help with a design

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help with a design

Post by Buster »

I was wondering if I could get help from one of you with something?
It's for a project of my own on another site...

I have no trouble editing altered details onto sprites I already have a template for But i'm kinda crap when it comes to creating the basic shapes/poses. I always wind up having to track down a template to work from. (it's the scale, I can't reliably draw a sketch to work from that small; it just turns into a garbled looking silhouette. so I need some other way of keeping track of the proportions...)

There's a character I'm working on right now that i'm having trouble with and i can't find a template that's appropriate...

I was wondering if I could get one of you to make a template for me? It doesn't have to match exactly, just be close enough that i can edit it. Just basic walk cycles and a few common poses, from different angles. Not too many I want to do most of the poses myself, but i need somewhere to start from.
The original used was a modular character made out of chunks from multiple games, including Fire Emblem, Megaman X, Medabots, And this wierd blue guy that a can't remember where i got him from. That kinda made the old version a colossal mess, but redoing the character without abandoning the basic design means working on something that has no base-sprite or template...
The original used was a modular character made out of chunks from multiple games, including Fire Emblem, Megaman X, Medabots, And this wierd blue guy that a can't remember where i got him from. That kinda made the old version a colossal mess, but redoing the character without abandoning the basic design means working on something that has no base-sprite or template...
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Re: help with a design

Post by CosmicCoyote »

Out of curiosity, does this have anything to do with NS?

That said, most of my sprite mod experience is with FE sprites, back when I did roleplaying with the games on a few fansites. I mean, you're probably familiar with it, but if not, here's a nice archive of sprite-by-sprite animations. They're mostly battle-focused, though, less generic walking, et cetera.
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Re: help with a design

Post by Buster »

NS? What is NS? Wait, you mean nationstates? Technically yes but mostly no. The Imperium of Laurae predates that by... er... a lot. It was originally the setting of a Furcadia RP, that focused on a town called Four Wind's Valley, since then it's been three abandoned attempts at a webcomic (i tend to burn out quickly due to tablet frustrations) A GURPS campaign run by someone who had no clue how gurps works and was just winging it, a forum rp in a long since deleted Gaia online Guild, an abandoned attempt at a novel, a backstory element of a spritecomic character, the setting of a currently stalled stealth based 2d metroidvania style game that will likely never get off the ground because i spend more time scrapping what i've already made than actually making things, and through it all has been the homeland of my fursona, Rheya.

That said, scaling up and editing fire emblem assets was part of the problem with the origional version, why i'm redoing the character.
This is intended mainly for an attempt to revive a sprite based webcomic over on Smackjeeves, so movement and interaction are my highest priorities. flashy fighting moves not so much.
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Re: help with a design

Post by CosmicCoyote »

Yeah, that NS. The name just sounded familiar. But yeah, I know of the feeling of using a single creative idea over multiple places.

That said, I can only give you my own experience - I was doing FE things, so I used FE assets - I wasn't overly concerned with distinguishing from FE's 'style' so I didn't have to scale up or mix anything else in. Maybe draw a few custom assets, but aside for that... yeah. Sorry if I can't be more helpful on that. I had a few old friends who did more custom spritework, but sadly the site I talked to them on has long gone to oblivion so I can't directly source anything, and I can only give the gist of what I remember they did. I remember one of them giving a little tutorial about custom sprites - they started with a very simple grey and white outline - ya know, bubble head and hands, tubes for each half limb (one for shoulder down to elbow, one for elbow down to wrist, etc), that sort of thing, and used that to make sure that the mechanics of the gait looked right when the sprite was 'in motion'. I also think I remember another one of them mentioning having a background layer handy to double check any foreshortening issues.

I don't know if that helps any either. :/ Maybe somebody else knows better?
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Re: help with a design

Post by Buster »

CosmicCoyote wrote:Maybe draw a few custom assets, but aside for that... yeah. Sorry if I can't be more helpful on that.
Yeah... uh, my being awful at that part is kinda the whole reason i asked for a template...
CosmicCoyote wrote:I don't know if that helps any either.
Vague comments about a half remembered tutorial? Not particularly, no... thanks for trying though.
Shame the site the actual tutorial was on is down, that would probably have been helpful...
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Re: help with a design

Post by Unusuallynamedperson »

Why not email one of the guys on a cite contributing to that comic. 'U'

I am sure a bigger fan would want to help out.
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Re: help with a design

Post by Buster »

Because Smackjeeves is a massive site hosting hundreds of comics, and I don't really know the (something-million) users there well enough to know who to ask or where. Also what fans? The comic the character was originally for has been dead for years and I can't start the new one without a main cast, whom this sprite is the template for.

I figured it was better to ask people i know then pester random strangers...
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Re: help with a design

Post by Unusuallynamedperson »

Makes sense, Kitsune had a site you could've used on the dev thread if it helps,
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