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Welcome Home

Post by Mickey »

There wasn't always a difference between the cats and the dogs. They lived together in peace for years. No one knows what happened, but whatever it was it caused a war. Some say it was broken promise between the tribes. Others say it was the dogs fault. Some say the cats were the ones who did it. Some say it was both. Either way, the cats were outnumbered and just didn't have the strength to beat the dogs in the war. The cats ultimately lost and all of them were locked away underground. All cats of species, breed, height. The dogs stayed on the surface and thrived along with the humans, while the cats made a living underneath the earth. This is how it was. No dogs have ever entered the Underground and no cat has ever gone up to the Overground. At least, that's how it was.

Three dogs walked up to the Dogs Paw Crevice. One was a beige puggle with black ears, tail tip, and muzzle. His deep brown eyes were sporting some blue around the edges, but you'd have to look real hard to notice. His beaten up brown collar had blue diamonds with brown stitching making more diamonds. He wasn't very muscular, but he did have a walking stick and a limp. Not from age, no, he had gotten hit by a car. He was alright though. Though one couldn't tell simply from likely, he was the oldest of the group of three.

The other was a big, black, husky-wolf hybrid. He had the most amazing eyes. They were either red or brown in certain lights, but if the light hit them just right, they were a volcanic mix of both colors. He wore a red and green harness over his muscles, which were visible through his fur. He was big, handsome, muscular, and everything any lady-dog would want. He was the second oldest of the group and was currently attempting to keep the puggle steady, showing his caring nature.

The third was a beagle/hound-dog puppy mix. He had light brown fur with a white underbelly, muzzle, and a blaze stripe going up between his eyes. His eyes were the same blue as his loose-fitting collar. His floppy ears flew all about as he hopped up and down and ran around, clearly excited.

The husky-wolf made a low, rumbling, chuckle as he watched the younger pup play around as they traversed up the mountain's steps.

"Blaze, please. Calm down."

Blaze giggled and continued to run around, literally leaving no rock unturned.

"Sorry, King, but it's just so exciting to be here for the first time!"

Blaze raced over and grabbed the paw the puggle wasn't using. He skipped along with the older dogs steps, which was surprisingly hard. Even with a bum leg, he could still move pretty fast.

"Hey, Tyrome! Have you ever been up here before?"

Tyrome smiled at the pup, revealing his crooked jaw. The left side was shoved to the right, but it didn't even phase Blaze.

"Yeth, I have. Why do you athk?"

"I'm just curious, is all! Is it cool? What if one of us falls in?"

King smiled and picked up the pup by his armpits. He tickled him on the belly with his nose, earning giggles and squeals from him. King got him in a headlock and nuggied his little brother. Blaze pushed him away and the two engaged in a scuffle. Tyrome sighed and walked over, separating the two with his stick.

"Come on, you two. We're here."

Blaze let out a squeal that caused the older dogs to lower their ears. He bound forward towards the gaping hole in the ground. King yelped and raced forward. Blaze jumped too far and was about to fall down the hole. He leaned and threw his paws out, catching the pup before he fell into the depths of the Underground. Thing is, he leaned too far. Tyrome launched forward and caught his stick around King's waist. He threw his weight backwards with all his might and all three of them fall back, away from the darkness. Blaze was still giggling, but one look from King and he zipped his lip. King stood up, holding Blaze out in front of him.

"Young man, you could've gotten hurt just now! Imagine what would have happened if you had fallen down?

Blaze nods and his ears droop, hanging even lower than normal. Tyrome sighs and stands up, wincing at the new pain in his other leg. He grumbled to himself, but his string of swears ended as he came to stop in front of the brothers.

"How would you boyth like to hear a thory about the Underground?"

Blaze nodded while King rolled his eyes. It wouldn't be anything he hadn't heard before. Cats and dogs, war, underground, blahblahblah. Tyrome noticed the older dogs disinterest and smirked.

"Well, thinte one of you ith into thith.

Tyrome went to sit down, but as he started to set his stick down, it slipped on a loose patch of dirt. The stick suddenly being thrown off balance threw him off balance. He tittered near the edge, swinging his arms. King and Blaze shot forward and tried to grab him, but the puggle was gone down the hole before they could even get halfway there. They watched his form disappear into the darkness and, in a stupid act of bravery, Blaze jumped in after him. King screamed and jumped in after Blaze. He caught Blaze, but they couldn't see Tyrome. In fact, they the couldn't see anyth-


Seconds ticked by like hours and all they could see was a swirling darkness and all they could hear was ringing.


King awoke to Tyrome screaming about some random stuff he didn't fully hear. He tuned out the older dog and stood up. Ttyrome got up and attempted to shove King, but the behemoth of a dog barely budged. King looked around frantically.

"Where's Blaze? Blaze! Blaze!"

"I am literally in your arm, King."

King looked down to see Blaze in the crook of his arm, giving the older dog an annoyed looked. King chuckled and looked around. He looked up at the hole in the Earth above them.

"We're in the Underground."

"How do we get out?


All three dogs turned to the direction the sound came from. A smile appeared, white as snow. It separated into two smiles and two kittens walked out. One was black with white paws and feet while the other was white with black paws and feet. They both had piercing eyes of the others primary color and almost seemed sweet if it weren't for the creepy smiling and staring. They walked up to the group of dogs and smiled wider.

My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by The-J-Man »

Oh yes, I am definitely hopping on this train.
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, Mickey. :)
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job on this Mickey! I can't wait to see the rest!
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Legotron123 »

Geeeeeeeeeeeeee, I wonder what this is based off of?
Wonder how this'll go with three protagonists instead of one. Pacifist, Neutral, or Genocide? I'd go with Pacifist, buuuuuuut I really wanna see Omega Flowey. Also, considering what you have to do in Genocide, I don't think that kind of story would be allowed.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Mickey »

King handed Blaze to Tyrome and took a fighting stance in front of the two. The cats laughed again, circling the group in two directions before joining together again.

"I'm Dea!"

"I'm Des!"

"We're cats!"

King pushed Tyrome and Blaze further behind him. The cats sighed, their smiles never dropping. They shook their heads, shrugging. King seemed to waver a bit. These cats didn't seem like they wanted to do any damage, but cats are known to be very crafty. He tightened his stance and glared harder at them.

"You guys must be new here, aren't ya?"

"You must be so confused! Hehe~!

"I guess we'll just have to teach you guys how things work down here!"

King backed up a little more, obviously ready to strike these kittens down if needed. They snapped and the three dogs gasped. There were three floating hearts in front of them, one green, one blue, and one red. Blaze reached out to touch the red heart in front of his chest, but King gripped his paw and put it back at his side. The two kittens phased in, still smiling.

"Those hearts right there are your SOULS. They are what make you you!"

"Right now, you guys have weak SOULS, but you can make them strong be collecting some LV!"

Tyrome gripped his stick tightly, but his head still tilted at the mention of LV.

"What's LV?"

The cats giggling made Blaze shiver and bury himself into King's side.

"It stands for LOVE!"

Tyrome swore he saw the cats smiles become more sinister, but with his old eyes, he couldn't be sure. He still moved forward, clearly prepared to fight.

"Ya'll want some LOVE?"

"Don't worry, we'll share some with you!"

The cats winked, sticking out their tongues. The dogs were confused by the little stars that appeared when they winked, but what happened next was just as confusing. The cats snapped and little white and black balls of light appeared around their heads.

"These are friendship balls! Collect as many as you can!"

The balls flew towards the dogs and they each reached out, not sure what the expect. The balls struck them right through their souls and the dogs howled out in pain. The cats cackled and joined hands, walking closer together, if possible. They started to look like one cat, split directly down the middle with two colors. The smile was one and whole, full of sharp pointy teeth.


The dogs fell to their knees, holding their chests. The cats snapped and a whole arsenal of light balls surrounded them. Tyrome and King shifted to protect Blaze and the cats laughed to the sky again. The balls began closing in and the dogs prepared for their fate.


The dogs opened their eyes, seeing a fireball appear and launch the cats away. They snorted and licked the blood from their noses as the balls phased away one by one with a pop. Two more fireballs appeared and the cats hissed at them, but walked away none the less. King and Tyrome checked Blaze for injuries, but he pushed them away.

"Guys! I'm not a newborn anymore."

"That is up for debate."

Blaze shoved his older brother when another cat walked out from the darkness, a leopard. She dressed in a pale yellow robe with wide sleeves.This time, Tyrome and King shoved Blaze behind them and didn't hesitate to be hostile towards the cat. She raised her hands, taking a step back. She gave them a smile, hoping to put them at ease. The smiling only made them move towards her. She lowered her ears and was about to fight back when Blaze shoved forward.

"Stop it! She just saved us!"

"Is this true? Were you the one who chased those cats away?"

The leopard nodded, dropping her hands and walking forward.

"Indeed I did. Sorry if I have caused you any discomfort with my presence, but I just couldn't let those vile excuses for cats just hurt new strangers such as yourselves. I am Sere."

The cat placed her hands in her sleeves and bowed. Tyrome kinda wanted to bash his stick over her head then and there, but Blaze's trust her placed him at ease to some extent. When she rose again, her green eyes seemed softer. She turned and began to walk, motioning for them to follow. Blaze rushed to catch up with her while, King went to keep an eye on Blaze, and Tyrome followed to keep an eye on the leopard. He was never very trusting of cats, let alone one that was bigger than him. He walked along the other side of her, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

Sere smiled as Blaze skipped along side her. King apologized for his behavior, but Sere assured him it was all right.

"You are the first dogs to come down here in a long time."

She turned to King and looked him over.

"You are a canid, correct?"

"Yes, of course. Why do you ask?"

"You are just the biggest dog I have ever seen." Sere looked away as blush settled on her cheeks. " You are so muscular and handsome!"

King blushed and rubbed his neck while Blaze and Tyrome just gagged. Sere held out her arms and walked up to a series of panels of the floor.

"Allow me to enlighten you on how the Underworld works. No 'friendship balls', I promise."
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really wonderful job on this! It really came out nicely!
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Buster »

I'm having a hard time actually caring about these characters...
Rehashing a plot certain audience members already know nearly every iteration of is not a good way to introduce OCs to said audience members.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Mickey »

It's easier to throw people off that way, Buster.
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
ImageImageImageImage (There's actually 6 eggs, but I ran out of links)
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So did you just give us a hint of whats to come? :P
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Re: Welcome Home

Post by Legotron123 »

I'm just waiting for Omega Flowey. Or, Omega Deades, I guess.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?