be sorry!”


Oopsy had changed back to normal by the next morning and she sat on the couch, just wearing a towel over her body. Flash and Tarot were still asleep so Soul Heart only offered her some water to drink.

“Thank you,” Oopsy whispered before she took a drink, “Why are you going so nice to me?”

“Because we’re the same,” Soul Heart said, “Both products of Von Reichter’s experiments.”

Oopsy just nodded, “So he grabbed you of the street too?”

“No, he grew me in a pod. What do you mean off the street?” Soul Heart was intrigued.

“Well I was living in a shelter, still going to school when he pulled me in, did stuff to me, made me into… this…” She looked down at her trembling hand, “Gave me that green stuff you drank, it was good and I didn’t need to sleep or eat anything anymore but now.” She shuddered.

“That’s good news at least, maybe, how long have you been on the sustenance?”

“A week or so, this was all so recent…” Oopsy shuddered again.

“Well if you start eating and drinking correctly you might be able to break your dependence on it, not me,” Soul Heart touched her chest, “He made me so I can’t survive without it. Was that why your werewolf form changed? You looked more bestial last night.”

“I felt wilder and more monstrous,” Oopsy drew her legs up to her chest, “I felt so powerful but so… dead inside too, sick but not sick… I mean…”

Soul Heart got up then sat down next to her, “I understand, I can help you through this.”

“No!” Oopsy shook her head violently, “I can’t stay here, he’ll find me and you! And Flash and Tarot too!” Oopsy flung the towel off and stood up, “I have to go before he finds out!” She ran to the window nearby.

Soul Heart was up on her feet and bolted to Oopsy’s side in an instant, “Where are you going?”

“Somewhere I can be safe and get better, maybe break this darkness in me,” Oopsy was crying as she opened the window, “I’ll miss all of you but I need to get away until I’m better. I’m sorry.”

“I understand,” Soul Heart sighed. She wanted to try and convince Oopsy to stay but even as she thought of that she knew it couldn’t work, if she was near a source of sustenance like the fixed ideas then Oopsy could too easily fall back into the habits.

As Oopsy started to grow into her black werewolf form again she said, “Tell Flash and Tarot Heart I’m sorry.” A moment later the large misshapen black werewolf jumped out of the window and across the rooftops in the early morning light.

“Mom, what was that?” Tarot Heart had gotten up in time to see the black form jump out the window.

Soul Heart turned and sighed sadly, “Oopsy left, she couldn’t stay.”

Tarot Heart walked to the window and peered out, too late to see Oopsy. “I know we’ll see her again.”

“You can predict that?” Soul Heart stood next to her youngest son.

Oopsy smiled and touched his chest, “No, but I just know we will.”
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

The work that you have put into this all is just stunning! Really nice job on this whole thing!
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Thank you
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

This seems fast but I finished the last chapter over a week ago and just forgot to post here

Chapter 3: Forest Spirits

It was early and the weather was heating up in Meridiana. Soul Heart was eating lunch with Lucas again in what had become a routine with them almost every day. As usual Soul Heart faked her way through eating the smallest thing she could, just some tomato soup today.

“So, is Flash ready for the field trip tomorrow?” Lucas asked between mouthfuls.

“That nature hike? He’s been looking forwards to it as much as he has lately.” Soul Heart sighed, “He’s been down lately, I think it’s the changing season or maybe ever since Oopsy disappeared.”

“Oopsy? I remember her, she was always in the back and shy before all this craziness started,” Lucas too a drink from his coffee, “You’re still alright with Flash getting involved with CB6?”

Soul Heart sighed, “I don’t like him being in danger but unless I chained him in his room at night, I couldn’t stop him.” She smirked, “At least I know he’s with someone who can keep him safe.”

“Me, or CB6?” Lucas smirked back.

Soul Heart laughed, “Both, but thank you for helping with all this weird stuff. So about that field trip?”

“Just some nature hikes, I can get some samples, see some sights. You should come too. I’ve been there, it’s a quite a lovely place in spring,” Lucas’ voice turned slightly deeper as he spoke.

Soul Heart was grateful she couldn’t blush, “It is my day off but it’s also a long weekend for Tarot and I’d like to just spend a day at home with no responsibilities, other than him.”

They finally finished and left to return to their jobs. Luca shielded his eyes from the bright sun, “I’m not used to hot weather this time of year yet.”

Soul Heart rolled her eyes, “Southern hemisphere.”

Lucas has started getting involved with CB6 at night lately and while he found out that Soul Heart knew of CB6 he had no clue they were the same person. Regardless Lucas was strong and brave and had helped numerous times with Jose’s schemes, and Soul Heart had recently caught on that he seemed to have on her; this left Soul Heart immensely confused. She liked Lucas, in a few times they had to speak outside of work she found Lucas intelligent and very interesting and he saw her adoption of Flash and Tarot and her love of books very endearing. Could she love like that? She loved her adopted children but was it the same? She put it out of her mind as she returned to work after another trip to the bathroom.


Jose was seated at his main office desk when the huge portrait of Von Reichter flashed and his real visage appeared. “What is it, Jose?” he sounded annoyed.

“Ah Father,” Jose gulped, “Last night I was able to get some of what you needed.”

“But CB6 interfered again.” Von Reichter glared down, “And what you sent me wasn’t even a quarter of what I needed.”

Jose winced, “But Father I-”

“No excuses!” he jabbed a finger at the screen, “Until you think of something more substantial and useful you will sit and wait for orders, Jose! And keep an eye on the city!” he shut the screen off before Jose could reply.

Frostbite stood nearby, watching the whole thing without flinching. “Gee, Professor Cold Heart sounds mad.”

Jose jumped down from his chair and stomped his foot while he visibly fumed, “It’s not fair! CB6 keeps finding everything I plan, how?!” he goose-stepped around the desk and started pacing in the same manner, “I need something, a new monster, or monsters. I’ll show father I can handle CB6. Wait!” he snapped his fingers and ran over to a file cabinet, but was unable to reach the top drawer and jumped up a couple times before he pointed at Frostbite, “Help me up.”

“Duh, OK!” Frostbite hurried over and picked hup Jose so he could dig through the top drawer.

Jose grinned as he pulled out a file under D. “I know just the things to deal with CB6, one of father’s other projects. Put me down!”

Frostbite set Jose down, “But what about the city?”

“Oh, I know exactly who can watch the city for me,” Jose grinned and goose-stepped back to the desk, hopped up on the chair and dialed a number. “Joe, Hydra protocol.”

On the other side of town Joe set the phone down and turned to his boss.

“Who was that, Joe?” the boss asked.

“Something important,” Joe marched to his boss’ side and suddenly grabbed him around the neck, lifting the boss off the ground.

“Ack! Joe what the Bicycle Repair Man!” he struggled and tried to release the grip from his neck, but to no avail as he fumbled for his gun.

“Joe’s dead but Von Reichter made me with his remains. Jose’s in charge again and this time you won’t be there to oppose him.” Joe’s voice was empty of passion.

“What?” The boss’ voice became thinner and more strained as he began to lose feeling.

“You’ll take that secret to your grave.” ‘Joe’ held on until the boss stopped struggling, then squeezed hard enough to pop his head off just to be sure.

Back at his office, Jose hung up the last call, “There, they’ll take care of things until I get back.” He hopped down from his chair and goose stepped towards the door, “Come, Frostbite, we have some spirits to awaken.”

“OK, boss!” Frostbite hurried to keep up with Jose.


Flash Heart stood in line with other human and animal students early Friday morning waiting to get on the bus, which was one of the newest pieces of hardware the school had access to. He shuffled aside as a red fox muttered something to get past and join his blue raccoon girlfriend farther up the line.

A teacher walked the line up and counted them before she turned to the head of the line, “Everyone’s here, Mr. Amato.”

“Alright,” Lucas nodded, “Everyone on the bus.” He was smiling as he took the driver’s seat and everyone else filed in. Flash sat next to a window near the front of the bus. A human student sat next to him but paid Flash no mind as he pulled out a book to read on the way.

Flash turned out all the conversation around him as he stared out at the passing city then the passing countryside. Ever since Oopsy left he had withdrawn from the other students. The fox and raccoon couple had tried to reach out to him but he just didn’t engage, nearly starting a fight with the fox until the bell had rung that day. Outside of school he had been distracting himself by tagging along on CB6’s mission whenever he could despite his mother’s worries, and even Mr. Amato had joined in on fighting the various monsters that showed up after dark: a giant owl monster, flying goblins that burned up in sunlight, a giant nautilus octopus thing and a couple he missed out on due to being too tired and sleeping through them. But inevitably his thoughts would turn to his first friend from school and the crush he was still nursing, to the point that even his little brother said he was worried about him.

His thoughts were interrupted as the bus came to a stop and Lucas raised his voice to be heard over the student, “We’re here! Everybody off the bus!” Flash Heart shuffled off the bus and joined the rest of the students. Maybe the fresh air would do him some good.

The nature hike thankfully didn’t have any real tasks needed to do, other than writing a few sentences about flowers they saw, something Flash Heart did within the first half hour. A couple hours into the day they were at a shallow riverbed where Lucas crouched down to scoop some water into a small vial.

“What are you doing, Mr. Amato,” Flash watched as Lucas shook the vial.

“Collecting samples, checking on some local pollution effects and other things. Personal research,” Lucas smiled, “Interested?”

“Just wondering,” Flash admitted. Neither were able to talk about their nighttime adventures so Flash wandered off trying to take in the majesty of nature.

“I heard people have been going missing out here.” Flash caught two of the human girl students talk as he passed by the other teacher reading some poetry out loud to them.

“For how long?”

“A month or so, maybe longer but no one’s talking about it yet. Used to be that people who went missing would return just fine until about then, now they just vanish. Something about spirits of the forest or whatever…”

Flash’s eyes lit up. Maybe this was one of Jose’s schemes or even Von Reichter. He checked to see if Lucas was watching him and the literature teacher was sufficiently distracted before he headed for the treeline.

The sounds of Flash’s classmates faded as he moved deeper into the forest, the eeriness made him shudder slightly as he wondered what exactly he would find. He didn’t have to wonder for long as he heard a high-pitched giggle nearby.

“Who’s there!” Flash shouted spinning around to try and find the source of the voice. He blinked. Were the trees moving? He stared at a nearby tree as a humanoid figure slowly stepped out of it, taking on the shape of an alluring woman with wooden skin.

Flash was a bit too stunned to react as two more emerged from the trees and surrounded him. One seemed to sing, sounding like a woodwind instrument as she reached out with fingers that turned into long branches and wrapped around Flash Heart.

Too late Flash realized what was happening and tried to break free, dropping and rolling away from the branches. The tree women all hissed at him and lashed out, grabbing his foot and pulling him in. They all bared their splinter like teeth as they surrounded him.

A loud growl and bark nearby made them turn as something burst from out of the trees, plowing into and through one of the tree women and shattering its torso at the middle, spilling sustenance on the ground. Flash felt something destroy the branch around his leg then grab him and pull him along before he could react. The shock made him pass out as the newcomer carried him through the woods.


Soul Heart sat on the couch reading a book, not really having anything else to do on her day off. Tarot Heart sat next to her watching TV, relieved not to be in school as most children were. It was oddly peaceful until Tarot Heart felt a sudden urge to pull out his tarot cards and start shuffling them.

Soul Heart closed her book, instantly alert to her son’s action, “Tarot, what’s wrong? Is Jose planning something again?”

“Maybe, I hope not.” Tarot Heart began dealing the cards onto the table. Part of how CB6 had stayed on top of things was through Tarot Heart’s predictions, often very accurate at least to where Jose was currently up to something. Soul Heart didn’t force him to do it but he felt compelled to help as he didn’t like running into danger, unlike his older brother.

Soul Heart watched anxiously as Tarot Heart read his cards, which only got worse when her son gulped. “He’s heading out of the city… he’s going to be near Flash!” Tarot Heart whipped around to see Soul Heart already undressing and shifting into CB6.

“Lucas told me where he went, I can be there in less than an hour.” He paused once he’d grabbed his clothes out of the closet then turned to Tarot Heart, “Will you be alright here on your own?”

Tarot nodded as CB6 started to dress, “I’ll be fine, mom, just please save my brother.”

CB6 put on his glasses as opened the window, “I promise I will,” then jumped out and across the roof tops. Tarot Heart watched from the window for a minute, then shut the window and went back to watching TV. He was too scared to do another reading, lest he get a terrible answer.


Flash Heart stirred awake lying on what felt like soft leaves.

“He’s waking up, come and see!” A male voice said.

“I’m sure now you’ll be filled with glee!” a female voice rhymed with the first.

“Huh, what?” Flash opened and rubbed his eyes, only to see two white and black bear faces right up in his, “GAH!” he jolted up and nearly crashed into the closer panda’s face.

Both jumped back as Flash sat panting on the bed of leaves he had been lying on.

“We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to give you a fright,” the girl panda spoke.

The other panda extended a hand to Flash Heart, “My name is Perfect Panda and my sister’s named Polite.”

“Umm thanks,” Flash Heart shook Perfect’s hand, “What’s with the rhyming?”

Perfect and Polite shared a look, “For most of our lives, it’s just something we do.”

Polite nodded as her brother withdrew her hand, “For as long we we’ve know, it’s just been us two.”

Flash Heart looked at the two, they were about his age and only just starting to look distinct, nearly identical twins were it not for their differing genders, wider hips on Polite and broader shoulders on Perfect, also neither were clothed. Flash averted his gaze then jumped when he saw who was standing at the entrance.

“DIZZY!” Flash Heart jumped up and ran right into Oopsy’s arms, hugging her tightly.

“Flash! Oh thank god you’re alright!” She hugged him back.

Flash stood back to get a look at her. She too was unclothed and looked a lot healthier, her hair was undone and had grown a bit past her shoulders. Flash only just realized he was still holding her and let go, “I missed you.”

Oopsy smiled, “I missed you too.”

Flash looked around to see that they were in a small house that looked like it was carved into a large rock, even with windows that had wooden shutters, a couple stone slabs that served as tables (probably what had been carved out to make the windows), and three beds made of leaves and other plant matter. “So what’s going on out here and what’s with the wonder twins over there?” Flash pointed back over his shoulder to Perfect and Polite, who were kneeling next to one of the stone slabs.

“It’s a bit of a story, sit down and I’ll tell you.” Oopsy motioned for Flash to sit with her and the pandas at one of the slabs. “It started after that night at the theatre. I was too scared to stay around in case Von Reichter could track me and I didn’t want to be tempted to hunt down more of his creations for sustenance, so I ran. I made it out here and I just collapsed, I think I was going through withdrawal,” Oopsy smiled, “And then these two found me.”

“She was lying in the woods, shivering and cold,” Polite said.

“Because of some strange drug, so she has told,” Perfect nodded.

Flash half-squinted at the twins, “Do you ever get use to them talking in rhyme?”

Oopsy giggled, “It’ll start to grow on you, give it time.”

Flash groaned, “Oh lord, now we’re doing it. But seriously what’s their deal?”

“They looked after me, helped me get used to sleeping and eating again even when I felt too sick to move.” Oopsy exhaled and deflated a little, “some days the pain felt so bad I thought I would die.”

Polite reached over and touched Oopsy’s hand, “But you survived and now you can live.”

Perfect smiled, “No need to thank us, it was our joy to give.”

“But still thank you,” Oopsy bowed her head towards them.

Both pandas turned to Flash to continue, “We’ve lived out here as long as we can remember,” Perfect said.

“And we help people who get lost, at least until September…” Polite trailed off.

“Is that when those tree monsters showed up?” Flash leaned in, suddenly remembering why he was even here.

Polite nodded, “One day they showed up and started to drag people away.”

“We wanted to help but we were too scared to stay. It was right after Oopsy appeared but she didn’t want to fight,” Perfect turned to Oopsy, who looked away in shame.

“Until today she could only change at night,” Polite said.

“You’re still a werewolf, Dizzy?” Flash asked.

Oopsy nodded, “I thought it would go away, but instead it changed. I didn’t want to fight those things because I can smell the sustenance in them. I don’t feel the physical cravings anymore but I don’t want to risk accidentally drinking it. I kept watching them from a distance but I was too scared to do anything, until I saw you in danger, Flash.”

“Can you show me?” Flash Heart was eager, “Maybe we can destroy those things before anyone else gets abducted.”

“Well…” Oopsy stood up, “We’ll have to step outside but, for you, I can try again.” She motioned for Flash to follow her outside.

Both Perfect and Polite Panda both smiled as they watched Flash Heart leave the cave.

“It’s nice to have company, and one who’s so cute,” Perfect sighed as he stared through hooded eyes.

“I agree, but he has eyes for Oopsy so for us its moot,” Polite put a comforting hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Will we ever find a home with others some day?”

Perfect nodded, “Yes, we just have to believe and we will find a way.”

Oopsy took a deep breath and smiled, “The air out here is so fresh. The Pandas helped me get in tune with nature, both out there,” she spread her arms wide, “and in here,” she touched the middle of her chest then turned to face Flash. “Please don’t be frightened.”

“I’ll try, Dizzy,” Flash tried not to show how nervous he suddenly felt as Oopsy took a couple more deep breaths.

Oopsy shuddered a bit as her body started growing, she held her head for a moment as her muzzle pushed out, her ears popped up into triangular points and tail stretched; her muscles grew more defined and she grew taller. Instead of her fur turning black and greasy it seemed to become silky in texture but maintained the same vibrant green it always did, if not more so.

Flash stepped back as Oopsy kept growing until she was nearly twice his height, especially with her feet lengthening to paws where she stood on her toes, then finally let out a howl which made him jump. Then he stared as she turned to face him with a wolfish grin.

Oopsy’s werewolf form wasn’t the black-furred and misshaped hunched monstrosity it had been before. Although she was broader and more muscular with claws on her hands and feet, she looked like a taller anthro, the same size as an adult human, and visibly more defined.

“Well, what do you think?” Oopsy’s voice had become deeper and carried a growling undertone to it, but far from the bestial noises she had made before.

Flash Heart found himself staring at her breasts, which had grown in tandem with the rest of her, but snapped out of it to answer, “You’re very sexy, I mean big! And you’re hot, Dizzy, I…” Flash found himself clamping his hands over his mouth before he said something stupider. “Sorry…” he mumbled from between his fingers.

Oopsy giggled, “Thank you, that means a lot. I’ve been so afraid people would be afraid of me like this. I think the sustenance made me the way I was before, made it harder to think and not act on instinct… or maybe being in nature cleared my head enough.”

Flash blinked, “Nature? Oh I'm a loaf of bread with no raisins! I forgot about the nature hike!” he spun around and was about to take off until he realized he had no idea where he was.

“What?” Oopsy walked over to him.

“I came here with my class, Mr. Amato’s probably freaking out about me going missing!” Flash was starting to panic.

Perfect and Polite had emerged as Flash started to panic and Polite spoke up, “Don’t worry, we know where everything is, you’ll be fine.”

Perfect took Flash’s hand, “Follow us and we’ll get you back in no time.”

Flash Heart nodded and started to calm down as Perfect and Polite lead him away. Oopsy slowly shifted back down to her bear form and followed, eventually falling in step beside Flash Heart and they started talking, trying to catch up on other things that had happened since she disappeared.


A fixed idea drove a Jeep through the countryside while Jose held on. Going through several off-road trails mostly hidden by the treeline until they reached a small hidden dock with a watchtower painted so it just looked like an unusually tall tree from a distance.

Jose hopped out and pointed up at the tree, “Frostbite, get up there and keep a look out. I don’t want anyone following us here.”

“Duh, ok boss,” Frostbite scrambled up the tower while Jose goose-stepped towards the main dock building.

Jose grinned when he saw the fixed ideas loading up a transport boat with their occupants, dead and unconscious humans who were being handed off to the fixed ideas by the tree women that had attacked Flash Heart.

“Perfect, Father’s dryads are here. You, get over here!” he pointed to the black-haired human-looking man who was overseeing the operation. It was a tecno, an artificial human created by Von Reichter to infiltrate human society just like the underbosses he’d activated back in the city.

“Jose,” the tecno sounded nervous as he approached, “What does the boss want. I assure you we-”

“Shut up! I need the dryads right now. You will turn them over to me,” Jose pointed to the 40 or so tree women who were about to shuffle out: they looked like human women with bark or wood for skin and leaves for hair.

“But we’re making our quotas thanks to them,” despite Jose’s small size he was clearly afraid to defy him.

“I’m sorry, did I say I’m making a request, or politely asking? NO!” Jose stomped his foot, “that was an order!”

“Yes sir!” the tecno turned to the dryads, “dryads, you’re being turned over to the command of Jose.”

The dryads turned and shuffled over to Jose, who rubbed his hands in glee. “Perfect, with this army I’ll put an end to CB6.”

“BOSS! BOSS!” Frostbite’s shout cut through the conversation, followed almost immediately by many repeated thumping sounds as he tripped and fell down all of the stairs. Jose sighed and goose-stepped outside just in time to see Frostbite getting up.

“What is it, Frostbite?” Jose scowled as Frostbite stood up and started to wave a telescope around.

“I saw him, the CB! The CB!” he pointed roughly in the direction he had spotted them.

Jose grinned as he folded his arms behind himself, “Perfect! I’ll finish off CB6 and be back in the city before father even knows I’ve been gone.” He ran over to the Jeep, “Dryads, follow me!”

Frostbite ran to the driver’s seat, which the fixed idea had vacated, and they took off with the dryads following close behind the vehicle.


Getting out of the city had been the easy part, running along the roads towards where the class had gone proved far slower. CB6 was too worried about getting there in time to be conservative so whenever there was a downward slope, he would coat the road in ice and slide down before breaking into another full tilt run. He was relieved when he saw the school bus parked nearby and heard the students and teachers nearby.

CB6 didn’t even bother with subtlety, running into the shallow tree cover and jumping over the last hump to land next to the river, startling everyone. He scanned the area and after not seeing the yellow bear he turned to Lucas, who was staring at him in stunned silence like everyone else.

“Lucas, where’s Flash Heart?” he asked as he marched over to the teacher.

“Flash, uhh,” Lucas looked around, “did anyone see where Flash Heart Bear went?”

The red fox boy raised a hand, “I thought I saw him going up that riverbank,” he pointed to where Flash Heart had climbed up towards the forest.

“I saw him too,” the blue raccoon girl next to him said, “I didn’t think he was going anywhere…”

“That’s alright, just stay here we’ll go find him.” Lucas was about to turn back when he heard everyone gasp as CB6 jumped right up to the riverbank and Lucas had to rush to climb after him while everyone watched. Most of them had heard of the vigilante bear going around fighting weird monsters but none of them had actually seen him in person before; if even half of the rumors about him and the monster were true then they didn’t want to get anywhere near what was going to happen.

Lucas reached the top of the riverbank where CB6 grabbed his hand to pull him the rest of the way up, “So what brings you out here?”

“Flash is in danger,” CB6 turned and started marching into the woods.

“You always know when that kid’s in trouble, huh?” Lucas commented.

CB6 swept his gaze around as they got farther into the trees, “Yeah, I just… I need to keep tabs on him.”

“For Soul Heart’s sake?” Lucas caught up and now walked alongside the brown bear.

“Yeah, also for his,” CB6 stopped, “did you hear that?”

Lucas paused, then held up a hand to his ear, “Hear what?”

There was a faint giggling in the air, “OK that time I heard it,” Lucas looked around then blinked. It looked like some of the nearby trees were… dancing?

CB6 tensed up as the sound intensified, coming from all around them. The ‘dancing’ looked like a heat mirage which forced Lucas to rub his eyes as though he were hallucinating. One of the dryads seemed to form out of a tree and reached towards Lucas, its fingers growing into branches.

Lucas snapped out of it and punched the creature in the face, CB6 jumped into action and landed a flying kick at the creature’s head, severing it and sending a stream of sustenance spurting onto the ground. In an instant the other dryads emerged from the trees, surrounding them and all hissing at the pair through splinter-like teeth.

CB6 growled right back as an icicle spear formed in his right hand, “Where’s my son!” Lucas barely had time to process what he heard before CB6 stabbed the nearest dryad through the chest, the freezing effect killing it instantly as the whole scene descended into chaos.

Jose sat at the edge of the tree line and listened to the carnage inside, unable to see much through the trees. He glowered as he stood up on the seat and leaned over the windshield, “Urg! CB6 is meeting his end and I can’t see it!” He jabbed a finger into the forest, “Take me in closer!”

Frostbite looked at the space between the trees, “Uhh… I don’t think it’ll fit.”

Jose turned to Frostbite in fury, “I didn’t ask, I gave an order! Take me in closer!” he stomped on the seat. Frostbite just shrugged and hit the gas, knocking Jose back over the seat as they rumbled over the trees, losing one of the side-view mirrors in the process. Frostbite stopped just short of crashing into a tree but thankfully close enough for Jose to see once he climbed over the front seat.

Jose grinned as he saw the fight turn against CB6 and Lucas, “This is perfect! Get the popcorn!” Frostbite produced a bag of popcorn from… somewhere which Jose took without questioning and sat down to watch and he munched.

Flash Heart sped up when he heard the sounds ahead, recognizing CB6’s voice through the forest, “I hear something. Mom?” he took off into a run with Oopsy hot on his tail. Perfect and Polite slowed down.

“Do you think it’s the creatures keeping us at bay?” Polite asked.

“If so I’m worried that they just ran into the fray,” Perfect gulped. They nodded to each other then sped up.

Oopsy caught up to Flash, her body already starting to shift, “I smell them!” she growled.

Flash gaped as she finished changing, “Dizzy… you… really!” he panted.

“Yes!” Oopsy finished changing and dropped down to all fours, running ahead of Flash, who smiled and put on a burst of speed.

Lucas was being pulled down by the dryads right as Oopsy plowed into one and tore its head off in her teeth.

“What the?” Lucas grabbed some of the branches trying to tie him up and yanked them off.

“HA!” Flash Heart tackled one of the dryads as it was about to shoot its branches through CB6 and he turned around to stab it with the ice dagger he was carrying.

“Flash!?” He turned and kicked another, “Talk later!” he threw another spear into one as Oopsy leaped and sliced one of the dryads in half. She almost froze when she saw the sustenance on her claws but snapped out of it when she heard Flash manage to snap one of the dryad’s limbs off and she dove back in to the fight.

Jose threw his half-empty bag of popcorn on the Jeep’s seat, not recognizing his former monster, “Where did they come from!? That’s not fair that’s not fair!” He sat down in a huff as CB6 stabbed the last dryad through with an ice spear. “Take me home, now!” he demanded. Frostbite didn’t argue and backed out, slower than before to avoid hitting any trees.

Perfect and Polite arrived right as CB6 let the ice spear melt in her hand as the last dryad fell. “That’s the last of them,” CB6 was panting from having used so much energy.

Oopsy was shuddering from the smell of the sustenance that now covered the battlefield, “Get rid of it!” she growled, “The smell! Can’t handle the smell!”

“Alright,” CB6 whirled his arms around and all the green liquid streamed up into the air before converging into CB6’s mouth. He drank deeply even feeling his belly bloat out as he drank far more than he ever had in one go. He huffed and patted his slightly bloated belly, “Good, more than made up for what I spent today.” His belly was slowly shrinking back to normal as his body processed the sustenance and he turned to a panting Flash Heart. “And what were you doing out here, Flash Heart?”

Flash Heart gulped, now that the adrenaline was off, “I heard about the people disappearing and thought it was one of Jose’s things.”

“So you just ran off away from the group,” Lucas sounded mad, “What would I tell your mom if you got seriously hurt, or never came back?”

Flash Heart looked down, turning to CB6, “Sorry mom.”

“Mom?” Lucas blinked then turned to CB6 who just sighed at Flash’s blunder.

“It’s alright, I saved him,” the more feminine voice drew their attention to Oopsy, who had changed back to her bear appearance, “And the panda twins there looked after him.” She pointed to the still very shaken pandas.

“Oopsy? Well, thank you and you too umm?” CB6 turned to the pandas.

“My name is Perfect and this is Polite,” Perfect nodded, trying to get his nerves under control.

“Forgive us, this all gave us a fright,” Polite took a couple deep breaths to calm down.

“Thanks for saving Flash, and you too, Oopsy?” Lucas recognized the green bear, “and you’re a werewolf?”

Oopsy nodded, “Long story.”

“I bet, also Flash? Mom?” Lucas looked from one to the other.

CB6 sighed, “I guess I need to stop keeping this secret from you.” CB6 took off his glasses frames and shapeshifted his body. Lucas and Oopsy just gawked as Soul Heart formed under the clothing, the breast lumps straining the shirt fabric slightly.

“Soul Heart?” Lucas just stared.

“You’re the librarian bear?” Oopsy rubbed her eyes.

“Like with Oopsy mine is a long story,” Soul Heart sighed, “And I don’t want to talk about it now,” she shifted back to CB6 and replaced his glasses, “I’ll tell you the details later, right now we all need to get going, and we’re going to have a talk at home, Flash Heart.”

“Yes mom,” Flash Heart turned to Oopsy, “guess this is goodbye again, thanks Dizzy, you too,” he waved to Perfect and Polite who still stood where they had been when they were watching the fight.

Oopsy looked at Perfect and Polite, then back to the others, “I’m coming with you.”

“What? Really Dizzy?” Flash lit up.

Oopsy blushed but smiled, “Yes, I feel better, in control and I miss you.” She turned to the pandas, “thank you for looking after me but I want to go back to the city.”

Polite smiled, “We’re happy to see you’re feeling fine.”

Perfect approached and gave her a hug, “Feel free to visit us any time. You got rid of those monsters that kept us at bay.”

Polite clapped her hands together, “Now we can go back to helping people that lose their way.”

“Do they always talk like that?” CB6 asked.

“You get used to it,” Oopsy and Flash both blinked then started giggling.

“Right, but we need to get back and Oopsy,” Lucas coughed, “you can’t go back without clothes.”

“Wear this,” CB6 took off his coat, “It can button up.”

Oopsy couldn’t help but snicker as she pulled on the coat and fastened it up, “I feel like a streaker.”

“Mind if I catch a ride back with you? I’d rather not run all the way back or waste all the sustenance I just drank,” CB6’s stomach was back to normal now.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the group returned, even cheering for CB6. The students hounded him all the way back to the school bus.

“Are you that superhero?”

“What’s with those monsters?”

“What’s it like at night?”

CB6 sighed, “Alright I’ll tell you: the monsters are being created by a mad scientist bent on world domination. But don’t go looking for trouble like Flash did.” He looked ahead to where Flash and Oopsy were boarding the school bus.

“Ha! I knew it was a mad scientist!” one of the female students said.

Despite being ready for a punishment when he got home Flash Heart was in a much better mood as he sat next to Oopsy.

“Are you alright, Flash?” a dark blue girl bear leaned over the seat in front of Flash Heart.

“I’m fine, Melancholy,” Flash leaned up against the window.

“That’s a relief,” Melancholy sat back down next to a brown lynx in a t-shirt.

“It was too dangerous to go out like that, you’re lucky that CB6 showed up to find you both,” the lynx folded her arms.

“Yes, Calm Heart, thank you,” Flash sighed.

“So Oopsy, you’re back?” the red fox from earlier stood up to lean over the back of Oopsy and Flash’s seat alongside blue raccoon girlfriend. “Why were you living in the woods.”

“Oh well… that’s an odd story… I just needed some time away from the city.” Oopsy shuffled nervously.

“Without clothes?” the fox glowered at her.

“They probably wore out, Anger Heart,” the blue raccoon said. “I don’t know if we met before but I’m Guidance Heart Raccoon.”

“Thanks, Guidance, I just…” Oopsy blushed. “Need some time to adjust but I’ll be back at school later, with clothes.” That got a laugh out of the other five animals as Anger and Guidance sat back down.


Monday at noon, Lucas met Soul Heart for lunch but instead of going to their usual place she invited him into the lunch room of the library which was thankfully empty of anyone else.

“So…” Lucas twiddled his thumbs, “About CB6.”

“It’s me, Lucas,” Soul Heart sighed, “It’s always been me but I didn’t want anyone to find out and hunt me down during the day, especially after I adopted Flash and Tarot.”

“So… what are you? Some sort of Frankenstein’s monster?” Lucas was having trouble processing, “and are you a man? A woman? Both?”

“I’m genderfluid, I feel like a man as CB6 and a woman like this, especially when I’m being their mother. As for what I am… I guess an experiment like that is the right word. I can tell you more when we have more time but I was created by the same man who is creating those monsters and I need to drink the sustenance in them to survive. I don’t need to eat or drink anything but water or even sleep. Don’t ask what I do after our meals.”

“I can guess. So where does that leave us?” Lucas averted his gaze.

“We’re still friends, and other than the CB6 thing I never lied about anything.” Soul Heart felt awkward.

“I mean… I like you Soul Heart, you’re smart, you’re organized and you’re good with kids I just… I feel awkward saying all of this after everything,” Lucas sighed, “I wish you had told me before, but I get why you were alright with Flash going out with CB6 at night.”

Soul Heart giggled, “I was there the whole time and I can’t just lock him in the apartment at night. Though he really screwed up Friday and I had a long talk with him and grounded him over the weekend.” She sighed and touched her chest, “I don’t know how to feel about you Lucas, ever since I adopted Flash Heart I’m dealing with feelings I thought I couldn’t have and even towards you. But until Von Reichter is dealt with, I need to focus on this.” She smiled, “But when my nights are free again, maybe.”

Lucas brightened up, “Really well. I mean.”

“I get it, but you should eat lunch, if you have time left.” Soul Heart smirked.

“Oh, right! lunch!” Lucas got up and made a mad dash, so ready to talk about this he’d not grabbed anything to eat. Soul Heart laughed, deciding to just let him have his panicked rush for the day. Hopefully now she wouldn’t have to fake eating when they met up for lunch going forwards.


Flash was fuming a bit after being stuck at home all weekend and not able to see Oopsy, but she had found a place to sleep and even found some clothes, just a t-shirt and a skirt and now her hair done up in a braid. She and Flash met up for lunch.

“So how does it feel to be back, Dizzy?” Flash asked as they headed for the lunch room.

“Awkward, funny, but happy,” Oopsy smiled, “I mean I’m not trying to seduce you into a trap now, so…”

“I kinda wish you were, I mean maybe,” Flash Heart chuckled.

“I could turn you into a werewolf you know, I mean I think I was supposed to before,” Oopsy averted her gaze when she realized what she had said.

Flash jumped then stopped right outside the lunchroom doors, “R-really?”

Oopsy nodded, “Yes, I mean if you want…”

“Well, I mean I’d like that but I… well I don’t know how I’d feel about that and it would be a big change.” Flash gulped, “But I think we should go out a bit first, I mean really get to know the real you who isn’t trying to get me killed.”

“I think I’d like that,” Oopsy smiled, “I mean we can go out tomorrow if there’s not too much homework.”

“HEY!” both jumped and turned to see Anger Heart standing up at a table with his hands to his mouth, “COME SIT WITH US!”

Both were startled but somewhat elated to be invited and the hurried over to the two vacant adjacent seats where Anger Heart sat next to Guidance Heart with Calm Heart and Melancholy in the last two seats.

“So, welcome back,” Melancholy said, “been a while.”

“Yeah,” Oopsy fidgeted, “got a lot of catching up to do, classes and people.”

“You’re a lot calmer than you used to be, I mean,” Guidance cleared her throat, “you were a lot clumsier when we were kids.”

“Yeah, I was,” Oopsy smiled, “Time in the woods helped me since… there’s a lot of loose tree roots I’d trip over if I didn’t learn how to walk properly. Floors like this aren’t so bad anymore.”

“It’s good to see you again,” Calm Heart smiled, “and Flash Heart, I guess wandering off worked out then.”

“Yeah, and it got me a date,” Flash shot back.

Oopsy giggled, “Yeah, we’re going out tomorrow if there’s not too much homework.”

“Congrats man, you seem so much better now,” Anger Heart reached a fist over to Flash. Flash fist-bumped Anger Heart then opened his lunch as the six of them ate together.


“You disobeyed my orders, Jose!” Von Reichter glared down from the screen at a very cowed Jose who was trembling.

“But father I-”

“No excuses!” Von Reichter jabbed a finger at Jose, “You disobeyed me, got my dryads killed and interrupted my supply of human resources!”

“But I activated the sleeper Tecnos, the mobs are under our control now,” Jose fumbled.

“Far too early, but now we need what they can provide to replace what you disrupted. From now on you will stay in the city if you want to rule it. Now you will wait for my next contact and don’t interfere with my other operations again!” Von Reichter shut off the screen.

Jose took a deep breath to calm down then goose stepped over to the chair and threw himself in it, fuming. “I’ll get CB6 for this!”
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Final chapter! Took longer than I wanted. Hope you like it

Chapter 4: The Final Confrontation

Tarot Heart liked school, which some found odd. He wasn’t the best student nor the teacher’s favorite but he just liked being around other children his age and making friends. Mostly he was just happy not to be living on the street as a pickpocket anymore. There weren’t many other anthros in his elementary school, none in his class, but he made a few human friends. He didn’t hang out after school though, too afraid to be on the streets without his brother or Soul Heart, or Oopsy since she and Flash had started dating. Thankfully his friends understood once he told them about how he was forced to live on the streets under the thumb of his old boss.

It was an hour before school was out that a vision hit Tarot Heart like a ton of bricks. One minute he was going over math problems, then he grabbed his head and screamed and fell to the floor.

The teacher was at his desk in a moment and tried to calm him down as he muttered, “mom… need mom…”

“Isn’t his mom the bear at the library?” one of the students asked.

“Yeah, I think she’s miss Soul Heart,” one of Tarot’s friends said.

Thankfully Tarot Heart was light enough to pick up and the teacher spoke as she lifted the now fetal Tarot Heart in her arms, “Keep working, I’m taking Tarot Heart to the nurse and calling his mom. I’ll be back right away.” Everyone watched as she left then reluctantly went back to their math but gossiped about what had happened until their teacher returned.

Soul Heart got the phone call about Tarot collapsing in class and ran off to make sure he was alright. Too worried to walk she made sure she wasn’t being watched and jumped across the rooftops until she landed in an alley near his school, being grateful that this old-world city had so few cell phones, less ubiquitous cameras and sub-par internet at the best of times.

The school nurse was startled that Soul Heart arrived so quickly, but didn’t stop her from looking after her son. She crouched at the side of the bed and stroked Tarot Heart’s head.

“Tarot Heart? Tarot Heart it’s mom, can you hear me?” she whispered.

Tarot Heart opened one eye, “Yes,” he whispered back.

“Are you alright?”

“I saw something in my head again,” Tarot Heart closed his eye again.

Soul Heart had to control her surprised and she carefully turned to the nurse, “May I take him home?”

The nurse looked at the wall clock, “Well school’s out in half-an-hour so that should be fine. I’ll let his teacher know and he can get his homework tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Soul Heart carefully nudged Tarot Heart to sit up then stand and they left. Tarot Heart stumbled partway home but thankfully with everyone still in work the streets were mostly empty so Soul Heart picked Tarot Heart up and ran all the way home while carrying him. The few people who saw this didn’t say anything or just didn’t pay attention.

“I saw something big, and bad,” Tarot Heart mumbled once they were inside.

“What was it?” Soul Heart tried to keep her voice level but wasn’t able to hide how worried she was.

“I… don’t want to know,” Tarot Heart turned his head away, “But it’s going to be soon.”

“Then just rest,” Soul Heart had reached the bedroom and she lay Tarot Heart down on the bed, “I’ll make supper in a bit,” she added as she left the room.

“Thanks mom,” Tarot smiled, shuffled under the covers, and fell asleep.

Tarot Heart was awakened much later when he felt something stroke his head.

“Hey, Tarot, feeling alright?” Flash Heart was sitting on the bed.

Tarot Heart nodded, “A bit, just needed sleep.”

“Mom said you saw something, another of your visions about Jose?” Flash asked.

“Mmhmm,” Tarot averted his eyes, “something big, but I’m scared to find out. Don’t wanna look at my cards in case… in case it’s even worse…”

“Don’t worry about it,” Flash reassured him, “Mom’s just making supper, pizza tonight, just gotta wait.”

Tarot Heart smiled, “Yay…”

Both Oopsy and Soul Heart leaned out her apartment window. The wind was mostly still but both were feeling unnaturally cold.

“How was your Valentine’s date?” Soul Heart asked the question very casually.

“It was fun, not much just out to dinner and a movie,” Oopsy smiled, “Flash is quite a gentleman when he wants to be.”

“Good,” Soul Heart nodded. She didn’t turn to Oopsy as she continued, “Oopsy, I want you to turn Flash Heart into a werewolf.”

Oopsy coughed and almost gagged, “What?!” she almost shouted before stopping herself. “Why?”

Soul Heart kept her gaze out across the city, “Something big’s going to happen soon and I’ll need to stop it, and I don’t know if I’m coming back.” She stared at one of her hands, “I could have taken out Jose at any time, but I need the sustenance from Von Reichter’s monsters too survive. I figured as long as Jose was around, I would have a constant supply so I could stick around longer, for Flash and Tarot Heart especially, but now things are getting more desperate, like him not using things I can drink from.”

“Like the robot circus we destroyed last week,” Oopsy mumbled, “But why do you want me to try and change him. I mean we talked about it before but I didn’t want to force it on him…”

Soul Heart smirked, “He’s told me about it too, says he dreams around it sometimes but didn’t want to force it either, in case you didn’t want to. But if I don’t come back I want him strong enough to defend himself and Tarot Heart and someone like you to guide him through it.” She sighed, “after supper tonight you two should go on a date and you can ask him again, don’t force him but try to convince him.”

Oopsy gulped, “I’ll try.”

The sound of the oven timer broke them out of their conversation. While the three younger bears ate, Soul Heart called Lucas and asked if he’d like to visit that evening.

Oopsy wolfed down her portions then watched as Flash and Tarot ate more slowly. She found herself staring at Flash Heart for so long enough that he commented, “Something on my face, Dizzy?” he grabbed a napkin and started wiping his face.

“Well not anymore,” Oopsy giggled, “I was just thinking: would you like to go out tonight?”

“Really?” Flash looked at Tarot Heart, “I mean I’d like to but I don’t want to leave Tarot Heart alone after today.”

“It’s fine, Flash,” Soul Heart hung up, “I’ll be here and you should enjoy yourself tonight.” She smiled at the two.

“Alright,” Flash brightened up and Oopsy took his hand.

“Let’s go!” Oopsy was up on her feet and all but dragged Flash out the door, which made Tarot and Soul Heart giggle.

It was a short time later that there was a buzz from the front doorbell speaker. “Hello?”

“Hi, it’s Lucas,” the voice crackled back.

“I’ll let you in,” Soul Heart pushed the door button for a few seconds then waited.

Lucas knocked and was promptly invited in by Soul Heart. He scanned the small living space, “Same size as my place,” he commented.

“Good thing I don’t have to sleep, we only have one bed,” Soul Heart rolled her eyes.

Tarot Heart was watching TV if only to distract himself from his premonition earlier, but his ears perked up when he heard what his mom and Lucas were discussing.

“Lucas, something big is coming and I might need to put an end to Von Reichter, permanently.”

“But don’t you need his creatures to survive,” Lucas was shocked.

Soul Heart gripped the long skirt she was still wearing, “I do, but I’ve let it go too long. I feel so selfish when I should have been trying to stop him before anything like this could happen. I need your help, Lucas,” she took a deep shuddering breath.

“You mean to find him, or stop him,” he saw the despondent look on Soul Heart’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“No, not like that. I’m not going to put your life at risk. If I don’t come back from whatever happens, I want you to look after Flash Heart and Tarot Heart for me,” she averted her eyes from Lucas.

“You’re not coming back?” Tarot Heart leaned over the couch’s arm to stare at her.

Soul Heart forced herself to look him in the eye, “I don’t know if I will. Something big enough to hurt you in a premonition, I might need to sacrifice everything to stop him.” She walked over to Tarot Heart and stroked his head, “Just know that whatever happens that I love you and I want you to grow up safe and happy, even if I won’t be here.”

Tarot Heart struggled to hold back tears, and failed as they started to leak out, “Mom, please don’t go…”

“I wish I could stay, but sometimes you have to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice,” she carefully picked Tarot Heart up and hugged him tight. Tarot hugged back and started to cry. Soul Heart let him cry it out before she set him back down on the couch.

Lucas had approached from behind by now, “I will, don’t worry about your kids. They’ll be in safe hands.”

Soul Heart turned around and gave a surprisingly bright smile, “Lucas… thank you,” she suddenly reached up and pulled him into a kiss which startled both him and Tarot Heart. Lucas didn’t refuse, instead he reached down and hugged her close.

It was what Soul Heart needed to feel, she could love and be loved even if she wasn’t human or an anthro. Instead of making her hesitate it only hardened her resolve. She wouldn’t let anything happen as long as she could help it!


Oopsy led Flash Heart on their date through Meridiana’s streets, occasionally making a couple of turns but always heading in the same general direction. The sun was setting as the approached the city limits.

“Should be better than the last couple study dates we had,” Flash rolled his eyes.

“I needed them, Guidance is a good tutor,” Oopsy was a bit distracted.

Flash finally noticed they were outside the city limits as the sun was sinking past the horizon, “So where are we going, Dizzy?”

“Into the woods,” Oopsy paused, “I should have asked earlier,” she turned to face Flash with a worried expression on her face, “Would you like to become a werewolf?”

Flash froze, “What? Really! I mean, are you serious?”

Oopsy smiled, “Yes, I am. I’ve wanted to ask for a while but I was nervous, until your mom asked me to.”

“Guess she’s worried about what Tarot said,” Flash averted his gaze and then looked up to see Oopsy walking out towards the woods and he jogged to keep up with her.

As the sun’s final rays vanished over the horizon, Oopsy began to shed her clothing until she stood naked and undid her braid and let her hair fall across her back. She took a deep breath and stared up at the sky.

“A full moon, perfect,” she took a deep breath as her body began to bulk up. Flash watched, able to enjoy it since they weren’t in mortal danger. Oopsy sensed this and drew out her changes, growing taller and more muscular, her ears turning pointed, her tail pushing out, her and face pushing forwards into a muzzle. She turned to face Flash and grinned as her teeth grew pointier, her feet became digitigrade, claws grew on her fingers and toes and her breasts grew as she reached her full height. Her fur blew in the wind as did her now shaggy but still beautiful mane of green hair and her eyes reflected the full moon over head.

She extended a clawed hand with pads upwards towards Flash and spoke with the grow underpinning her voice, “Come, Flash, join me in the night.”

Her grin would have looked sinister to anyone else, but to Flash Heart it was an enticing invitation as he pulled off his shirt, shedding the rest of his clothing as he approached her. “Please, Dizzy,” he was practically begging.

Oopsy grinned then stepped forwards and slashed at Flash’s chest, just deep enough to draw blood. Flash winced but before he could react Oopsy bit his shoulder, again just deep enough to draw blood.

“OW! I'm a loaf of bread with no raisins that hurt!” Flash’s swearing somewhat broke the mood as he held his chest and shoulder.

“Sorry,” Oopsy knelt at his side, “Now just wait, feel it within you and let it happen.”

Flash just nodded and pulled his hand away from the injuries, just leaking a little blood. He stared up at the moon and took a deep breath, “Just let it happen, just let it happen…” he repeated to himself as though it were a magic spell.

Flash felt his heart beating in his ear and he stumbled slightly as the feeling hit him hard. His breathing became short and rapid as he panted and felt his teeth sharpening inside his mouth. His ears started to hurt and he grabbed both of them as his panting got even faster, his eyes starting to white out.

“Flash! Flash!” Oopsy crouched in front of Flash Heart who just swiped out at her with newly forming claws, which she easily dodged. Oopsy grabbed the sides of Flash Heart’s face and held it up, “Flash Heart, look at me!” she stared at him.

Flash Heart found himself staring into Oopsy eyes, his breathing growing slower and more relaxed even as the pain surged through him again, his body starting to bulk up as his ears pointed and his face pushed forwards into a longer muzzle.

“Diz-zy,” Flash growled, his voice getting deeper as he started to grow larger.

“Yes, it’s me, Dizzy. I’m here for you, don’t worry I know it hurts but I’ll be here,” Oopsy smiled at him.

Flash winced as he felt his stubby tail grow longer and stood up more as his torso and legs grew, his feet shifting to stand on his toes like Oopsy was. Oopsy stepped back as Flash grew taller and taller until he was at least as tall as she was, unable to tear her gaze from his body as his hair grew and became shaggier as he bulked up until it all ended in one large burst! Flash Heart the werewolf threw back his head and howled as the changes stopped, but the energy didn’t go anywhere!

Oopsy had a moment to admire her boyfriend’s werewolf form in the moonlight, much broader and more visibly muscular in the chest and a bit more hunched with arms and legs just as long and powerful as her own but with a narrower waist. She saw his eyes reflecting the moonlight as he turned to her with a hungry expression, one that got her own motor running.

Flash took a step towards her and growled, his eyes showing a lust from the massive adrenaline rush of transforming. Oopsy grinned wolfishly and turned away, shaking her tail towards him. “Come, chase me Flash!” she growled then took off and Flash Heart was right behind her.

Flash Heart chased Oopsy all around the forest, always a few steps behind her. Oopsy had practically memorized the forest to the point where she could put each footstep to get around without even stumbling. Flash was fast but he was unused to his new form and was barely able to keep up, but not without help. Oopsy never let him get lost but also never let him catch up. She could smell his desire and she was certain he could smell hers as well. She was tempted to stop and let him catch her, eager to let him be all over her but she needed him to tire out so he didn’t hurt her, or more likely make her hurt him back. Animals fled from the path of the two werewolves but they didn’t need to bother, neither was interested in hunting for food.

The moon was high overhead as Oopsy finally slowed down, stopping near a tree close to the road and gripping it as she leaned over. She could hear Flash Heart panting, his tongue hanging out as he finally caught up to her but slowed to a stop to catch his breath.

“I’m here, Flash,” she swished her tail back and forth, “Come, take me now!”

Flash Heart the werewolf needed no second bidding. As he pounced on Oopsy she gasped then moaned, her claws dug into the tree’s bark as she felt Flash Heart pounding into her from behind. This was a release she so wanted! Needed! She felt her tongue loll out as she bucked back against him and felt Flash grip her and hold her tight. All at once it stopped as both werewolves let out a massive double howl, scaring away any animals that might have been nearby.

Flash was panting as he finished but Oopsy wasn’t done as she laboriously turned around to lie on her back and grin up at her panting mate.

“Dizzy. I feel…” Flash growled out, just forming the words.

“Done already? I’m not!” Oopsy pushed up and forced Flash onto his back, “I’ve waited forever for this, Flash, we’re mates now!” She pushed down and kissed him hard. Flash was startled but he kissed back their wolf muzzles somehow fitting together perfectly. Before long another pair of howls pierced the night, and then… silence…


Jose stood nervously in front of the video of Von Reichter who glared down severely at the boy. “But father, I-”

“No more excuses Jose!” Von Reichter jabbed a finger towards him, “Once again, you were defeated by CB6. My patience is at an end.” He returned his hands to a clasped position, “You will come back to the castle immediately, no delays!” the transmission shut off which left Jose shaking for a moment before he composed himself.

“Frostbite, gather the fixed ideas. We’re returning to father!” He goose-stepped out of his office and down the hall.

“Right away, boss!” Frostbite scurried to fulfill his order.


It was an unusually misty morning for late summer out in the harbor. One fishing was bringing in the night’s haul when it smashed into something massive, knocking the crew to the ground.

“The hell?” One sailor picked himself up, “There’s no island here.” He blinked then looked again and almost jumped back.

The “island” was a massive black mass, not dirt or rock but something knobbly and thick. The vessel’s captain was the first to approach and reach out to touch it. It felt like hard leather except-

“It’s breathing!” the man shuddered as he swore could feel a pulse under his hand.

A stretching sound followed by cries of fear accompanied a massive tentacle rising out of the water then swinging down to smash the boat as the sailors and fishers dove overboard, a couple grabbing life preservers as their boat was smashed to splinters. Those treading water or with preservers watched as the giant mass melted back into the fog.


Flash shivered slightly as the rising sun pierced through his closed eyes then snuggled more deeply into Oopsy’s fur. It took him a moment to remember where he was as he was slowly dragged into wakefulness.

“Good morning, Flash,” Oopsy whispered to him.

Flash Heart smiled and finally opened his eyes to look back at her, “Morning Dizzy.” They kissed for a moment, then Flash looked down at their naked bodies, still matted in dirt, grass and leaves from the previous night. “That all really happened? I mean, we really did all that?”

Oopsy giggled, “Yep, welcome to the world of werewolves, even if it is just the two of us.” She carefully extricated herself from Flash Heart and stood up to stretch. “So how do you feel?”

“Different, exhilarated and,” Flash reached up to feel his hair only to find it had grown out and was still long, “long haired?” He stood up, using the tree for support.

“A small side effect, my hair used to be a lot shorter too,” Oopsy reached over to brush some of the dirt out of Flash’s hair, “I like that look on you.”

Flash chuckled, “Thanks, Dizzy. So now what?”

“Now, we go find our clothes and…” she froze, “something’s coming! Get down!” She and Flash dropped as the sound of vehicles approached from the nearby road. Both peered up just enough to see the Jeep driven by Frostbite with Jose in the driver’s seat followed by a large truck and a pickup truck both filled with fixed ideas.

“We have to follow them!” Flash whispered harshly.

“Got it!” Oopsy’s growly voice made Flash turn to see her already in werewolf form. Before he could protest, she picked him up under her arm and jumped into the back of the pickup. Flash immediately grabbed a tarp he saw and threw it over the both of them as they lay in the back. The fixed idea in the passenger’s seat looked back for a moment but when it just saw the tarp it decided not to bother, just thinking it was a bump in the road.

They rode for ages, not able to tell the exact time. Flash thought he would get excited riding next to Oopsy in her werewolf form but instead he was just nervous to the point that he was gripping her side so hard she winced but managed to stop from crying out.

After what felt like days the truck finally ground to a halt and they felt the weight shift as the fixed ideas in the cab disembarked. Flash took a chance to look out and saw the fixed ideas led by Frostbite and Jose entering a massive building, on top of which there was an observatory.

“I know where this is,” Flash whispered, “We have to tell mom.”

“Let’s go then,” Oopsy whispered and carefully pulled the tarp off. She was still in werewolf form as she picked Flash up on to her back where he grabbed on to her mane of hair as she jumped into the woods and took off back towards the city. The two fixed ideas on guard turned at the sound but thankfully didn’t catch sight of them. One scratched its head in confusion then went back to watching things.

As Flash Heart held on, he felt an exhilaration flood through him. Oopsy’s smell combined with the rush of running through the woods put a big grin on his face, his teeth starting to lengthen and sharpen.

Oopsy smelled what was happening and grinned, “Getting excited?”

“Yes!” Flash let out a shout as he felt his body transforming, no longer overwhelmed like last night. Before long, Flash jumped off Oopsy’s back and was running alongside her on all fours as another werewolf.


Soul Heart didn’t sleep, but she lay on the couch with Lucas far longer than she needed to that morning. Even though she was stronger than him she liked being able to feel safe with him, or at least that she didn’t need to do everything entirely by herself.

She was up and making breakfast, deciding to go all out on a big meal especially since she was expecting Oopsy and Flash back and for them to be hungry as wolves, literally she smirked to herself.

She was just turning the scrambled eggs into a large bowl when she heard Lucas at the apartment’s front door. “Soul Heart! You have to come see this now!”

Soul Heart jumped but hurried with turning the ham she was cooking on to a plate, “Just a moment, don’t want breakfast to burn.” She left the toaster, it would pop on its own, and ran after Lucas as he led her to the stairs up to the roof.

Lucas ran to the side and pointed out to the bay, “I came out for some fresh air and saw that!”

Soul Heart stared at the massive black dome-shaped object in the middle of the bay, unable to find any words for it. A sudden spasm rocked her arm and she winced and grabbed her shaking limb. She averted her gaze from the bay and stared at her limb, clenching her fist until the feeling passed. She had used too much of her abilities against the robot circus without even a fixed idea to replenish her sustenance.

“It’s gotta be from Von Reichter,” Lucas hadn’t noticed Soul Heart’s hesitation.

“Yes,” Soul Heart walked to the edge and stared out at the thing, “that must be what he used all the abducted humans for.” She didn’t have to look at Lucas to see his horrified reaction, “Where did you think he got all the raw materials from. That’s why there’s almost no homeless here anymore.” She turned and walked back to the door.

“What are we going to do about it?” Lucas followed her back inside.

“We’re going to eat breakfast and then I am going to finish this,” her emphasis started Lucas and she added before he could interject, “Alone.”

“Alone, but Soul Heart.” Lucas grabbed her shoulder as they stopped outside her apartment door.

“Lucas, please, I know this is hard but I feel responsible for this. I should have spent more time looking for Von Reichter instead of delaying by fighting his monsters so I could keep feeding off them.” She took a deep breath and smiled, “I just want one more morning with my loved ones before I have to do this.”

“Want me to leave then?” Lucas let go of her.

Soul Heart turned to him, “No, I said I want to spend this time with all my loved ones,” she reached for him.

Lucas caught on and reached out for her too, “I love you, Soul Heart.”

“I love you too, Lucas,” they both kissed for a moment. “Now let’s eat breakfast.” She opened the door to let him in. She paused at the entrance and looked down the hall, “Flash and Oopsy are late,” she shook her head, just hoping they were busy in the woods before she turned to sit in on breakfast.


Jose goose-stepped through his father’s lair and past several giant tanks with Frostbite on his heels. Von Reichter sat waiting for them in front of a massive computer, hands tented and smiling at him for once. If Jose were anything resembling normal, he would have been disturbed.

“Ahh, Jose, welcome home. And you too Frostbite.”

“Thanks, Professor Cold Heart, Uh I mean Doctor Reichter,” Frostbite saluted. Von Reichter sighed, having long ago given up trying to make Frostbite not greet him by his first cover name.

“Why did you call me home, father?” Jose kept his tone level.

If Von Reichter detected the annoyance under the surface, he ignored it and motioned for the two to join him at the computer, “Come here and see.” He spun his chair to face the screen and with a few taps brought up a view of the bay, and the giant black monster floating in it, a freighter not being able to change its course soon enough to avoid passing by it. “Watch the freighter,” Von Reichter input a command. On the screen a colossal black tentacle rose from the water and smashed the ship to pieces.

Jose was very much impressed and gave an enthusiastic fist-pump as he smiled at the destruction, “Remarkable! But what is it?”

“I call it the living island,” Von Reichter grinned as he began inputting more into the computer. Jose leaned over in time to catch his father type ‘THE LATE CB6’ in. Von Reichter glared back and Jose feigned innocence while pulling back.

Von Reichter finished his command which made an otherwise invisible single eye to begin blinking bright red, “It’s a bomb,” he switched the screen to a digital map of the city and the bay, “At midnight it will reach the center of Meridiana and explode,” a skull symbol appeared in the middle of the city’s map and a small light representing the living island began to move towards the city.

“What?!” Jose was aghast, “But it’s my city! You said I could have it!”

Von Reichter looked at his son with pity, “Oh, Jose, it’s just a city and after this the rest of the world will be forced to stand up and take notice,” he turned back to the console, “and I’ll have the chance to implement countermeasures against them.”

Jose just huffed then stormed off with Frostbite following, “But it’s my city,” he pouted.


It was getting closer.

Soul Heart had gone back up to the roof to watch the… thing in the bay. It had started moving closer some time ago and now she could make out a faint red blinking somewhere near its top; that couldn’t be good. To make things worse Flash and Oopsy still hadn’t returned even as the day wore on.

“No more stalling,” Soul Heart glared at the living island then turned and marched back inside.

Soul Heart didn’t really pay any attention once she entered her apartment and undressed, leaving her dress on the floor as she shapeshifted into CB6 and pulled out his outfit.

“Mom, where are you going?” Tarot Heart Bear asked from the couch where he sat with Lucas.

“To finish things with Von Reichter,” CB6 put on his glasses.

“When are you coming back?” Tarot Heart had his hands on his tarot card deck, afraid to try and answer the question himself.

“I don’t know if I am.” CB6 walked over to Tarot and picked him up in a tight hug, “Just promise me you’ll grow up happy, I’ll make sure you can grow up.”

Tarot Heart nodded, not able to hold back the tears as CB6 set him down, “OK, mom…”

CB6 walked to the window then paused as she felt Lucas had walked up behind him, “Lucas, if I don’t come back, please look after them for me.”

“I will,” Lucas put a hand on CB6’s shoulder. The brown bear turned around and shared one last kiss with Lucas before he jumped out the window. Lucas touched his face where he still felt the fur from him, “I love you, Soul Heart, CB6.” He sighed and closed the window.

CB6 jumped across the rooftops on the way out of the city. First, he’d have to find Flash Heart and Oopsy and get them somewhere safe and then find Von Reichter. He slowed down as he reached the end of the city and paused to look at the bay. That thing was getting closer, it would reach the shore before too long. Even if he had a full reserve of sustenance, he doubted he could freeze and shatter something that big like with the floating eye Jose had set loose on the city a couple weeks ago.

CB6 felt another spasm rock down his arm and he froze, the pain was much more intense this time and he was forced to wait for the pain to pass. He wished he’d tried to do this sooner, but that was his mistake for not trying to find and stop Von Reichter. He jumped down and ran into the countryside.

“Mom! Over here!” the growly voice made CB6 freeze and turn to be face-to-face with a pair of werewolves. One was Oopsy, with a sack slung over her shoulder, but the other was yellow and clearly masculine.

CB6 smiled, “Flash Heart! That’s you right?” he walked closer and reached up to the yellow werewolf’s muzzle.

“It’s me mom, it worked.” Flash nuzzled CB6’s hand, “sorry we’re late but we found something: Von Reichter’s lair!”

“Really?!” CB6 was instantly alert, “Where?”

“That old observatory at the end of the cape,” Oopsy pointed out across the bay.

CB6 could just barely make out the observatory. It was built years ago but eventually abandoned when funding dried up for whatever was being researched. No one really paid it much mind as it was too far from the city for anyone to want to go poking around, not because they were afraid it was dangerous but because the trek out there wasn’t worth it nor the cost of gas. It was the perfect place for Von Reichter to hide and keep an eye on the city.

“Thank you, now I need to finish this.” CB6 clenched his fists.

“We’ll take him down, no problem!” Werewolf Flash raised one of his clawed hands.

CB6 shook his head, “No. I might not be coming back from this and I’m not going to let either of you die, that and there might be some of Von Reichter’s monsters still lurking around that you’ll need to take care of.”

“It’s because of that thing, isn’t it?” Oopsy pointed with a clawed paw towards the living island, still approaching the shore.

“Yes. You two need to turn back to bears and go home,” CB6 turned back to the couple.

Flash looked embarrassed as he clenched his paws together, “Umm, I haven’t figure out how to shift back on command yet…”

“And it’s still light out,” though they had saved the city numerous times they were still mostly rumors and rare sightings so two werewolves running across town after most work was finished might make the oncoming panic worse.

“Don’t worry, I have a place we can hole up until he changes back and things calm down,” Oopsy put a hand on Flash’s shoulder.

“Good, go there and just… be safe,” CB6 said before he took off at a run to get to the observatory.

“This way, hurry,” Oopsy tugged Flash’s arm and they ran through the city.

Thankfully the panic of the approaching island had a lot of people trying to flee the city and if any saw the werewolves, they were already too panicky to care much.

Oopsy led Flash into an old subway tunnel and off to a rather large side office a short ways in. “Welcome to my home,” Oopsy gave a wolfy grin.

Flash gaped, it wasn’t big but it was surprisingly well furnished with a queen-sized bed, television, fridge, stove with oven, microwave, sink, cupboards, bathroom with shower and a large shut-off computer console to one side of the room. “Where did you get all this stuff, Dizzy?”

“It was already here,” Oopsy concentrated and was able to shift down to her bear form. She set the sack down which had the clothes they had shed last night in it. “I think it was a station manager’s office where they could just live without needing to leave. Place still gets power for some reason.” Oopsy sat down on the bed.

“Right, I used to sleep in subways before they were all closed down,” Flash nodded. Merdiana had dug them out ages ago but had mostly abandoned its train system for busses due to expense, leaving large areas of the subway system abandoned. “So now what?”

“Come here,” Oopsy beckoned to the still wolfy Flash Heart. He obeyed and sat down on the floor in front of her as she took the sides of his face in her hands, “Look at me, focus on me and who you are. You are a wolf but you are a bear as well, just relax.” Oopsy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Flash Heart mimicked her actions and before too long felt himself shrinking and compacting. A minute later he sat naked on the floor as his bear self.

“Wow, it’s really that simple?” Flash Heart stood up and checked himself over to make sure everything was where he left it.

“It’ll take some practise,” Oopsy just sat there, admiring Flash’s body in the room’s light.

“What should we do while we wait for mom?” Flash turned to face Oopsy, only just now seeming to realize they were both naked in what was basically her bedroom.

Oopsy gave a sultry look and beckoned Flash towards the bed, “Oh, I think we can find a way to occupy our time, something to take the edge off things.” She crawled backwards onto the bed until she was lying sideways and facing him.

Flash grinned and climbed on with her, “I love the way you think, Dizzy.” He kissed her.

“And I love you you’re into this,” Oopsy kissed back.

“I love you, Dizzy.”

“I love you, Flash,” and before long they were in each other’s embrace. Part of them knew it was a bad time but they both needed something to distract themselves from what could be their impending doom.


Jose was stomping around in a circle in the control room, mumbling to himself for ages as Frostbite watched.

“It’s my city! My city! He can’t just take it from me!” He threw himself on the chair in front of the screen which still showed the map and the island as it finally reached the dock and started crawling through the city.

Jose stared at the screen, then got a sinister grin on his face, “Oh we’ll see who loses everything, father,” he typed furiously at the keyboard until the small screen asked for a password.

“Password, what password!” Jose grumbled before he had a flash of memory, “That’s it! THE LATE CB6!” he entered the password and the interface let him in. Jose grinned as he entered the command, “Living Island, it’s time to come home!” The skull showing the island’s target disappeared from the center of the city on the map and then reappeared at the location of the observatory and the dot representing the island began moving back towards the observatory.

Jose jumped down from the chair, “Frostbite, let’s go!” He ran off with Frostbite following.


The living island had crushed half the dockyard under its mass when it suddenly slowed to a stop. People fleeing stopped to stare as the giant… thing started to back away.

Oopsy and Flash lay together in her subway office apartment but both perked up when the rumbling stopped. Too curious, they ran outside even and watched as the living island slid back out into the water and they hugged in relief before they returned to the apartment now that the tension was broken.

Around the rest of the city the evacuation stalled. Was the thing really going away? Was the danger passed? Some believed so and wanted to go home which just made the traffic jams worse.


CB6 ran non-stop, not stopping to check the progress of the island, the rumbling in the distance was all he needed to know it was still moving. For once in his life, CB6 was feeling exhausted due to lack of sustenance, he couldn’t even spare any to ice the ground and speed up his journey.

It was late into the night by the time he arrived at the observatory and the massive castle lab beneath it. He just stood and stared for a minute before nerving himself and charging for the door.

Oddly, the door wasn’t locked and CB6 easily slipped inside. He shuddered as he gazed around. It wasn’t the same lab where he was created but the familiar setting made him shudder. Not knowing the layout, he skulked around the alien-looking machines before he entered another door and gasped, barely able to stop himself from shouting out. The whole room was full of giant glass tanks each containing a horrific monster that looked like something out of an old sci-fi B-movie floating in a vat of green glowing sustenance. He reached forwards and touched on, part of him feeling for the other monsters like himself, but unable to walk among humans.

He had no time to contemplate as the sound of a door opening announced the arrival of a fixed idea. It glared at CB6 then charged at him, slamming its fist down at the brown bear. CB6 easily dodged back and threw his own punch, only for it to have no effect on the hulking monster. He only had a moment to realize how weak he was before the fixed idea grabbed him and squeeze him before it threw him overhand into one of the tanks, cracking the glass.

“Weak!” The fixed idea stated as it cracked its knuckles while it advanced on the fallen bear.

“lovely day!” CB6 swore as he forced himself into a sitting position, if only he had some… what was that on his head? He looked up and saw sustenance leaking out of the tank he had hit. No time to waste he tilted his head back, catching a small trickle in his mouth. That was enough as he felt a burst of energy right as the fixed idea was ready to smash him and he sprung up, punching the monster in the gut and sending it reeling which let him jump up and smash the monster on the head. The fixed idea crumpled and needing the nourishment, CB6 used a tiny ice dagger to slice an opening in the creature’s neck and drew out the fixed idea’s sustenance and drank it down as renewed strength flooded into him.

“Ahh, very good, CB6. I wouldn’t have expected any less from one of my creations.”

CB6 rounded on the voice and found himself face-to-face with Von Reichter, who wore a psychotic smirk and seemed to radiate pride as he stared at him through his monocle.

“Von Reichter,” CB6 readied himself to pounce, “Time to do what I should have done a long time ago!”

“On really, you think you can stop me?” his voice was mocking.

“I could snap your neck in an instant,” CB6 advanced on Von Reichter.

The blue-skinned scientist stepped back and his smirk vanished, though his voice didn’t lose any of his edge, “Without sustenance, you will also die.”

CB6 stopped dead in his tracks. It was true, despite hating the man and everything he represented, without Von Reichter CB6 would lose his only source of sustenance, not that he had been able to get much lately anyway, and he’d leave Flash and Tarot without their mother. But if Von Reichter wasn’t stopped then they might not have a future, with or without Soul Heart.

Von Reichter saw he was getting to CB6 and smiled sinisterly again, “I could free you from it, make you able to survive without sustenance.”

That made CB6 stop, “What?”

“Yes, in fact I have one creation that doesn’t depend on it.” Von Reichter beckoned for him to follow then turned and walked past all the giant specimen tanks, and CB6 followed.

“Ahh the sustenance,” Von Reichter mused as they walked, “during the war they wanted a super-soldier solution but with such a short time frame I didn’t have time make any creations and just trying to make regular people stronger would have been too difficult and costly, so instead I worked another angle: to make it so soldiers could march and fight for days without even needing to stop to for relief. The sustenance! It could fully nourish anyone who drank it and keep them awake and active for almost a week before they finally collapsed from exhaustion and so efficiently used by the body that they could march all day and night, outlasting the enemy. It turning out to be addictive was unplanned, but not unwelcome.”

“You used it on humans?” CB6 wasn’t surprised.

“Of course, I had to start somewhere,” Von Reichter stopped in front of the large computer console, “They could recover with enough time but my creations, like you, would always need it to survive, except for one: Frostbite. During my time as ‘Professor Cold Heart’ I continued my experiments and even though my brain was addled by an incomplete cloning process I managed to create Frostbite, and he doesn’t need the sustenance. Fortunately, he was too dumb to betray me and I was able to eventually pull the secret out of him despite having lost my notes. It would take time but I could use the same process on you, if you pledge your loyalty to me.”

CB6 grit his teeth, “And the giant monster?”

“Ahh, the living island,” Von Reichter began typing on the computer, “You arrived just in time. Any minute now it will reach the center of Meridiana and explode,” he turned on the screen, then jumped back as he saw the living island right on the cape and heading right for the lab. “What?! But how… Jose!”

“So your son sent it right back at you,” CB6 grabbed Von Reichter and spun him around to face him, “the explosion might still destroy the city. Stop it! Now!”

Von Reichter started to sweat, “I can’t! Once the countdown starts it can’t be stopped!”

“Then move it into the forest! That might contain the explosion,” CB6 let him go and Von Reichter hastily entered new coordinates, if only to stop the thing from crushing the lab, and directed it towards the forest nearby.

CB6 breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the island moving away, at least now everyone would be safe.

Von Reichter carefully backed away from CB6 for a moment then turned and ran to a large switch on the wall, typed on a keypad and threw switch. A loud hissing and sloshing made CB6 whirl around to see all the giant jars slide down, flooding the lab with sustenance as all of the monsters stood up and slowly marched towards CB6.

“Have to go now!” Von Reichter stepped back past two advancing monsters.

CB6 readied himself for a fight as the monsters converged on him, only for them to turn to Von Reichter as two moved to barr his way as the rest converged on him. CB6 moved to join them when one of the monsters, a thick-limbed humanoid with a frog-like mouth, gently grabbed her shoulder then pointed with one hand towards the exit.

CB6 understood, but still formed a spear of ice in his hand, “HEY! PROFESSOR COLD HEART!”

“Don’t call me that!” Von Reichter turned right as CB6 threw the spear, which pierced through his chest and knocked him down.

“Cold Heart suits you,” CB6 turned and ran for the exit as the rest of the monsters converged on Von Reichter, his life ebbing away.

CB6 pulled the sustenance from the floor and up into his mouth as he ran, drinking as much as he could since this would likely be his last chance ever, even if he was overdoing it, and even grabbed a vial off a table as he ran to store some for later. The ground shook as the living island continued into the forest and the countdown grew ever smaller.

CB6 saw the exit door ahead and charged ahead, slamming into it.

The island’s eye flashed faster and faster until it was a solid red.

A massive explosion ripped through the forest, observed by everyone in Merdiana, the size of a small nuclear warhead as the heat washed over the city but thankfully didn’t do more than knock people off their feet as the forest absorbed most of the blast.

“MOM!” Tarot Heart burst into tears from where he stood at the window with Lucas, who was also crying but held the small black bear close in an attempt to comfort him.

Flash and Oopsy had emerged just in time to see the smoke and crater that were all that remained of the cape. They hugged, neither able to express their grief through anything but crying.


A week passed…

After the explosion the town went silent and people slowly untangled the messy evacuation and returned to their lives. The disappearance of Soul Heart from the library was noticed but many assumed she had died in the panicked evacuation, along with a few other unfortunates who died in the panic.

Flash, Oopsy, Lucas and Tarot Heart drove out to see the pandas, mostly to check on them and make sure they were alright. When they arrived at the pandas home, Perfect and Polite emerged, both with bags under their eyes and looking exhausted.

Perfect smiled, “We were hoping to see you soon.”

“We’re just happy you showed up before the moon,” Polite nodded then yawned.

“Happy to see you too,” Oopsy gave Polite a hug. “We were worried about you after the explosion.”

“We were worried too, he gave us such a fright,” Polite let go.

“But now he’s better, he was going to go home tonight,” Perfect motioned for them to enter the cave.

They didn’t need to, as CB6 emerged from their home. His glasses were missing and what was left of his trenchcoat and other clothing was in tatters but he smiled as he stumbled towards them. Slowly shifting into Soul Heart once he saw who was waiting for him.

“MOM!” Flash Heart and Tarot Heart both shouted and almost pounced on her in a big hug, which she gratefully returned.

“Soul Heart!” Lucas stayed back to let her two adopted sons hug her but he still smiled, “We thought you were dead.”

“So did I,” Soul Heart set Tarot Heart down, as he had jumped into her arms. “I made it outside and ran when I heard it explode. I don’t know how far I flew but… it shredded me.” Soul Heart touched where the clothes had been shredded, as though something had cut through right through it from above, “I’ll spare you the details but it hurt and I had to lie there as I forced myself back together and let myself heal. A couple monsters escaped and barely survived so I had something to replenish myself with, and make sure they didn’t roam or suffer. I stumbled through the forest until the Pandas found me.” She motioned to the pandas, “get some sleep, and thank you.”

The two pandas nodded and retreated into their home.

“They stayed up so long to make sure I was alright,” Soul Heart sighed

“As long as you’re back,” Flash smiled, “I didn’t want you to miss our graduation.”

Oopsy nodded, “More than just school. Flash is coming along quite well as a werewolf.”

Soul Heart smiled, “You’ll have to tell me about it, at home. I know I can’t get tired but I feel like I really need some rest.”

“I’m just happy to see you again,” Lucas walked up alongside Soul Heart as they headed back into the city.

Soul Heart stood up and kissed Lucas, “Thank you, also I have this.” She carefully fished the half-full vial of sustenance out of an inside pocket of the torn trench coat. “I know you’re a biologist but maybe you can find a way to replicate this.”

“The sustenance?” Lucas took the vial, “I can try but no promises. How much umm…”

“I had plenty, and if I don’t have to go out and fight monsters I have enough stored for a long time,” Soul Heart assured them. Privately she hoped it was enough, “I just hope I don’t need to be CB6 for a long time, if ever again.”

“Don’t you like being a superhero, mom?” Flash asked.

“I wouldn’t call myself that, and I don’t want to if it means I won’t be around for you the rest of you.” She sighed, “let’s just go home.”


The underworld was quiet. Jose hadn’t recalled the Tecnos he had installed and with the severely depleted manpower and all the weapons lost in his first attempt to consolidate the gangsters their activities had dwindled to a trickle.

The Joe Tecno just sat in the office alone most days until one day, Jose returned.

Flanked by two fixed ideas and Frostbite, Jose goose-stepped into the office, “I see you’ve kept running things.”

“Not much left to run, sorry boss,” Joe apologized.

“Oh don’t worry about that.” Jose pulled himself up on to the desk, “With father gone it’s time for me to really rule the city!”

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Harry Johnathan
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CryosR wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:01 pm THE END… FOR NOW
Dun dun dun.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: CB6 A Care Bears/Cybersix crossover

Post by CryosR »

Yeah, this story is officially finished but I plan to revisit the setting later
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