Babylon Treasure

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Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

Okay so this is my first fanfic and I must say that I am a little uncertain about whether or not I should go through with posting it...ahh why not? So you know the drill...comment if you like, submit feedback, light you torches and sharpen your pitchforks if you feel as though you want to harm me due to how bad this story know what ever you feel like doing...*gulp* Thanks.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Housepets! Rick does... This is not for profit...only fun...Am I forgetting anything......nope don't think so.

Babylon Treasure

Part One

It was a normal moonlit night in Babylon Gardens. All the inhabitants of this peaceful sub-urban sprawl were fast asleep with sweet dreams, all except one violet-furred feline. Grape lay in her bed in a hot sweat, tossing and turning, all-the-while muttering quiet pleas. Peanut awoke from his sleep to the babble; he saw Grape tossing and turning with the same look on her face she would have when she read one of her really sad Pridelands fanfics...a face filled with heartbreak. He could only stare at her sleeping anguish…hoping her nightmare would soon end. Sadly, it was only starting…


“…ugh…please…don’t go!” She pleaded with tears flowing down her furred cheeks.

No response came from woman in tears. The woman continued to pack suitcases and boxes into the SUV with no expression other than a glazed over look in her eyes.

“Why won’t you answer me!?” Grape screamed in anguish as her “mother” kept her back turned to her as she finished packing the last of the moving boxes.
“Please…Mom…don’t leave me…” She pleaded with fear evident in her voice. The woman stopped dead in her tracks and uttered one simple phrase… “Farewell my Princess…”

The woman wiped the tears from her eyes, got in the car, and left a broken and crying Grape in the remnants of a driveway.

“MOM…PLEASE!!” She screamed chasing the car down the street until the taillights faded from her vision.

She took a moment to evaluate where she was and discovered that she had ran after her mom’s car clear into the local city. She was cold, alone, and frightened beyond belief. It was all too much for her to handle she broke down in a small alley off to the side of the street. As she sat there in a broken heap in the alleyway, a shadowy figure slowly approached her until it was looming over her. Grape stopped crying only long enough to raise her head and notice the dark figure looking down at her. She tried to scream but nothing came out; her body ceased to move as the figure’s hand grasped the nape of the helpless kittens neck.

“Hehe…looks like another for the pound.” Laughed the shadowy figure dementedly. Grape finally found the voice to scream out in terror.

“Someone please HELP!”


Peanut snapped awake. His eyes immediately went to Grape whose eyes were clamped shut and voice filled with fear as she screamed out. He leaped out of his bed and bolted to Grape’s side. He did the only thing he could think of and grabbed her in an embrace like their mom would do whenever they were little and had nightmares.

“Grape I’m here…I’m here,” spoke Peanut in a soft voice, “I’m right here for you.”

Grape awoke to his soft voice and his embrace. She could feel the warmth in his embrace and the fear as well. He was holding onto her firmly as if preventing any more harm from becoming her. She felt her cheeks become warm and instantly took notice. What’s going on? Peanut’s hugged me more times than I care to remember…why am I blushing now…unless…Grape attempted to beat back the thought from her mind but to no avail. No way…he’s a dog!…but he cares more for me than anyone else…but…he’s…a dog…and he always finds a way to brighten my day…even though he ruins my naps. Perhaps…perhaps…No he’s my best friend and…and…

“Grape are you alright?” Peanut asked with a most sincere voice, “I was worried about you.”

Grape stopped and looked into his eyes, his eyes filled with worry and care.

“I wanted to help you…you sounded like you were in pain. I don’t know what I would do if you were hurt.” Peanut spoke quietly.

Moonlight bathed the room in a gorgeous glowing light. The stars were gleaming brightly outside the two pets’ room, adding to the beauty of the calm summer night. Grape noticed Peanut’s golden fur and saw how the moonlight bathed him in a white light, almost as if he were a knight coming to rescue her like in her Pridelands books. Her cheeks grew crimson at the thought of Peanut being her knight come to rescue her. Well…he is kind of handsome in this light…
Peanut looked into Grape’s eyes which were now sparkling under the influence of the stars in the summer night sky. She’s so beautiful. Her eyes are like shimmering dog bowls filled with the extract of pure honey. Peanut blushed at the thought that just entered his mind. He tried to suppress the red in his cheeks, but he couldn’t even hide the red behind his fur. Oh man I need to make sure that Grape is okay…

“Grape are you…?”

“Peanut…thank you,” Grape spoke with earnest.

Peanut chuckled nervously trying to hide his flushing cheeks, “It’s nothing Grape…I mean I love you…WAIT...I uh…used the wrong set of words…what I meant to say was…”

“Peanut…you don’t have to say any more…I love you too,” Grape said.

Peanut’s eyes grew wide and his cheeks seemed to explode into a dark red color. Grape looked into his eyes and smiled as she leaned in and kissed him. The contact was light, experimental but sweet and filled with love; it was born of the moment. Peanut embraced Grape and pressed his muzzle into hers; he felt her lean in more to his touch. The world just seemed to fade away from their senses. Grape’s senses seemed to explode; her mind was filled with so many thoughts that she couldn’t make heads or tails of her actions... Is all this really happening!? Is this right? Should I even care? Grape slowly pulled away from their kiss with eyes closed as if in a dreamy state. Peanut seemed slightly saddened by the action but then realized how Grape looked at that moment…she looked happy again.

“Grape…” he whispered. Please say something…anything.

“Wow…” Grape replied slowly opening her eyes to the now blushing pooch.
“Peanut…you sure know how kiss a girl…” she giggled as she watched him rub the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Uh…thanks hehe…are you feeling better Grape?” he questioned affectionately.

Grape gave him a sly smile and kissed him again, catching him off guard this time.

“Does that answer your question?” Grape giggled as she pulled away from the dumbstruck beagle.

“Uh…um y-yeah Grape,” he stuttered back to her.

Peanut lied back down in Grape’s bed…trying to make sense of everything that was happening at the moment. Grape nestled in next to Peanut and laid her arm over his fuzzy body. She rested her head on his chest feeling it rise and fall with each breath and listening to his heartbeat. Ba-bump Ba-bump Ba-bump. Peanut wrapped his arm around her shoulders and sighed contently as she purred quietly in his arms.

“Grape…can I ask you something?”

“Yeah Peanut?”

“Why were you calling out for help in your dream?” he inquired with a slight tinge of worry in his voice.

“Peanut…I…you know how I was abandoned and found at the pound…” she replied.

“I remember Grape…”

“I dreamed that I was in that alley the animal catcher found me in…all alone again, without anyone there for me…I never want to feel like that again Peanut.” Grape choked out trying to hold back tears.

“Grape…I promise to you that as long as I breathe…that won’t happen…ever again.” He spoke holding her securely in his arms.

She looked up into his eyes and saw sincerity, safety; she knew that Peanut would not break his promise…he never breaks his promises.

"Thank you Peanut...thank you." She leaned up and gave him another kiss.

He only responded with his toothy grin as he often did, making grape smile in return. The room fell silent. Only the sounds of their light breathing could be heard in the room. Peanut then asked something that made Grape cringe with uncertainty.

“What are we going to do about…us?”

“Peanut…I don’t know…perhaps we should talk tomorrow *yawn*.” She replied tiredly, trying to take focus off the question.
I have no idea.

“I love you Peanut.”

“I love you too Grape. Goodnight.”

The two drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms, not knowing what tomorrow would hold for them.

TO BE CONTINUED...soon...I hope.
Last edited by mrfalloutdropout on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by valerio »

well, that's off for a very interesting start! Liked it a lot, can't see what happens next :D
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by EvanAierkan »

Who needs foreshadowing and building up anyway? Straight to the good parts! :lol:
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by valerio »

EvanAierkan wrote:Who needs foreshadowing and building up anyway? Straight to the good parts! :lol:
Well, at least someone got his priorities straight! :mrgreen:
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by Blue Braixen »

Hmm... this was written well. I can't wait for more.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

Thanks for the comments good to know some people can stomach my don't worry, I intended to start off straightforward like this...the story WILL be more climactic *laughs meniacally*. Appreciate the complements...I hope I can keep working on this.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

So part 2 is finished...whew. I tried to add more detail, more drama, and a little more angst. Hope everyone enjoys part 2...keep the reviews and comments coming...hopefully part 3 will be coming along shortly...hopefully.

Part Two

The sun rose over Babylon Gardens, filling the suburban community with a gorgeous orange glow. The sun’s rays seemed to breathe life into all that they touched. The flowers burst out in beautiful color, birds sang a melodious chime, and the faint pleas of young children and lazy adults saying, “Five more minutes,” filled the morning air. Everything seemed so peaceful on this beautiful summer morning. The sunlight entered the room, casting a glow upon the two inhabitants of the room. Peanut slowly awoke, wiping the sleep away from his eyes and causing him to yawn. He started to stretch his stiff muscles but realized something was keeping him from doing so. Grape still lay in his arms, smiling from what seemed to Peanut to be a joyful dream. She purred lightly with each breath, making Peanut smile. He was glad Grape was feeling better from the trauma of her horrible nightmare that night…and that he was able to comfort her when she needed him. He then blushed at the thought of the previous night’s events…and the He remained still as not to wake Grape from her slumber…unlike he usually would do with his playful antics. Moments passed until Grape stirred from her slumber; she awoke with a yawn and stretched. She arched her back until an audible pop was heard, then she looked up into a pair of soft eyes.

“Good morning Grape,” Peanut said sweetly.

“Morning Peanut,” she replied nuzzling his furry chest.

“Did you have a goodnight sleep…you know…after your nightmare,” he questioned cautiously.

“Yes, it was much better after I got a softer pillow,” she replied and giggled as she saw him smile from her reply.

They sighed happily as they relished the moment. Everything seemed perfect at that moment, but then…like it so often does…reality hit. Grape realized what events would follow if she and Peanut stayed together. She feared others would ridicule them and make life hard for her and Peanut...I don't want that to happen to him. Grape’s smile faded and a sense of fearful uncertainty filled the room. Peanut noticed Grape begin to rise up, and she slowly begin to retract her arm from his side. She turned away from his gaze, fearing she would not be able to look him in the eyes as she said…

“Peanut, I don’t think we can be together... if someone were to find out about us we would be ridiculed and things would only be bad for us. I love you, but I don’t think I could take seeing you being treated like that. I’m sorry Peanut. ”

Peanut’s heart skipped a beat. It was almost as if he had been kicked in the stomach and couldn’t catch his breath. He sat there trying to find the words he needed to say, but all he could do was sit there quietly thinking to himself about how he could possibly respond. Moments passed of uneasy silence until Peanut did the only thing he could think to do; he placed a hand on Grape’s shoulder, which made her turn around and look into his eyes…his eyes filled with care and concern. He gave her a half-hearted smile and placed his other hand on her velvety cheek, caressing her soft white fur as he did.

“Grape I love you and I would not do anything to make you feel uncomfortable…and if that means I can’t hold you in my arms…I can try and be okay with that.”

Peanut’s voice was strong and sincere; he only wanted what was best for Grape, even though he loved her and wanted to be with her he only cared about what she wanted. Peanut’s gaze went to the floor; he could feel the heartbreak smothering him. This...this is for the best...right? A lump formed in his throat making it hard for him to swallow. Grape could tell that he was only thinking of her welfare. She grasped his hand on her cheek and caressed it lovingly, which made Peanut raise his gaze from the floor. Grape smiled at Peanut with tears welling up in her eyes.

“Thank you Peanut…thank you,” she choked out through tears.

She gave him a hug and a light peck on the cheek as she rose up from the bed and left the room. Please forgive me Peanut.The door closed behind her with an audible click from the lock. The room was silent. There were no birds singing. No laughter from children playing outside. The only sound that filled the room was that of Peanut’s heart breaking.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by KizerZin »

"only sound that filled the room was that of Peanut’s heart breaking"

What a wonderful sound it is~ love des not aways get a happy ending... HA HA Haaaa!
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by valerio »

Ouch! That was really uncalled for, Grape! Shame on you!
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by copper »

Very descriptive. I am enjoying this fic.

Peanut and grape NOT getting together in a fanfic? That's a new one. :lol:

One little suggestion. Myabe go to a thesaurus? You are sometimes using words too much.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

...first of all I appreciate the advice copper...secondly this will be continued [kinda forgot to add that little stipulation]...and finally I thought this story could use a little more um...dramatic tension. Seems some people enjoy the kind of pain that renders the heart into a fine powder which scatters to the wind...never becoming whole once more or feeling happiness again... wow i sorta depressed myself a
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

Okay part three is now up...took a little longer than I figured it would. I went to my buddy's house and my friends wanting me to play Risk...and no I didn't win...*pouts*. I plan to update again soon...but we'll see how that goes. For now, I hope you all enjoy.

Part Three
The morning flew by. Mr. and Mrs. Sandwich had went to work and left Peanut and Grape’s breakfast on the kitchen table. The house was unusually quiet this morning. Grape made her way to the kitchen from the living room, and Peanut from their bedroom upstairs. Eventually, the two made it to their respective bowls and sat down, but not a single word was uttered between the two. An eerie silence hang over the breakfast table as each one sat eating their meals. They in no way communicated outside the occasional glance. Peanut tried to his hardest to keep his gaze down towards his bowl. In a effort to distract himself, he grasped his spoon and proceeded to play with the food in his bowl, making it clink loudly as it hit the sides of the bowl. Peanut wanted desperately to just disappear from the table; his mind was burdened with thoughts about how the morning’s events transpired. Nothing made sense to him how everything screwed up so badly in the course of one day. Peanut was on the verge of breaking down at the table when Grape arose from her chair and proceeded to leave the table. She spoke not a word and had no expression other than a blank stare. Peanut could only stare and watch as she left the room. Grape kept her head lowered, not even raising it to look outside before opening the front door and leaving the house. The house fell quiet, leaving only a stunned Peanut to analyze what just occurred. Peanut sat there silently thinking. this how things are going to be…never being able to look each other in the eyes again!? Why is this happening?...WHY!!!??? Peanut’s mind was wracked with frustration and grief. He couldn’t believe how things went from being so perfect to turning into this nightmare. Peanut balled his paw into a fist and slammed it down onto the kitchen table, sending the bowl in front of him to the tiled floor below. The bowl shattered upon impact, sending pieces of glass and dog food all over the kitchen floor. Peanut put his face in his paws and cried…he didn’t know what else to do.


The summer day that promised beautiful skies, happy children playing in the backyard, and birds happily chirping their songs, was turning into an average cloudy day. The sun just seemed to disappear from the sky, hidden from the sight of all who desired to enjoy it. Most of the people who were outside earlier that morning had went back inside or to work. The neighborhood was silent except for the laughter coming from a few of the local dogs. Grape walked down the sidewalk, leaving a trail of teardrops behind her as she traveled. She had cried since she left the house. All her thoughts were a blur, nothing made sense. It was like everything that had happened since this morning was on a forced-playback in her mind, causing her to re-live how she treated Peanut over and over. What have I done? I said I wanted to keep him from getting hurt and here I just broke his heart...I shouldn’t have let things go as far as they did…he deserves better than me. Grape tried to regain control of the situation. She rubbed the tears from her eyes and attempted to put on a brave face. I will make things up to Peanut…somehow I must, but Max is waiting for me today, and I need to talk to him. Her mind still tried to cope with all the confusion. She couldn’t believe what she was thinking…it felt like she was abandoning Peanut. Grape stopped walking for a moment and thought back to all the times Peanut had been there for her…how he comforted her and made the hurt go away. Tears began to well up in her eyes again…

“WHY CAN’T I LET HIM GO!” She screamed out in frustration.

Grape fell to her knees with her face in her hands. Why did it have to be him? Why does he care about ME? She allowed the tears to flow freely now, making her hands damp with her crying. Grape just sat there for what seemed like hours sobbing quietly into her hands. Eventually she stopped her sobbing and rose up off of the concrete, dusting herself off and wiping the tears from her face. Grape didn’t realize that someone was walking up the sidewalk toward her. She quickly wiped her damp cheeks in an effort to hide the fact she had been crying. Grape studied the figure slowly approaching her. Her eyes grew wide with fear at the cat coming up the sidewalk…It was Max.

To be continued...

Okay another chapter down...I am going to finish this...eventually. Well hope y'all enjoy this chapter...
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by valerio »

Hey, psst, grape..? Peanut cares about you because...he LOVES you, you silly kitty?!
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by copper »

Nice update! Grape is going to have a real tough talk soon.

Poor Peanut. Guy just can't catch a break.

Can't wait to see what happens next!
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by EvanAierkan »

She couldn’t believe what she was thinking…it felt like she was abandoning Peanut.
So: her worst fear in life is abandonment and she thinks she's doing the exact same thing to one who is really close to her? Smooth going there Grape. The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.

I like where this fic is going.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by KizerZin »

Loves is weak... that is why a heart is so easy to hurt... so easy to distroy~
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

KizerZin wrote:Loves is weak... that is why a heart is so easy to hurt... so easy to distroy~
*slowly backs away* okay...but do remember that love conquers all when the heart is strong...
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

mrfalloutdropout wrote:
KizerZin wrote:Loves is weak... that is why a heart is so easy to hurt... so easy to distroy~
*slowly backs away* okay...but do remember that love conquers all when the heart is strong...
he's evil. don't try to reason with him.

great fic. the romance, the sadness, the confusion in Grape's heart.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

Thank you Brent for the compliment...
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

...figured I would let everyone know that I am planning to update...later. I also figured I would mention that I will include a small amount of art too...(I ain't no Rick Griffin) the pictures will be...mediocre, but definitely worth adding in the story to give it some nice visual connections...don't expect many might get sick of my If you actually enjoy my sketchings then you can view my dA page via the link in my signature...thanks for patience and keep reading...
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by Luna werewolf »

Brillent story.
Forever bored,
Forever excited,
Forever in love,
Forever lonely,
Forever understood,
Forever misunderstood,
Forever bad,
Forever good,
We are everything.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout » took a while to update. Hopefully it was worth the wait for everyone. I kinda went on vacation, had to do my job of helping moderate the Housepets! Radio Show project (check it out), and preparing for college...whew. I hope you all enjoy...and btw the drawings are coming along nicely...just not in this chapter (*laughs evilly*)...enjoy.

Part Four

“M..Max…we need to talk,” Grape struggled to choke out.

“Sure, what could a good looking cat like me do for such a fine lady?” Max chuckled not paying much mind to Grape’s cracking voice.

Grape stood there silently. Her eyes were focused on the concrete sidewalk; she didn’t even bother to raise her head to speak with him. Max finally took notice of the strange behavior Grape was exhibiting. He placed his hand on her shoulder and brought his head level to hers.

“Grape…what’s wrong?”

“Max…I…I have to ask you something.”

“What is it Grape?” He questioned seeing the confusion in her eyes.

“Please don’t be upset Max…but there’s someone else that I really care about…I need time to think about whether I really love him or not…I am so sorry Max.”

Grape was trying her best not to look up into his eyes. Her hands shook with fear, not knowing how Max would react. Max removed his hand from Grape’s shoulder. This action made Grape flinch slightly; she didn’t know what to expect from Max. She thought he would storm off, getting as far away from her as he possibly could, but instead he touched the bottom of her chin with his fingertips and gently raised her head so he could look into her eyes. Max had a very quiet expression on his face; it was neither rage nor anguish, the expression was one of…understanding. He grasped Grape’s hand and solemnly told her…

“I understand all too well my dear. A few years ago I met a very wonderful cat; she was funny, snarky, and full of life. She always made me laugh, especially when we would prank the neighborhood dogs with boxes that exploded old cat food into their smug faces, and I trusted her to always have my back when I had to run from them afterwards; we did everything together…she was my best friend, but I wanted our relationship to be more. The only problem was that I never gathered the courage to ask her out or even tell her how I felt about her. I decided one night as we walked around the cul-de-sac near the edge of the forest that I would tell her what she really meant to me, but before I could say even one word to her…she told me four words that brought my world crashing down around me…I’m moving away Max. I didn’t tell her how I felt that night…I just simply told her goodnight and to travel safe. I didn’t even tell her how much I would miss her. She left a few days after that. I decided to take a walk that morning and I wandered to her house. Broken boxes sat outside on the sidewalk and porch for the garbage man to pickup. As I stared at the boxes, I noticed a folded piece of paper laying between the boxes. I walked over to their porch, thinking back to all the time she and I spent chatting on that porch. I grasped the paper and sat down on the porch as I had done many times before. I read that note, and I regret finding it ever since.”

Max grabbed his collar and pulled it away from his neck, revealing a small piece of paper tucked inside the collar. Max pulled out the folded piece of paper and his eyes immediately took on a glazed-over look as he read the note to Grape:

Max, I hope you find this letter. I wanted to tell you that I felt like you were the only person in the entire world who understood me. You made my life so much fun; everyday was an adventure and you were the only person who could have made me as happy as I was with you. I never got to tell you how I felt about you because I was afraid that you didn’t feel the same way; I love you Max. I just hope that one day I can return home to see you Max, if only to say hello again.

Farewell Max

Grape placed a paw on her chest. All she could think about was how it was so heartfelt, so beautiful, and so sad.

“Max, why would you regret finding this note?” Grape questioned him, trying to hide the sadness in her voice.

Max allowed a single tear to stream down his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but he just couldn’t find the words. He took in a deep breath and finally chocked out the words he searched so desperately for.

“I…I just couldn’t believe it. I was so afraid to tell her that I loved her…that I lost her.”

Max was now allowing his tears to flow down his face freely. He looked at the ground to keep from staring into Grape’s eyes. She saw Max look away from her; she knew he was hurt and that she should do something to help. The only thing she could think to do was help Max the way Peanut would to calm her down…She wrapped her arms around Max and embraced him in a hug. Max returned the hug and looked at Grape, smiling as he did so.

“You know, if you are trying to break up with me…you’re being to nice,” he smirked, sounding like his snarky self.

Grape couldn’t help but giggle at Max’s comment. She was amazed at how quickly he recovered from this conversation, but she could see a very solemn and collected look in his eyes. It was almost as if he was telling her “thank you”.

“Max…thank you for understanding. I only wish there was some way I could repay you,” Grape said with earnest in her voice.

“Heh…can you tell me who this guy is so I can annoy him for stealing my girl…well, ex-girl,” he snickered, grinning ear-to-ear.

“Uhhh…um, well I…I don’t really know if I can say…” Grape blushed furiously, trying to avoid revealing who stole her heart from Max.

“Grape…I was joking, but do me a favor and give him a punch in the arm for me,” Max replied, “I hope everything goes well for you…”

Max gave her a kiss on the cheek and left after that, leaving Grape standing on the sidewalk.

"What crazy thing am I going to do next?"
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by copper »

Good update. Very heartfelt! Who knew Max had real emotions! :?

Now for some good old Grapenut! Always enjoyable to read.

Waiting excitedly for the next update!
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I predict that Eliza will return by the end of this fic, and Grape and Peanut will be together, and Fido will be outed as a cat lover, leading many others to admit they love a cat, and Bino will be ostracized for being a cat hater and people will stop driving Tiger insane with mockery and everyone will be happy.
except for Bino.
okay, maybe Bino.

but of course, this is all speculation. good update.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

Hey guys sorry for such a long delay. I am experimenting with a new graphics tablet and trying to get my truck I am preoccupied to say the least. I have a new chapter, but I want to do two in the next update so I can finally unveil one of the drawings I have been working on...Lord help you all. So hopefully I will have this update soon.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

*typing...typing...and done* Okay, so college started today, my truck is fixed, my drawings have been done, and the Housepets! Radio Show is good for the moment. *Whew* Now that I have a moment...I will FINALLY update...but my drawings aren't going to be included just yet...*sarcastically* I'm sure you're all crushed. Without further witless ramblings...

Part Five

The kitchen floor shined luminously, a fresh clean smell hovered in the air. The broom and mop that had been recently used to clean up the shards of the glass bowl sat in the corner of the room. Clean dishes sat on the counter, ready to be put away. The Sandwich home was quiet, only a deafening silence loomed over the abode. Peanut was in the living-room, trying to pick a book to read from the shelf. He finally gave up trying to decide and grabbed a book at random; not even bothering to read the title, he flung the book open near its center. Peanut strolled over and plopped down in his reading chair. He scrolled through the lines quickly as he so often did, but something about his reading was different. He showed no expression, no sign of interest whatsoever in the pastime he enjoyed so much. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, shutting the book as he did so. Peanut stared out the window he was sitting by at the gray clouds that were flooding the sky. His mind was elsewhere, lost in thought. He lowered his head and cupped his hands together; they began to tremble in frustration and fear.

“Stop…just stop thinking about it.” He muttered to himself.

Peanut was reflecting on the events of the morning, every feeling of distraught, every feeling of emptiness, and every tear shed burdened his memory. His hands had ceased trembling, but only long enough for him to grasp the book he had been reading and fling it across the room into the wall with a loud thud.

“Aaaahhh!!!!” He snarled in rage.

He stopped growling for a moment and thought about what he was doing. He rose from his chair and walked over to the book whose spine was now bent from the force of the impact with the wall. He reached down and picked it up, brushing it off as he did so. As he dusted off the book, he realized he hadn’t even taken notice of what he was actually reading. He looked at the name with a puzzled look…Mythical Romances and Tragedies. Peanut didn’t recall his mom or dad buying the book, and he didn’t borrow it from any of his friends. He opened the front cover of the book and a small note fell from between the pages; Peanut reached down and grasped the note in his hands, analyzing it as he did so. To his surprise, he discovered that the note was addressed to him. The puzzled canine read the strange note…

I knew this day was soon to approach, the spirits had informed me of these events. I felt obligated to give you this book in hopes that it will help you; its purpose will become evident in the future. As much as I wish, I can’t stay with you. The spirits have advised me to stay out of these matters…I wish things could be different for both of us Peanut, but I must now leave and allow destiny to reveal itself. I want to tell you that you have a beautiful soul Peanut, don’t forget that you are loved by others…and by me. I hope fate shines in your favor for all your endeavors…and that we may meet again.

-Love, Tarot

P.S.- Don’t worry about the book’s spine.

A chuckle escaped his muzzle at the note. He had forgotten about Tarot’s powers and her mysterious way of always knowing how to make him feel better. He smiled and picked up book.

“Tarot…thank you…for everything. You always found a way to brighten my day,” He spoke out loud.

He looked back down at the note and realized there was something written on the back…

P.P.S.-You’re welcome Peanut ~ <3.

Peanut smiled as he looked over the title of the book again. With newly found enthusiasm and curiosity, he strolled back over to his chair and sat down.

“Well, it is a book I haven’t read…and Tarot did me this book, and she wouldn’t have for no reason,” Peanut thought out loud.

He flipped the book open again and began to read, hoping now he could finally focus enough to absorb the contents of the book. He started in surprise as he opened the book to a chapter titled “Babylon Gardens”.

“Well, I guess this is as good a place to start as any…”

Part Six

The sky continued to grow dark, the storm clouds that had been a nothing more than a silhouette on the horizon that morning were now seemingly closing in on the Gardens. Grape took notice of the impending storm clouds as she walked through the pet park; she sat down on one of the many benches that the park had and breathed a heavy sigh.

“I wonder what Peanut is doing right now?” she thought out-loud.


The book closed shut, Peanut’s eyes darted back and forth in thought; his mind racing with thought. He stood up from his reading chair and began to pace back and forth. Peanut furrowed his brow in concentration as he went over everything he had read in the chapter: the admiration…the devotion…the romance, all of it came to him. He smiled, blushing as he thought of the main character’s action to prove how much he loved that woman and how important her happiness was to him…

“That’s IT!” Peanut announced with realization.

He walked back over to the chair where he had laid the book and opened it back up to one of the chapter’s pages. The page held an illustration, one of pure awe and beauty. Peanut studied the image carefully, but the smile he had soon faded into frustration and confusion.

“Okay…so exactly how am I supposed do…THIS?”

Peanut began to grow disheartened by the idea of having the perfect way to express the lengths he was willing to go to express his feelings for Grape but not the means to do so. His heart sank and he sat down in his chair. Peanut placed his elbows on his knees and buried his face in the palms of his hands. He sighed in frustration, removing his face from his palms and resting his chin in his hands as he did so. Peanut sat there staring into space; he didn’t know what to do. He had this great idea, this wonderful way to express with deepest sincerity his feelings, but he couldn’t make it a reality.
Peanut rose from his chair. Thinking a good walk might clear his mind of distress, he headed for the door. He opened the door and stared out at the afternoon sky.

“Huh…Looks like it going to rain.”

Well...there is the update. It isn't much but maybe it will satisfy for the while. I'll be on hiatus for a LITTLE while...I hope...
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by trekkie »

It doesn't surprise me that Max has deep real feeligs. A lot of people who have been hurt emotionally will try and cover it up with something, (in Max's case snarkiness) so that they won't be hurt like that again. It's a defense mechanism. Great job with the story so far. Can't wait for updates.
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by copper »

An update!! I always wanted one of those! How did you know? :P

I like this story, it is well written and matches the characters wonderfully.

Peanut sure is going to have a time trying to recreate the gardens of babylon...
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Re: Babylon Treasure

Post by mrfalloutdropout »

Hehehe...thanks guys for the support. I promise that I will finish this story before too long. I actually have the story broke down and ready to be completed...but with college and work I get bogged down. And with Gears of War 3 coming writing will be replaced with a blood lust. You have my word though that I WILL finish this project once I quench my thirst...mwahaha.
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