Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

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Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Mickey »

Welcome, one and all, to the lives of Delmira and Bino! Along with their kids, Barlow, Amy, Bingo, and Danielle. If you don't know any of them, read "Cat Scratch Fever". If you don't want to, that's on you and you probably won't understand anything. Anyway, to start us off on the wonderful adventure that this story will hold! We have this lovely, heartwarming, family scene!
Danielle chuckled as she ran away from the bigger dogs chasing her. There were bills between her teeth and fire in blue and green eyes. Some might have even said that the green one was a bit brighter than normal. She saw a trash can and leaped on it, knocking it over. She removed the bills from her mouth and laughed out loud when she heard them falling over one another. She turned on her heels and began running backwards.

"Ya see? I will always win! You can never stop me! No one can stop Danielle Duchess! No one! Ahaha-yipe!"

Danielle was suddenly picked up by her neck scruff. She writhed and wriggled around, clawing at the offended hand with her blunt, almost nonexistent, claws.

"Lemme go! I'll get my sister on you! Amy's gonna give you a set big fat scars right across your a-oh."

Danielle had looked across her shoulder to see who she was about to sick her "older" sister on, and completely stopped when she saw it was her uncle, Fido. They both looked at the money in her paw then at the approaching dogs.

"Stealing. Is. Illegal."

"I didn't steal it! They left it out in open sight and I needed it, so I borrowed it for a bit. I was gonna give it back!"

Fido rolled his eyes and took the money from his niece. He gave it back to the dogs, who nodded in return before walking off. Danielle was whistling and slowly trying to inch herself out his grasp.

"You're in trouble~!"

"Uncle Fido, don't! Please don't!"

Fido pretended not to hear her as he trapped her under his arm and turned on his heels.
"Danielle Duchess, you did what?!"

Danielle didn't dare meet her parents eyes. She shuffled on her feet, glancing up to see her siblings looking on from afar.


"I-I stole money."

Fido cleared his throat loudly.


Bino sighed and knelt in front of his daughter. He grabbed her shoulder and her chin and made her look at him.

"Honey, we've been over this. You can't steal from others. It's bad and it might end up with you in the pound, and you don't want that do you?"


"Then you need to stop stealing."

Danielle nodded and hugged her daddy. Bino hugged back and smiled. He winked at Fido, who nodded before leaving. Delmira was still glaring white hot daggers, but the sight of her husband snd her daughter was to much. Before she knew it, the three were engaged in a group hug.

"Hey, no fair!"

"Yeah, I wanna hug!"

"Cat-Dog pile!"

Bingo, Amy, and Barlow dropped their toys and jumped their parents and sister. Bino and Delmira were belly-down on the floor, held down by the fluffiness that was their biological children. Delmira chuckled and turned to Bino.

"What did I say at the hospital? Something like, 'That's the last I let you-"

"The kids are right here!"

The two laughed before flipping over and pushing their kids off. The puppens smiled and ran off to play outside. Bino smiled and pulled Delmira closer as they watched them through the window of the large shed they called home. Bino grabbed Delmira's paw and lead her away to watch TV together.
Barlow hung from the ladder of their treehouse, pointing down at his "younger" siblings. They all looked up at him, Amy with her arms crossed and a skeptical look on her muzzle.

"Listen up! If we're gonna play a game, we play under my rule! I'm the oldest and you will do as I say!"

"Barlow, we're all the same age. We're quadrup-le-ets."

The kitten-like puppen's arm fell and he gave his sister an annoyed look. He jumped from the ladder and tumbled a bit before he stopped in front of his siblings. Quickly righting himself, Barlow took the form of authority again.

"Well, according to our birth certificates, I am the oldest, so ha!"

Danielle and Bingo watched, unimpressed, at the two bickering puppens. Bingo turned to the sound of rustling and smiled at the sight of Mitsukuni, a light brown rabbit with a cream underbelly. He jogged over and pulled her over to his family.

"Guys. Guys! How about we just play kickball. I'm on a team with Danielle and Mitsukuni, while Barlow and Amy are on another."

Everyone considered it before going along with it and grabbing the ball and starting the game.
A little while in, Mitsukuni went inside to get a drink, leaving the teams to themselves. Danielle swung her foot out and began to run. Amy sped after the in-air ball, jumping and catching it before it hit the ground. Danielle sighed heavily and returned to her place in line. Bingo called a timeout and the four sat down in the wet grass.

"What are we stopping for?"

"We're waiting for Mitsukuni. It's her turn."

The other shrugged and took to their own thing. Danielle picked at the grass while Barlow hummed a bit. Amy was punching at the air while Bingo tapped away at the Japanese game on his phone. They never noticed the shadowy figure behind them, until they were in a burlap sack being carried away.

Mitsukuni's purple eyes were the size of dots and her cup of carrot juice was spilling into the grass. She launched to her feet and tried to catch up to the man, but the car was already driving off. She panted as she watched it go.

"Oh no."

She turned on her heels and headed toward the house.

"Bino! Delmira! Something's gone wrong!"
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, Mickey. :)
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by The-J-Man »

Yeah I'll definately be reading this!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this first part! I can't wait to see more!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Mickey »

The four siblings sat in the bag, clawing helplessly at it. Amy snapped and grabbed the bag, pulling it in toward her. She chuckled and began gnawing at it with her sharp puppen teeth, eventually wearing it down enough to pull open. She wedged her head through before finally snaking her body through the hole.

"Man, being half cat is awesome!"

The others carefully followed, Danielle kicking the bag away. Amy saw the bars that blocked them from the driver and immediately wedged her nose through.

"Hey! Listen up, Dingus Con! We don't take lightly to being abducted!"

The drivers only response was a light chuckle. Amy growled and barked a bit at him. He turned to them slightly.

"Don't worry, kiddos. That shed was no place for little ones like you. You are going to live with me."

"That shed was our home. Where we live with our PARENTS, genius! You have no idea what's inside it and yet you assume we're poor, unfortunate souls? Dear dog, can you be more stupid?"

The driver took to ignoring her, causing her to his and swipe at him, but he was too far away. She pulled back and sighed, looking at her siblings.

"He asked for it."

The siblings chuckled and smiled evilly before taking a deep breath.

"Far from here is where I want to be..."
Mitsukuni jumped through an open window and ran into the living room. She slid a bit before stopping in front of the TV. She was panting hard and her eyes were still full of fear. Bino and Delmira immediately stood and sat her down, knowing she could be much more than jittery when she got scared.

"Sweetie, sweetie! Calm down and tell us what happened. Why are you so-a *ahem* riled up?"

Mitsukuni took a few deep breaths before turning to Delmira.

"This guy...just took...your kids away!"

The two adults gasped and immediately began asking more questions.

"Which way did he go?"

"He was leaving Babylon, so north. That's all I know."

Bino grabbed Delmira's paw and dragged her out of the house. They immediately began running toward the clubs, of which they surprisingly still ran. They broke off to their respective clubs and rammed the doors open with their shoulders.

"Listen up! My kids-"

"Have gone missing! Me and Bino need your-"

"Help! Please! There was a car going north of here that-

"Has them! We need your help!"

Everyone nodded and took to the streets. Bino and Delmira locked paws and lead them, sniffing at the air.
The puppens were now in a house, in a room full of toys and treats. They slammed on the door, barking and hissing. They scratched at the wood and even attempted to pick the lock with their small claws, but to no avail. They slumped against the door, but Barlow didn't give up. He slid down the rail and looked around, picking through every bin there.

"What are you looking for?"

Barlow didn't answer, instead he dove into a bin and pulled out a prince's outfit.

"You're looking for clothes? Really, Barlow?"

"No! I'm looking for this."

Barlow ripped the clothes from the iron hanger and began unwinding it. He walked up to the door and carefully began maneuvering it. He had his ear against the door and was intensely focused on his work. The other three watched as his face light up when he heard a click. He pushed the handle down and pulled open the previously locked door, throwing his hands out for his siblings.

"After you."

They all fist-bump and walk out. Danielle sticks her paw out to stop her siblings and drops to all four of her paws. She sneaks around, her paws silent on the carpet. Her head turns around a corner, seeing the captor. He was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I got them. Four of them. All healthy and breathing."

He nearly drops his phone.

"How much?"

Danielle seems interested for a second, but soon returns to her siblings. She gets back onto her hind legs and points behind her.

"He's selling us."

The others gasp sightly. Many people had tried to kidnap them, but they didn't know that since Bino and Delmira always chase them off. They stay together as they walk into the kitchen. Bingo smiles as he opens the cupboard and pulls out a pan. He fills it random, flammable, things from the fridge and, as quietly as possible, slides into the oven. With a flick of his wrist, the oven lights and begins to set the items on fire. They duck into the hallway as they hear the footfalls the captor. He yelps as he removes the pan from the oven and goes outside. The puppens come out and look around, breaking for the front door. Barlow pulls out the hangar again and begins to pick the lock as quickly as possible.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Everyone but Barlow whips around to see the captor, holding a hatchet. He advances toward them and Amy steps out in front of them. The captor makes a snrk noise toward the small puppy-like puppen before bursting out laughing. She growled and jumped at him with a hiss. The others watched in amusement as Amy laid the law out for the captor. She brushed her paws together as she walked back over. Barlow heard a click and opened the door. The four were about to leave when Danielle turned and walked back over to the captor. She shuffled through his pockets, pulling out his phone and wallet. She looked at her unimpressed siblings.

"I'm not stealing his money! Jeez, have some faith in me!"

Danielle shook her head and she dialed 911 and opened the wallet.

"Yes, hello. I would like to report a kidnapping. Four puppens. Pup-pens. Yes, like kitten-puppies. I-It doesn't matter! Anyway, our names are Barlow, Amy, Danielle, and Bingo. The captor's name is....*whisper*. We're at the shed at the end of the north road. We will hold him until you arrive. M'k, thanks."

Danielle clicked the phone shut and put it on the floor. She rummaged through his wallet, pulling out a few bucks. Feeling some pity for the beaten man, she left him a dollar and took the other twenty.

"He is going to jail! He's not gonna need it!"

Amy sighed and grabbed the man, motioning for the others to help. Together, they all managed to drag him down the road with too much injury to themselves. They stopped dead in their tracks at the appearance of their parents, a mob of pets, and the police. They looked up at them.


Bino and Delmira snatched them into a hug, peppering them with kisses.

"I'm so glad your safe!"

"Be careful next time!"

The puppens smiled at each other and hugged their parents back. Everyone watched as the captor was taken away. They waved goodbye sarcastically and each took pleasure in throwing a small rock at him before he was fully put away. The car took off and so did everyone else. Bino's ears rose along with his eyebrows.

"Wait a minute. How did you get out of there alone?"

The puppens looked up at their parents before looking at each other. They giggled and winked at each other before looking up BIno and Delmira again.

"That's for us to know and for you to never find out."
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really do like how this is turning out! I really want to see more!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Mickey »

Introduction arc is over, so regular arcs begin!
Amy was outside again, tied to her doghouse. She had beaten up another dog and caused a mess in the house. The knot was too tight for her to undo and the rope was too thick to chew through. She sighed and sat on her tail, watching the grass when an opening door caught her attention. She looked up to see Delmira carrying a plate. Amy's nose picked up on the scent of ribs, fish sticks and mashed potatoes, her favorite meal.

"Hey, sweetie, thought you might be hungry."

"I'm fine mom."

Delmira set the plate beside her, on the small table that sat outside her house.

"I'm sorry we had to put you out here again, but you can't keep trashing the house. I love you and all, but"

"If you love me, you stick me out here almost day. Just go away!"

"Listen here, Amy! You brought this upon yourself. If you hadn't-"

"If I hadn't this, if I hadn't hat! That's all you ever say! Well, this is what I'm saying, mom! GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU EVER AGAIN! I HATE YOU! I WISH I WASN'T PART OF THIS FAMILY!"

Amy crawled into her doghouse and turned her back to her mother. She didn't notice the tears streaming down Delmira's face. She gasped at the feeling of her collar being removed and she was suddenly dragged out of he doghouse. She was picked up by the scruff of her neck and dropped onto the pavement. The gate shut and she looked up to see Delmira walking away.

"If that's how you feel Amy, then alright. Watch out for the dog catcher."

Amy almost began to cry, but instead she stood up and cheered.

"You think I can't live on my own? Well, you're wrong! I'll show you."

Amy picked herself up and began walking into the forest.
Lil' short, but it's just a set up.
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can see that somehow backfiring on Delmira if she does end up getting caught.
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by The-J-Man »

nice setup you have there. it really builds up the suspense
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Mickey »

The Delmira and Bino stumbled through the snowy forest, hugging themselves and their kids as the wind nipped at the skin under their fur. They huddled together as they pushed against nature's force. Delmira nearly tripped, scrambling to keep Barlow and Bingo against her. Bino, still holding Amy and Danielle, helped his wife up.

"We have to keep going!"

"Bino! Bino, I-"


Delmira looked at the two puppens in her arms. They were gripping her shoulders and shaking, looking up at her with their eyes sparkling with icy tears. Delmira set her teeth and stood up fully, continuing to march on. Bino did his best to keep pace with her. Danielle suddenly looked away from her fathers chest, raising her ears. The wind carried something. A noise. A tweet? No, that wasn't right. Danielle turned her head, listening all around for something. Bino noticed this and nudged her with his nose.



A sharp, but quiet noise flew through the air. A whistle. Danielle frantically shoved her fathers shoulder. When he didn't look at her, she grabbed him by the ears and forced him to.

"A train. A train is coming."

"A train?"

Danielle nodded and pointed in a direction. Bino turned to Delmira, yelling out the information he was given. Delmira turned and the two pushed on toward the whistling, now audible to all. They saw the tracks and the whistle was getting louder. The light was getting brighter and soon, a train cut through the icy winds and nearly blew the family backwards. The train screeched as it slowed down to a grinding halt. A bright light was flashed around before landing on the family. Delmira handed the boys to Bino as the light came closer, preparing to fight.

"Sir! I was right!"

"It's a bunch of animals!"

Delmira didn't lower her stance, but it did waver a touch. The light was suddenly lifted up, revealing the smiling faces of an wolf-fox and an arctic fox. They both sported conductors caps and held their hands out.

"Easy. You guys need some help?"

Delmira finally dropped her fists and nodded. She gestured to her family.

"W-We got lost looking for our camp."

The two chuckled a bit and waved their paws toward them. The family hesitantly walked over, Bino and Delmira picking up their children. The foxes threw their hands out toward the train.

"Go ahead and get on. Free of charge!"

"T-Thank you. That's very kind."

Everyone walked onto the train. Bingo turned to say thank, but noticed how they were still smiling. Their smiles began to curl and twist as their eyes began to get sinister. Bingo shuddered and quickly got on the train, grabbing his mothers arms and holding on tight.
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Mickey!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful chapter here Mickey! Looks very well-done!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by The-J-Man »

Oh there's no telling what will happen next
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Mickey »

The family aboard, oblivious to the screams. Only one feels it's not all that it seems. The youngest of them all, with fright of his brain. Can this little puppen figure out the mystery of this train?
Bingo still clutched Delmiras arm. He lurched as the train pulled off and he felt a small paw on his shoulder. He turned to look at his twin, Danielle. She had a look of concern on her face. She green and blue eyes stared into his similar ones.

"You okay, bro?"

Bingo nodded, seemingly lost his voice. Danielle accepted the answer and clumsily climbed back into the seat next to her father. Delmira felt little claws pricking her arm and looked down at her son. She smiled and picked him up, setting him in her lap. Bingo's tail wagged as he turned to the window, watching trees speed by and snow swirl in the wind. Satisfied with the distraction, Delmira leaned over as far as she could. She swung out a bit, successfully nudging Bino. He turned to her, watching her pat the space next to her. Bino took the message and stood up, rousing the kids and nodding toward their mother. They all laughed as they climbed up next to her, Bino closing the gap. With Danielle in his lap, Barlow next to his mom, and Amy next to him, they all snuggled together. Delmira dragged her arm over Amy and Bino put his over Barlow. They two grown animals locked hands, trapping the two behind their hand-holding. Bingo and Danielle were held to their chests with their other hands. They all cuddled, soon drifting off to sleep.

Bingo awoke to the sound of creaking. His twitched around, he knew someone was sneaking. The puppen pushed away from his mothers loving arm. He saw a dark figure and his fur rose in alarm. In an orange flash, Bingo did dash, pulling wildly on his mothers fur. He pointed behind him, but she did remind him, that she was sleeping for sure. Bingo whimpered and turned, meeting the figures black fur, giving him a terrible fright. But he set his fangs and bared his claws and said:

"It is I who will protect my family tonight."
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this short chapter! It might not be long but I really like how it all came out!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, Mickey. :)
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by The-J-Man »

Is bingo brave or foolish? Only time will tell
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Mickey »

Bingo growled and unsheathed his claws and rolled his wrists. He hissed and curled his paws into fists. He dropped to all fours and let out a roar. He sprang forward, barreling into the figure, and slamming him into the door. He raised his claws and to strike this man like he should. But something grabbed his wrists before he could. Bingo turned who dare stop him, but was left staring. Delmira was there and her blue eyes were glaring.

"Mom, let go! He was going to attack me!"

"Bingo, it's the conductor! Who else would it be?"

Delmira pulled a flashlight from her belt. She flashed it to reveal a white pelt. It was the arctic fox from before! He was rubbing his head, he had been slammed into a door. Delmira helped him up and looked at the boy.

"Be careful next time, he's not a chewtoy!"

Delmira attempted to go back to her seat. That is when she realized she couldn't move her feet. She turned to see the arctic fox still gripping her arm.

"Uh, sir...We mean you no harm."

But the fox didn't budge. Bingo had ran over to give him father a nudge. The fox just smiled, but it appeared to curl. He yanked her to him and said:

"The plan shall unfurl..."
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by The-J-Man »

WOOO boy, i cant wait to see how this plays out. Nice job mickey!
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, Mickey. :)
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Re: Cat Scratch Fever 2: Puppens Adventure

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this! I was really wondering when I would see more from you!