Tarot & Keene: Civil War

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Tarot & Keene: Civil War

Post by CyberDragon »

I can't believe I have to do this...

All right, so I'm making this thread for all of your Tarot vs Keene discussions and arguments so that the comments aren't continuously flooded with them. If you think Tarot's right? Say so and say why. If you think Keene's right, do the same. If you think both of them are well made characters with both flaws and virtues that make them interesting and that the author knows what he is doing like I do, you can say that here as well. Then discuss your opinions here.

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My take on this: Both Tarot and Keene are well made characters that don't deviate from their personalities, and have good reasons for their flaws. Tarot is a control freak who needs to be right, and is irritated when she is proven wrong. She didn't start out this way though. She only seemed to get this way after the game ended, and I think that was a deliberate move. She used to be psychic. She used to know everything. She was an avatar of a demigod. Now she isn't. Her whole life, she has known everything, and now she doesn't. Thus, she now feels the need to prove to herself that she is right because she no longer knows that to be true. As such, she became controlling and angry and uncertain. I feel this is actually a sign of good writing because it feels like there was a lot of attention to detail in the development of her personality.

I have similar, but different views on Keene, but I'm out of time, so I will have to explain them later.
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Re: Tarot & Keene: Civil War

Post by Douglas Collier »

I believe that, while Keene could have been more cautious going into this, Tarot didn’t give him a reason to do so. She overestimated her capabilities and underestimated Keene’s, which led to the situation where the mana was tipped over. Actually, before that, she underestimated Peanut’s role, which led to Keene being summoned in the first place. But before that, she neglected to bribe or take out the competition before getting to the bottom floor. My point is, all of this could have been avoided if Tarot understood that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and she failed numerous times to prevent things until it got out of control.

All Keene has done was follow the advice of a heavenly being (his father) to be the one who fixes everything. Considering he was given no advice on how to do this, it’s not fair to blame him for looking for the seemingly simplest and quickest way to fix things. And with everyone getting in the way of what he likely perceives as a holy quest, it’s not hard to see why Keene is getting so frustrated at everyone going against him; even Breel, in Keene’s eyes, had let his personal emotions get in the way of letting Keene accomplish the thing he had been sent to do.

I’m siding with Keene on this one.
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Re: Tarot & Keene: Civil War

Post by Buster »

personally, i think the fault lies with neither. Save for king, animals in this world have been shown repeatedly to be chronically shortsighted, rarely even acknowledging there is a big picture let alone looking at it. meanwhile tarot has the opposite problem, she's spent so long only focusing on the big picture while everything else fixes itself that that's all she can see. basically both sides are missing important details because of tunnel vision.

Meanwhile, we have a demigod who should have just LOCKED THE BLOODY DOOR when his players no longer needed to use the temple, but instead banked everything on dead folks doing... something. not entirely sure what but clearly not this.
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Re: Tarot & Keene: Civil War

Post by NHWestoN »

For critters, they're awfully human, ain't they? The darlings....
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Re: Tarot & Keene: Civil War

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Dagnabbit, now I can't help but picture Tarot and Keene dressed like Captain America and Iron Man.

Actually on topic, yeah both of them are nincompoops.

Tarot should have been more open about the negative repercussions of the well and Keene should have taken the girl who has way more experience with this type of thing more at face value.

In the end, this was a result of the two of them severely underestimating how completely stubborn the other could be.

But the world is full of shoulda coulda wouldas. Mistakes will happen. Now how do they fix it?
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Re: Tarot & Keene: Civil War

Post by NHWestoN »

'ppears we now have a truce. Maybe our dueling duo have buried the hatchet....

EXCEPT, as they say, no one forgets where they buried the hatchet?
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